Grade: 4 Lesson # 12

In what ways do people get paid for working?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of income payment?

SS.4.FL.1.3 Workers are paid for their labor in different ways such as wages, salaries, or commissions. Explain the ways in which workers are paid.


SS.4.FL.1.3 Workers are paid for their labor in different ways such as wages, salaries, or commissions. Explain the ways in which workers are paid.

How Do You Want to Get Paid?

Lesson Number : 12


  • LAFS.4.L.3.5, LAFS.4.RI.3.7


In what ways do people get paid for working?

What are disadvantages of different types of income payment?

What are advantages of different types of income payment?


  • Describe different ways in which people get paid for work?
  • Identify advantages and disadvantages of different types of payment for work.
  • Calculate weekly gross wages for the different types of payments for work.


Students will view a PowerPoint presentation in which they will learn about different ways in which people get paid. The teacher will engage students in discussion about advantages and disadvantages of jobs with regard to type of payment they provide.


  • PowerPoint Presentation "How Do You Want to Get Paid"(Lesson plan embedded into PPT notes) Included in Lesson File
  • Worksheet:HOW DO YOU WANT TO GET PAID? (Included in Lesson)


  • 30 minutes



  1. Display PowerPoint presentation slide 1.
  • Tell students that today’s lesson will explore different types of payments for work.
  • Ask students if they have ever gotten paid for work/chores? How did they get paid?
  1. Display PowerPoint presentation slides 2-3

Introduce student to vocabulary words: Definitions are provided in the slide

Salary, hourly wage, commission, straight commission, salary plus commission,

hourly wage plus commission, piece work

  1. Display PowerPoint presentation slide 4: Essential Questions

ACTIVITY (22 Minutes)

  1. Display PowerPoint presentation slide 5

Say: Listen carefully as I read this quote. Think about the message that the author is revealing about earning income.

Ask volunteers to share their thoughts and discuss. (2 minutes)

  1. Display PowerPoint presentation slide 6
  • In this slide you will discuss careers that provide salaries with the students.
  • As you click the image, label and average pay will appear. Discuss each example provided with students: Teacher, Accountant, Doctor, Computer Programmer, Lawyer, Mechanical Engineer ( 2 minutes)
  1. Display PowerPoint presentation slide 7
  • Explain that most part-time jobs, the ones that students usually have, pay an hourly wage.
  • Tell students that hourly wages are influenced by the employer's needs and a person’s work experience, and education. The minimum that a person can earn is called minimum wage. The minimum wage varies from state to state and is influenced by the cost of living. In Florida, the minimum wage is $8.05.
  • Click through so that jobs and descriptions appear.
  • Discuss each job with students. (Ask students if they know anyone that does that particular job?)
  • Once the chart is complete a picture will appear.
  • Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture?
  • Tell students that in order for employers to accurately keep track of employee work hours some employers use a time clock. The employee is given a time card that they have to put in the time clock when they arrive for work and again when they finish work. Time cards keep a record of the hours an employee has worked. The employer will pay the employee based on the hours recorded on the card. ( 4 minutes)
  1. Display PowerPoint presentation slide 8
  • Tell students that a person who gets paid for work by straight commission gets a percentage of, or a flat fee for, every sale they make. The amount of money a person earns depends on how much they sell. If they don’t sell, they don’t make any money. The potential risk and reward are high.
  • There are pros and cons to this kind of pay. The good thing is that the employee has a flexible schedule, is on their own, and the person controls their income. You make as much as you sell. The bad thing is that the employee has an unpredictable schedule. They can be called at any time. Their income varies based on the market, and supply/demand for the product or service.

Example of this career:

  • Real estate agent: a person who sells properties.
  • Stockbrokers: invest people's money.
  • Sales Associate: sells items.
  • Insurance Agent: sells insurance (life, car, etc.)
  • Tell students that income based on salary plus commission and hourly wages plus commission allow employees to earn a stable income plus commission. Employees earning income this way earn a base salary or wages, which provides the employee with a certain amount of income no matter what the sales are. In addition, the employee has the opportunity to earn commissions for each sale they make. The commissions earned are slightly lower than straight commission jobs, because the employee is guaranteed a paycheck regardless of their sales. The risk and reward are less than in a commission-only job. (4 minutes)
  1. Display PowerPoint presentation slide9
  • Tell students that this chart shows the differences in income based on the type of payment received by the employee.
  • The chart shows the income for Maria, a Computer Programmer. Her job pays her a salary of $83,200 a year.
  • How much does she make per week? What is her hourly rate?
  • Look at the row where she gets paid a salary and an hourly wage. Is there a difference?
  • Now look at the third row that shows her working overtime? Is there a difference?
  • Provide students with calculators and Handout
  • Let’s compare careers and earned income. (10 minutes)

CLOSURE ( 3 Minutes)

Display PowerPoint presentation slide 10

  • Students answer the essential questions.. Ask volunteers to share


  • Students will interview four people. Each person they interview should earn income a different way (Salary, hourly wage, commission only, salary with commission, piece work). The students write an essay explaining what they learned from the interview.
  • Prompt: You have learned about different ways in which income is paid. If you were looking for a job, how would you like to get paid for your work? Write an essay describing the type of pay you would be searching for. Use information from your interview to explain why you would choose that type of pay?


FlexJobs. (2016, January 15). Retrieved from The Pros andCons of Commision-Only Jobs:

Indeed.One.Search. (2016, January 15). Retrieved from

United States Department of Labor and Statistics. (2016, January 15). Retrieved from

US News and World Report Money. (2016, January 15). Retrieved from Salaries:





1. John earns a salary. His job pays him $1400 a month. What is his weekly wage?

2. Mark earns a salary of $27,000 a year. What is his weekly wage?

3.Maria drives a taxi for $8.05 an hour. If she worked 40 hours, what would her earnings be for one week?

4.Lola is a data entry clerk. She earns $12.50 an hour. What would her earnings be for one $

5. A work week is 40 hours. Overtime pay is time and one-half. Mark is a janitor that earns $14.00 an hour. This week he worked 50 hours. What are his earnings for this week?

6. John sells cars. He works for commission only. He earns 3% on the sale of a car. He sells a car at $49,550. How much money does he earn from the sale?

7. Jan sells kitchen appliances. Her sales for the week were: Monday $1500.00, Tuesday $25,000.00, Wednesday $ 489.00, Thursday $563.81, Friday $15,529.56. Determine her earnings for the week if she earned 2% commission from her sales.

8. Jesse is a seamstress. She gets paid $8.25 for every pair of shorts she makes. How much does she earn if she makes 60 shorts?