Shields 1
Independent Research Report Rewrite
Directions: Ms. Shields will give you your paper/rubric back with feedback. Please utilize this feedback when rewriting your IRR for a higher score. If you need further feedback regarding your paper, please come to room 147 during SSEP or lunch. Your rewrite is due December 1, 2017 at 8:25 AM. Remember, your paper is to be submitted as a document or pdf.
- Ask your parents to sign the copy of your essay with teacher comments. Papers without parent signatures will be penalized.
- Attach the ESSAY REWRITE RUBRIC AND your rewritten essay to the draft I corrected. The rubric should be on top.
- I will give your rewrite an overall +, , or – grade. Maximum points possible = 30 points.
Use this as a tool and the other resources I provided to help you with your rewrite, and attach this sheet to your rewritten essay!
30 points / You have met ALL requirements for this rewrite. You made and applied ALL requested changes based on the teacher comments on your original essay.
Significant improvement.
25 points / You have met MOST requirements for this rewrite. You made and applied (across all paragraphs) most requested changes based on the teacher comments written on your original essay. You may have missed a couple needed changes, but you made a decent effort to improve your essay.
Adequate improvement.
20 points / You have met SOME of the requirements for this rewrite. You made some changes based on the comments written on your original essay. You may not have applied those changes in additional paragraphs. Most of the changes you made were grammar, punctuation, and spelling rather than more difficult changes, such as elaborating on interpretations, providing more background, revising thesis statements, etc.
Little improvement
0 points / Turn in the same essay as the original.
Rewrite grade will be penalized 3 points for each of the following that is missing.
- Parent signed the copy of your essay with teacher comments. NO/YES
- Student highlighted the changes on the rewrite. NO/YES
- Paper submitted as a document or PDF? NO/YES
Final Score: ______/30 pts
Additional Resources:
Purdue OWL APA Structure Tutorial:
Purdue OWL MLA Structure Tutorial:
Line of Reasoning and IRR Breakdowns