INDEPENDENT ANALYSIS OF The Pearl (Proficient and Exemplary)


1)Analyze this quote: “Kino had wondered often at the iron in his patient, fragile wife” (5-6). (10)

2)On page 6, the author mentions the knowledge of the onlookers instead of their emotions. Why does the author do this? What impact does it have on the reader?

3)When they reach the town, four beggars join the procession. What information do we get from the beggars? What does this information show about Juana?

Vocabulary—Circle or highlight unknown words as you read. Choose 3-5 that you feel are important to the understanding of the text and determine the meaning of word using word parts (roots, prefixes, suffixes) and context clues. Check your guess in a dictionary or google images.

Dialectical Journal______Quiz ______


1)When Kino gets the big oyster, he is reluctant to open it because he thinks what he saw might only have been a reflection. “In this Gulf of uncertain light there were more illusions than realities” (19). Explain how this belief has impacted Kino and Juana’s behaviors/actions.

2)What do Kino and Juana credit for the swelling going down? Provide textual evidence in your response.

Vocabulary—Circle or highlight unknown words as you read. Choose 3-5 that you feel are important to the understanding of the text and determine the meaning of word using word parts (roots, prefixes, suffixes) and context clues. Check your guess in a dictionaryor google images.

Dialectical Journal______Quiz ______


Partner/Group ANALYSIS OF CHAPTER THREE: (Proficient and Exemplary)

1)Why do Kino and Juana allow the doctor to attend to Coyotito?

2)Find three sections that are rich in figurative language.

3)For each section, analyze the impact of the figurative language on the reader.

4)Overall, what is the impact of Steinbeck’s use of figurative language in chapter three—be sure to provide textual evidence in the form of quotes to support your position.

Vocabulary—You know the drill.

Dialectical Journal______Quiz ______


1)As the plot unfolded in the first 3 chapters, we learned about the basic situation of the characters. We also saw how Kino became involved in conflicts after finding the great pearl. In chapter 4 a major complication develops in the plot. What is this complication?

2)How will this complication impact/change the course of the story?

3)Juan Tomas and Kino symbolize different mindsets in the village. What do they each represent?

4)How does their conversation after Kino’s experience with the pearl buyers demonstrate this contrast/difference?

5)How does the stout pearl buyers trick with the coin foreshadow the result of his meeting with Kino?

Vocabulary—You know the drill.

Dialectical Journal______Quiz ______


1)Complete character map for Kino OR Juana

2)In Chapter 3, Steinbeck said a town was like a colonial animal, with all parts very closely tied to each other. What three major events in Chapter 5 break Kino’s ties with the town and make him an outsider?

3)Do you think he could again become part of the town?

4)Why does Juana not become angry with Kino, even though he has treated her badly?

5)At the end of the chapter, Kino says, “This pearl has become my soul…If I give it up I shall lose my soul.” Explain what he means. Does this statement represent a change in Kino’s feeling s from earlier chapters? Explain.

Vocabulary—You know the drill.

Dialectical Journal______Quiz ______


1)In chapter 6, identify 5 more quotes that use personification and analyze each.

2)What tragic event happens—what is ironic about this event?

3)Why do Kino and Juana throw the pearl back into the sea?

4)Why do Kino and Juana return to La Paz instead of going to the capital or to Loreto?

5)What is ironic about the pearl (think about the story as a whole)?

6)Do you think the ending is optimistic or pessimistic? Explain.

Vocabulary—You know the drill.

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