
Incident Management Systems Division

Emergency Management Institute

Emmitsburg, Maryland

Mr.KevinJ.Molloyis assignedtotheFederalEmergencyManagementAgency’s(FEMA) National Integration Center Incident Management Systems Division.He is the senior project officer for comprehensive, all-hazard, multi-scenario exercises and training programs. He served as the coursemanager orchief exercisecontrollerfor more than 100 IntegratedEmergencyManagementCourses. He is the first FEMA in-house certified Master Exercise Practitioner (MEP), and he was the first to complete the Independent Study Professional Development Series.He has assisted in the development and presentation of courses for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Customs & Border Protection Agency, and other government agencies.Mr. Molloy was a principal instructor of the MEP program at the CanadianEmergencyPreparednessCollege in Ottawa,Canada.He serves as the U.S.Department of Homeland Security-FEMA representative to the U.S. Central Command in Doha, Qatar, providing and developing training programs supporting CENTCOM’s involvement in the 2006 Doha Asian Games. The training and exercises involved member states of the Gulf Coalition Council. Mr. Molloy also participated in the “Golden Spear 2005” symposium in Nairobi, Kenya, where he gave a presentation on “Disaster Management in the United States.” He served as a controller for the U.S. Army War College 2007 Senior Decision Making Exercise program, and as the FEMA-DHS representative at the United States/Israeli Shared Response Exercise at the WarCollege. Mr. Molloy was directly involved in the Principal Federal Officials exercise training programs conducted at the Emergency Management Institute as well as the Metropolitan Medical Response System training provided to Boston, Miami, Las Vegas, Detroit, and other major metropolitan areas.

Mr. Molloyhas34yearsofexperienceinemergencymanagement,publicsafetycommunications,riskandcrisismanagement,public emergencyinformation, andtraining.Hehas20yearsofexperienceinbusiness,administration,andmanagementinboth the governmentandtheprivatesectors.Heservedasthecounter-terrorismliaisonofficerforthePennsylvaniaEmergencyManagementAgency,CentralRegionOffice.

Mr.MolloywasseniorvicepresidentwithSSIServices,Inc., a firm specializing in emergency management, communications, and business continuity planning.As the DauphinCounty,Pennsylvania, Emergency Management–Emergency Communicationsdirector, he handled emergency planning activities, day-to-day operations, and police/fire/ambulance communications. He directed and coordinated the off-site emergency service response to the ThreeMileIsland Nuclear Plant accidentof1979. Mr. Molloy also served as the News director for WFEC radio in Harrisburg from 1967–1973.

Mr.Molloy served asa volunteer firefighterandemergencymedical services provider for more than 20years. He was aNationalDefenseExecutiveReservist (FEMA)and is amemberof theKeystoneEmergencyManagementAssociation. In 1974, he was voted the Harrisburg Area “Young Man of the Year” for his services to the community.Heisacontributingauthortoabookoncrisismanagement,WhenLightningStrikes.

Mr.MolloyisaveteranoftheU.S.Army.HeattendedWestfieldStateTeachersCollege and the HarrisburgAreaCommunity College. He isagraduateoftheU.S.AirForce(USAF)UniversityExtensionCourseInstitute,theUSAFSquadronOfficersSchool,andtheUSAFAirCommandStaffCollegecorrespondenceprogram.HeisalsoagraduateoftheNationalDefenseUniversity’sReserveComponentsNationalSecurityFieldCourse.

March 4, 2008