International Network of Emerging Library Innovators
(INELI India and South Asia)
Leadership Program for Library Innovators
Call for INELI South Asia - Cohort 3
Application Form
- Profile
Date of Birth and Age / / / and Yrs
Sex / Male / Female
Academic Qualification
Total Professional Experience / Yrs
Current position / Title
Library or Organization name
Staff strength in Library
Library or Organization complete address
Library latitude and longitude
Library or Organization URL
Email address
Social Media
Skype contact name
Do you have a valid passport
Provide the passport number
Expiry date /month/Year
Telephone / Work
- Please attach a brief CV or resume to your application with your passport size photo
______Yes, I have attached a brief (max. two-page) CV or resume to my application.
- Experience of working with public libraries
How long have you been working with public libraries and briefly describe your responsibilities in your current position. You may include links to relevant documents or websites. (max. 500 words)
- Experiences with public library services
Share two examples that demonstrate your involvement in planning, implementing, or evaluating public library services. You may include links to relevant documents or websites. (max. 200 words)
- What would be one change you would make in your library or one service you would like to introduce in your library if you had the freedom, financial and human resources required for doing it?
Describe the change or service you would bring about and what is the difference or impact you expect will happen as a result of it. (max. 500 words)
- Do you think Public Libraries can provide? Tick (√) your response.
1 / Access to and relevant information to its community from your library using ICTs
2 / Disseminate relevant information to its community from your library using ICTs
3 / Need based and innovative services for your communities (non-users)
4 / Incorporate the United Nation Sustainable Development Goal (UN-SDGs) in your library services
5 / Can you identify and address the needs of community (user and non-user) through your library
6 / Can you build network among the other library professional within and across other country
7 / Are you willing to develop project proposals for sustaining the library activities for your library
If any apart from above:
- As a librarian, can your library be a knowledge learning centre to the society? How, briefly describe.
Describe how libraries can contribute and share knowledge with the society. What would be the role of the librarian to being part of transforming the library. (max. 500 words)
- Why do you want to participate in the INELI South Asia program?
Describe what are you keen on learning by participating in this program and being a member of the network? How do you want to contribute to the INELI South Asia Network (max. 500 words).
- Please specify how you will be fulfilling the requirements of this INELI South Asia program.
Particulars / Yes / No / Your Comments
I have sufficient English language skills (oral and written) to participate in INELI South Asia meetings, online training, and collaborative projects.
I am willing to complete my INELI South Asia skills building assignments on time and engage in the online community. I understand this will require approximately 10 hours per month.
I have access to technology (computer and Internet connectivity) at work, and I will be allowed to use this technology to complete my INELI South Asia obligations.
I have access to technology (computer and Internet connectivity) at home or access outside office and I am able to use this technology to complete my INELI South Asia obligations.
I have access to Skype (or can obtain access to Skype) to engage in discussion with other INELI South Asia participants and mentors.
I have sufficient computerskills (proficient in Word, email etc.) to enable me to participate in INELI activities.
I am willing to enhance my professional skills by completing the online INELI South Asia training modules.
I am willing to work with one or more INELI South Asia participants to take up small assignments on a topic of mutual interest.
I am willing to share and document stories of events and activities undertaken by me for improving library related services, in my library.
I am willing to participate in the three INELI South Asiaconvenings during December 2017 and September 2019.
If selected, I am willing to sign a letter of agreement indicating my intention to fully participate in the program and network activities.
If selected, I am willing to get duly attested copy with signatures from our department heads and respective ministries for the purpose of international travel.
My proposed involvement in INELI South Asia will be supported by the organization for which I work.
- Any other additional information, if you want to provide
- Date of Submission : / /
Signature of Librarian:
Approval from the Head of your Department / Organization
NameForm of address / Mrs. [ ] Ms. [ ] Mr. [ ] Dr. [ ] Other: ______
Current position/title
Library or Organization name
Email address
Skype contact name
Telephone / Work
Signature and Seal of the Head of the Department: