Indianola Soccer Tribe Monthly Board Meeting 9/13/15

Multi-purpose room Indianola Middle School

Attendees: Danyel Wilson, Shelley Heckert, Josh Overton, Jon Overton, Dave Erickson, Anne Hull, Jen Forry, Milo Rosales,Amy Burk, Mitzy Gezel

Facilitator: Josh Overton

Note Taker: Amy Burk

Meeting called to order at 6:09 P.M. by Josh Overton

President’s Report, Randy Heckert: Not present. No report.

Director of Referees, Dave Ericson: We only have 7 referees this season. Most U8 games will not have refs. It seems all clubs are short on refs this season. We purchased Arbiter (changed subscribers) for ref contacts, which will save us $200 per year.

Director of Equipment, Jon Overton: There is still one U10 bag available, but since Milo is coaching that team he does not need an additional bag. We do not have coach’s passes yet.

Following up on pictures, we need to decide when to do pictures and what to do for a fundraiser (magnets or buttons). Most are in favor of buttons.

There are some field conflicts on game days that need to be resolved. Shelley, Anne, Dave and Jon will discuss and contact coaches to reschedule.

Vice President, Open Position: No report.

Director of Fields, Open Position: No report.

Director of Fundraising, Open Position: Mitzi Gezel was in attendance of the meeting and interested in filling this position. Milo made a motion and Dave seconded for Mitzi to fill this position. All approved.

Director of Coaches, Shelley Heckert: We need hard passes for coaches. First aid kits are available if needed. There is no technical training this season (fall), as some parents have been asking. There is a possibility for organized winter technical training once a week. The problem is space.

After the web discussion (below) it was discussed that with the savings from the website and no tech training this season, can we rent space for winter? The school(s) or possibly Wesley Woods? We will get info for next meeting to discuss.

Web Director, Wladimir Rosales: Just before the meeting Milo sent out an email on a new web provider (currently Demosphere) called Blue Sombrero (owned by Dick’s Sporting Goods). Other clubs such as Johnston, West Des Moines, Urbandale and Adel are using this system. They are offering free websites. We do our own registration, and they have the agreement with League One. The only catch is that there is a 2.8% fee for credit card transactions and we have to add their logo to our site. This would be a savings of $1,400 per year. We will table this discussion until the next meeting to give Anne and others a chance to view and demo it. (Add to action items for next meeting).

There is a need for new content for our website. It still says “Registration Open”. Possibly put some action photos, suggested curriculum for each week, etc.

Treasurer’s Report, Josh Overton: Treasurer’s report was distributed and approved. Dave made a motion and Danyel seconded.

Director of Scores, Jen Forry: No report.

Director of Promotions, Danyel Wilson: Homecoming parade will be on October 1. We plan to have a float. Anne will send an email out to parents with information when available and the need for donations of candy to throw. Will also need some parent volunteers to walk.

Registrar, Anne Hull: No report.

Fields Committee, Open Position: No report.

Old Business:

  • Is there a way to change game numbers between ages to distinguish easier?
  • We still need to purchase 3 coach’s polos but we cannot find the correct vendor. Danyel will just purchase some polos and have someone embroider them.

New Business:

  • Are there any teams attending the Kohl’s Cup this season? Or Shoot the Moon in Adel? Need to email the coaches to make sure they are aware of the upcoming tournaments.
  • We need to get the Fields Committees back up and going before next fall when we lose the fields.

Next meeting is Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 6:00 P. M.

Motion for adjourn from Jon, seconded by Milo at 6:54 P.M.