In your opinion, what is the greatest ethical challenge facing the


Greeting!!!! Iam Shweta Vikas Khoday from India, Bangalore. I am a teacher and my subject is social studies. As my professions demands me to be upbreast with all latest happenings around the world it aptly coincides with my interest too. So, the following essay is my take on the 'Greatest Ethical Challenge' that the world is facing. Thanks


Eversince, the plethora of civilizations have come into existence, there has been a constant shuffling of varied thoughts, perceptions, behavior patterns, beliefs and likewise many other facets of human survival. These are the basic principles on which humans have been functioning. These can be collectively called 'Ethics'. Ethics can even be best understood as a collection of virtues, creating a mindset that sustains,endures all hardships and intends to bring peace for the overall wellbeing of an individual,community and nation. But the issues arise when the mindsets clash, when the definition of Right and Wrong changes for everyone. As Potter Stewart once quoted,”Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”

What sets Human apart from other living species is the ability to think, create and bring about change. It is true that the 'Human Beings', form the society but it is even more imperative to understand that the morals and principles that the humans accept and abide by, become the ruling factors of that society, and many societies put together make 'World'. This realization perhaps enabled humans to differenciate between ‘how things should be’,and ‘what one wants to be’, but no sooner did man realize his potential to gain what he wants, he equally became aware of his power to do so. Power to change, Power to dominate and Power to establish and so on....This perhaps sowed the seed of anti-ethical elements.


The greatest Ethical Challenge that the world has been and is still facing is 'the belittled essence of ethical approach in every big and small way.' This ignorance has now grown into a vast tree that has spread its branches wide and strong into varied forms and has engulfed the ethical mindsets and is profoundly propagating unethical approach of the people in every walk of life.' To name a few branches of this vicious tree are corruption, human trafficking, racial discrimination, terrorism, smuggling and many more in the similar lines.

'Greed', is another form of ethical challenge.Greed, might sound a primary word but it is deeply rooted through the first, until the recent wars being fought. Greed for self-rule, greed for money, greed for imperialism, greed for absolute monarchy,Greed for dominance.World War I and II were the unfortunate examples of the Greed dominance.

According to Wikipedia the first war ever fought in the History of mankind was the war in Mesopotamia in 2700 BC between Sumer and Elam city. A mention about this war can be traced in Epic of Gilgamesh. This war too was fought over territory acquisition which is again an example of diminishing ethical trend in the form of greed for land and authority. Present day Syria too is meeting the similar fate, and is being subjected to constant airstrikes. Bombarding being as common as crackers going around, again it is because of a group of people wanting to claim their dominance over an area. 'Greed', has a sound role to play in this foul play.


Other challenges faced by the world also includes the atrocities committed over the underprivileged strata of society due to colour, origin, religion and other subservient parameters. This has led the oppressed now become aggressed. Terrorism, as mentioned earlier is another major consequence of unethical trends in today's time. A group of people who believe that they have been greatly wronged and suppressed have now taken on themselves to avenge.

However, somewhere the world knows there is no way an ethical objective can be achieved, in an unethical way. But again, the mindsets of these people are so convinced with their pre-conceived notions that they don't hesitate to lay their lives to attain their objectives, what seems unethical to normal people seems ethically correct to them.

With such clashes going on in world we need people with mindsets and principles that uphold Ethics as the primary virtue and put forward moral courage over physical courage.


Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam once quoted ''If the world has to become a better and corruption free place to live in, then only three people can make this happen they are, the Mother, the Father and the Teacher.' How true are these words, as they reinforce the importance of ethics. Ethical thinking and Ethical objectives have to be embedded in all responsible people of the world as the same can be passed on from generation to generation, such that the world will not face any challenge that will question the ethics of Mankind.