Indiana Jones And The Lost City
Devon Slobozian

Chapter One
The Discovery
Egypt 1940
As a shady figure walks into the ancient temple he steps out of the hot
sun and into the cool shade. This temple was built thousands of years ago by
the ancient Egyptians. With his fedora, leather jacket, and bullwhip he
walks down a long stone hallway. When he comes to a dead end he pulls down
on the spear on the wall. A secret door opens on the other wall. Inside the
secret door is a room decorated with carvings and paintings. He walks up to
the far wall that has a painting of an ancient city. Tapping on the stone
wall with his fist he hits a hollow spot. Grabbing a near by rock he smashes
the hollow panel. Inside is a stone chest decorated with the same city
painting. Just as he is about to open the chest, click the sound of a loaded
gun. "Hello Mr. Jones" a voice behind him says.
"Turn around slowly and drop your gun" the man said.
As Indy turns around he sees a face he has seen before. It was a Chinese
man with a short mustache and short black hair. He was well built and on his
right arm had a tattoo of a tiger. Behind him were three big men with
"You saved us a lot of work Jones," the man said. "What's in the chest?"
"Nothing that will concern you Lau Ching" Indy said.
" Now Mr. Jones I do not think that is true" Lau looked at his men and
told them to get the chest.
When the men opened the chest inside was half of a stone tablet with
raised markings.
"It does exist the map to the lost city," Lau said in amazement.
"It's only half of the map" Indy replied.
"Now Jones you interfered with my plans for the last time" Lau said as
aiming his gun at Indy.
Just as Lau was about to pull the trigger Indy grabbed a hand full of
sand and threw it in Lau's eyes.
He stumbled back into one of his henchman. Lau shot blindly at Indy and hit
the other goon killing him. Indy snatched the tablet off the ground and ran
down the hall in which he came.
"Get him you fool!" Lau yelled at his henchman.
The large man chased after Indy but when he got outside the bright sun
blinded the man. When he opened his eyes he saw a fist and was knocked out.
Then Indy jumped on a horse and headed to the nearest airport.

Chapter Two
Back Home
The sun poured through the windows upon the faces of many students. Indy
was back teaching in his class about archeology. The student didn't have a
clue what he was doing after class. They thought he would just go home and
mark papers, what a boring life they thought. Little did they know he was an
Indy was up against his black board drawing down the out line of a
temple. Jotting down little notes beside certain places.
"So this is one of the older pyramids in the Mexican jungle" said Indy.
"Does anyone know why this temple was." Ring the sound of the school bell
ending the day.
As all the unfamiliar faces walked out one walked in.
"Hi Markus" Indy said
"Hello Indy" Markus said with a happy voice. "So how did it go in
"I got it" Indy said with a smile on his face.
Indy walked over to hid desk and opened the top drawer. He pulled out
the stone tablet and a rubbing he made of it.
"So do think this could be it?" Markus said.
"It has to be, this is the closest evidence ever found to the lost city"
Indy said.
"Ah yes the lost city in which the pharos of Egypt left their fortunes
and all the secrets of Egypt" Markus said looking at Indy.
"Lau was also there he tried to get this map"
"Doesn't surprise me, now that word leaked out about it every treasure
hunter and thug will be trying to get it," said Markus. "That is why the
museum wants you to find it before these tomb robbers do and try to sell it
to the black market or private collectors"
"But this is only half of the map" Indy said. "There is no telling where
the other half is"
"That is why I tracked down a private collector in China," said Markus.
"His name is Ling Po he is selling the other half"
"Where can I find this Ling Po?"
"He owns a bar near the room I booked for you"
"Thanks Markus I will find the city for the museum to ensure that these
artifacts are not destroyed or lost" then he shook Markus's hand and headed
for the door.
"Good luck Indy" Markus yelled as Indy walked down the hall and out the
door to catch a plane to China.

Chapter Three
China here I come
When Indy arrived in China he went to the room in which he would stay
for the next couple of days. When he got to the check in counter there was a
beautiful Chinese lady there.
"Hello Mr. Jones" She said with a smile on her face.
"How do you know who I am?" Indy asked.
"Markus called here and told us that you would be arriving"
"Oh. alright which room am I in?"
"Room number twelve down the hall," she said
"Thank you" Indy said and nodded his head.
As Indy walked down the hall the Lady picked up the phone in a hurry.
She dialed the numbers so fast as if the place were on fire.
"Indiana Jones has arrived and he is in room number twelve" then she
hung up the phone.
Indy then went up to his room and unpacked his stuff. Then he was going
to find out where this bar was. According to the directions Markus left him
it was only a fifteen-minute walk from his room. So Indy went down stairs
and out the lobby into the streets of the city. He had noticed that the
lobby woman had left. He assumed that she took a coffee break. When he
arrived at the front door of the bar he realized that that if anything went
wrong he would need a fast getaway. Then he spotted a small-motorized bike
by the bar. He thought that would make a fast retreat if anything went
wrong. Then he opened the door and stepped in. the smell of cigarette smoke
filled his nostrils. Then he walked up to the bar tender.
"I'm looking for a Ling Po" Indy said.
The man just pointed to a table in the far corner of the bar. As Indy
approached he seen two men with their shot glasses and lit cigarettes on the
"Are you Ling Po?"
"Who's asking?" said one of the men.
"I heard that you are selling an artifact," Indy said.
"You heard right I am selling an artifact" said Ling "are you interested
in buying?"
"Yes I would like to but it for the museum I work for"
"I am selling for one thousand dollars" Ling said.
Just as Indy was about to pay Ling he heard a familiar voice from
"I am also interested in buying that piece," the voice said.
Indy turned around and saw Lau. This time he had no body guards with
"Ling do you know who this man is? He is Indiana Jones" Lau said with
"Indiana Jones the Famous archeologist" Ling said. "You costed me lots
of money Mr. Jones on a deal with some partners a couple of years ago"
Then Ling pulled a gun out from under the table and pointed it at Indy.
Then Lau sat down next to him. Then Ling exchanged his stone tablet to Lau
for a wad of cash. Lau placed the tablet on the table.
"So where is the other half Jones?" they asked.
Then the waitress came by and asked if they would like anything to
drink. She had no clue what was going on. Only Indy ordered he asked for a
couple shots of whiskey.

Chapter Four
In need of a friend
"So tell us Jones where is the other half of the tablet?" Lau asked
Then the waitress came back and put the shots on the table and went off.
Indy took one glass in the right hand and with the left raised the other to
his mouth.
"Here's to the lost city," Indy said with a straight voice.
Then he threw the whisky in Lau's eyes blinding him again. Indy threw
the other glass into Ling's eyes and landed a huge punch in Ling's guards'
face. He quickly grabbed the stone tablet and ran out of the bar. When he
looked where the bike was it was gone. So he started running down the street
to his room. When he reached the door of his room he leaned against it and
caught his breath. He looked at the tablet and smiled then walked into his
"Hello Mr. Jones Enjoying your stay?"
It was the woman from the check in counter. She was sitting on the bed
pointing a gun at Indy.
"Give me the tablet and you live" she said.
"Who are you?" Indy asked.
Just as she was about to answer Ling and Lau walked in the room.
"I found the other tablet," she said handing it to Lau.
"Good work here is your money" Lau said and threw her an envelope.
Then the woman left in a hurry. Lau and Ling took Indy and his stuff
down stairs and out of the hotel. Outside was a car waiting for them. They
forced Indy in and then got in.
"Where are we going?" Indy asked.
"To Egypt to find the lost city and your going to help us" Lau said.
Then when Indy was facing Lau Ling injected Indy with some knock out
drops. Then Indy passed out
Indy awoke to the loud air horn of a ship. He was in a little room
aboard a ship. He sat in bed and was a little dizzy from the drug. He looked
around and saw his suitcase at the end of the bed. They took his gun and
whip. As he was searching his suitcase he found the rubbing of the first
tablet. All he needed was the second half and he could head for the city. He
laid back down and let out a heavy sigh. Then the door burst open.
"Hello Jones did you have a good rest?" Ling said.
"Where are we?" Indy asked.
"You are on a ship heading to Cairo," said Ling. "We will be there in
twenty minutes"
"Is there anything to eat here?"
"Lau has asked if you would like to join him for lunch in the captains
"When?" Indy asked.
"I will take you to him now"

Chapter Five
Train Ride
Then they got up and walked down a hallway and up a set of stairs. Then
Ling showed Indy the door and told him he is waiting and then left. Then
Indy walked in and saw Lau at the table.
"Sit down Jones and make your self comfortable" he said.
When he was about to sit down he spotted something. On a desk full of
books and maps was the second stone tablet. There was also a rubbing of it
at the end of the desk. When he sat down he pretended to cough and blew the
rubbing on the floor. Lau didn't notice because he had turned around to look
at some maps near him.
"So what do you want with me?" asked Indy.
"You're going to help me find the lost city then I'm going to kill you"
Lau said still looking at his maps.
"What if I don't help you," Indy said.
"Oh you will Jones trust me" Lau said as he turned around. "Eat
something I assure you that nothing is wrong with it"
So Indiana Jones sat down a grabbed a plate of fruit near him. It was
the first thing he ate since he left for China. Then he saw a bowl full of
dates and got an idea. When Lau turned around again Indy took a date and
threw it on the floor. Then he stepped on it and it stuck to the sole of his
boot. Then he finished eating.
"How to I get to the decks?" Indy asked.
"Why Mr. Jones?" Lau asked still turned around.
"I need to get some fresh air"
"Just take the stairs up down the hall," Lau said.
Then Indy got up and walked towards the door. Then he stepped on the
rubbing and it stuck to his boot. Just as he was about to walk out Lau
turned around.
"Oh and Mr. Jones don't try any useless attempts to escape"
Lau then turned around and started to study the maps again. Not noticing
the paper stuck to his boot. Soon as Indy got outside of the door he
pocketed the map. Now he had both sides to the map. When he got to the decks
the sun on his face and it felt good to be outside. Now he had to find away
to escape. He couldn't swim it was to far even though he could see land. So
he leaned on the rail and was thinking of a way to escape. It was about ten
minutes after he got out of the captains quarters when he saw his way to
escape. It was a little fishing boat passing the ship. He would have to jump
and swim for it. Then he thought it wasn't such a good plan.
"That's him he stole the map" a guard yelled. "Get him don't let him
Then without hesitation Indy jumped over into the water. He started to
swim for the fishing boat as fast as he could. The guard started to open
fire on Indy. The fisherman seen this and went in to pick up Indy. He
quickly climbed aboard and told the man to drop him off at the nearest dock.
Then he looked at the ship and saw Ling and Lau on the deck. Indy waved at
them and sat down.
When Indy got dropped off he got on a bus headed to Cairo. He knew that
Lau had both pieces to the map and that he would have to beat him there.
When he got into Cairo he walked down to a neighborhood he knew well. Then
over to a house and knocked on the door. Then when the door opened he saw
his good friend Sala.


Chapter Six
Under the stars
That night Indy told Sala about the city and how he got the rubbing.
Sala told Indy that the only way to the location would be by train. They
would have to board it then travel into the desert. Then they would have to
get off at the village and walk the rest of the way into the hills. Indy and
Sala knew the only way to stop Lau was to get on the train and hope that Lau
would rest in the village. That way Indy and Sala could pull ahead.
"The train does not leave till morning," Sala said. "Tonight we rest and
tomorrow we search"
"You're right," Indy said.
So they planned out the next step and went to bed. In the morning they
would go to the train and try to avoid Lau.
In the morning they got up early and went to the train station. They got
their ticket and just when they were about to board the saw Lau and Ling.
Indy and Sala hid behind some bags and watched. Lau and Ling stepped into a
private car in the middle of the train. Inside they could see other men.
"Must be his diggers and guards," Indy said.
"We must stay to the back of the train to remain unnoticed," Sala said
looking at Indy.
When Ling and Lau were out of sight they boarded the train. Then with
the loud steam whistle the train pulled out of the station and into the
desert. Later on during the day Indy was thinking of sneaking into Lau's car
and find out what he was up to. He looked at Sala who was sleeping then
shook him.
"I'm going to sneak on to Lau's car and see what's up," said Indy.
"Are you sure that is wise Indy?" Sala said.
"What can go wrong?" Indy said with a smile.
"Let me come so if something does happen"
Indy paused and thought of what could happen if he went alone.
"Alright lets go"
They were two cars behined Lau's. They walked up through a classier car
where people were sitting drinking and playing cards. It smelled of cheap
cigars and cigarette smoke. The other car was filled with horses and digging
equipment of all kinds. Indy assumed that it belonged to Lau. When they got
to the end of the car they looked out the open door. There was a man
guarding the entrance to Lau's car. He was wearing a white robe with a red
turban around his head covering his face.
"What do we do now?" asked Sala.
"I'm going to knock him out and take his robe and sneak in" Indy said.
"What do I do?"
"You wait here and if you hear shoots fired run in and start shooting"
Then Indy walked through the door and up to the guard. Sala could see
Indy talking to him then punched him. Indy dragged the man into the car with
the horses. He handed Sala the guards' rifle and got changed into the robe.
Then he walked to the door and took a deep breath turned the doorknob and
walked in.
Inside were about twenty men in similar white robes and heavily armed.
They were sitting in booths beside windows. Then Indy saw Lau and Ling in a
far booth that was covered with a map. Indy walked over to the empty booth
behind them to eavesdrop on their conversation. As he walked over to the
booth no noticed a thing about him. When he sat down he concentrated on
trying to hear what they were saying over the noise of the guards.