Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science
Author Instructions
I. General Information
The Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science invites submissions of original research and writing by undergraduate students. Submissions may come from any area within cognitive science, including, but not limited to: anthropology, artificial intelligence, biology, computer science, learning science, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology.
II. Submission Information
Submissions should be sent directly to the editorial board as an attachment in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), Rich Text (.rtf), or Open Office (.odt) format. Because this is an online publication, there is no word or page limit. Articles should be edited for grammar and style before submission. Articles should be anonymized for review purposes; however, submissions should include a Title Page that includes the following information: Article Title, Author Name, Major, and E-Mail Address. This information will not be published and is for contact purposes only.
Authors should submit their work via e-mail to the Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science Editorial Board at . Once your submission is received, a confirmation e-mail will be sent by the Executive Editor, as well as a timetable for the review, revision, and acceptance processes. Submission is rolling. Candidate articles may be submitted at any time of the year for consideration in the upcoming volume of the journal. All submissions will be considered equally, and no preference will be given to any particular discipline within cognitive science. There is no limit to the number of articles to be published in a given volume of the journal. However, only articles of sufficient quality, accuracy, originality, and scientific soundness will qualify for publication.
III. Review and Acceptance Process
After submission, the Editorial Board will review all articles and will decide which papers qualify for publication in the upcoming volume of the journal. Authors will be notified by e-mail as to whether or not their paper is accepted for publication. If accepted, authors will be given suggested revisions as tracked changes and comments in their submitted document. While these revisions are not mandatory, authors are expected to show significant consideration of editorial suggestions in their final draft. Once necessary changes have been made, the author should return the revised article to the Editorial Board via e-mail. After final formatting of the publication, the Executive Editor will contact the authors to obtain final approval of any additional changes, and to obtain written permission to publish.
IV. Disclaimer and More Information
Articles published in the Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science are considered to be copyrighted. However, this journal is not a binding publication. Authors are free to submit their work to any other publications they wish. For more information about the journal, please contact the Executive Editor of the Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science at , or by the means below.
Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science
819 Eigenmann Hall - 1910 E. 10th St.
Indiana University - Bloomington, Indiana 47406