
I am writing to inform you that you have been accepted to the HOFA/IOIA Organic Farm/Process Inspector Training, September 30-October 7, 2004, Kalopa State Park, Hawaii. If you plan to check in on September 29th you may register at that time. If you plan to commute please plan to register no later than 7:30 am on September 30th. Class will begin promptly at 8am.

Included in acceptance packet:

  1. IOIA Organic Inspection Manual which is used as the Basic Organic Farm/Process Inspector Training curriculum material
  2. HOFA Handbook (includes copy of Federal Organic Standards).
  3. IOIA Waiver and Release of Liability and IOIA Confidentiality Agreement.

Both of these documents must be signed and turned in at registration. You will not be allowed to participate in the course if these are not signed.

  1. Course Agenda
  2. Directions to KalopaState Park, Big Island, Hawaii

Please bring these materials with you. We will not provide replacements.

What you will need to bring: (In addition to all of the above items)

  1. Sleeping bag or blankets (Kalopa provides sheets and towels only)
  2. Several black pens, calculator, clipboard (for field trips), and paper to take notes.
  3. If you wish to use your laptop we will provide a printer to print out your field trip worksheets.
  4. For farm inspection tours, please bring appropriate clothing (rain coat, rubber boots, hat, sunscreen, etc.). Hawaii weather is very unpredictable so be prepared for rain and sun.
  5. We also invite you to bring any interesting resource materials to share with others, as well as pictures of your home area. The course offers opportunities to learn from each other in both classroom and informal settings.

As you can see from the agenda the course includes classroom presentation, discussion groups, field trips, and early evening activities. The final test is scheduled for the last day of the course and should be finished by 12 noon.

For those of you flying to the Hilo airport, please inform us of your arrival and departure times before September 15th so that we may have someone meet you at the airport. This person will be holding a “HOFA” placard outside the baggage/pickup area. We anticipate many of you will be arriving on the same flight. For those of you driving, we have enclosed a map to KalopaState Park.

If you have any questions, please call me anytime.


Kelly Lange

Certification Coordinator