Industrial Advisory Council

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Minutes of Meeting #81

December 3, 2003

Introductions - Members introduced themselves during breakfast.

Reports and Discussion Items:

1. IAC Membership (Rosenkrantz) - The Council has some membership changes: Dan Smith may be the representative from Guidant. Tony Chan will remain a member-at-large. He may continue membership as member at large until he finds other employment. Andy Reynolds joins as a member representing Northrup. Bob Nordoff continues as a member at large. Mr. Fleming joins representing UPS with plans to continue supporting the UPS Scholarships. Dr. Okhuysen is working on new membership representing the plastics manufacturing industry. We are conducting a search of the departmental alumni to find potential candidates. One duty of each of the present membership is to continue to identify possible members. The department will conduct the follow-up of any candidate identified.

2. Personnel and Budget (Sadat) - The department has lost 3 ½ full time faculty members in the past year, and has been allowed to replace them with one ½ time instructor. There is no budget for replacement of full time faculty. The budget for 2003-04 was cut by 10% over the previous year. Engineering had predicted this loss last year and had set aside funds in anticipation. We expect another 10% budget reduction this year with no provisions to make up the loss revenue. Part-Time faculty will be in jeopardy next year.

3. Don Zook Memorial Scholarship - The memorial has been funded with $1500 in gifts. These have been matched with another $1500. If we can raise another $5000 and get it matched, we will have enough to establish an endowment.

4.  Student Enrollment - The flood of enrollments was reduced by the University Enrollment Management program. This was a budget driven reduction. Change-of-Major students continue to be a significant source of students for the department. The MFE major responds heavily to the climate of manufacturing in industry. The visits from the local high schools have great promise for student enrollment. A faculty member visited Don Bosco and is impressed with their students and faculty. There may be a problem with articulation between Cal Poly Pomona and Don Bosco. This problem does not appear to exist between Cal State LA and Don Bosco. We are missing an excellent source of prepared students. Discussion included the geographical zones (tiers) which the university has elected to concentrate upon does not seem to favor enrollment in Engineering. The tiers need to consider at least colleges if not majors. The new building has influenced the number of students applying. We should repeat the visits between faculty at high schools and faculty here like we did with Santiago High School. This practice is a potential gold mine for us.

5.  Assessment (Rosenkrantz) - The next ABET visit is only two years away!! ABET is looking at Outcomes which they define as “student knowledge at graduation” and Objectives which they define as “positions of the students 3 to 5 years after graduation. ABET is looking for objective (numerical) data rather than surveys etc. The department has an all day retreat scheduled for January 5th to start preparation for the visit.

6.  Future Meetings and Dates of Interest

February 18, 2004 (Wed.) – DIAC Breakfast Meeting, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Kellogg-West

May 19, 2004 (Wed.) - DIAC Breakfast Meeting, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Kellogg-West

August 18, 2004 (Wed.) -D IAC Breakfast Meeting, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Kellogg-West

November 17, 2004 (Wed.) -DIAC Breakfast Meeting, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Kellogg-West

February 28, 2004 – Engineering Open House, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

March 4, 2004 (Thurs) – Senior Project Presentations

May 14, 2004 (Friday) – IME Department Annual Awards Banquet

May 21, 2004 (Friday) – College of Engineering Projects Symposium