You can see all the videos on the YouTube Channel of the Jump@School project:

In this table we summarize all the videos with titles and content

Title / Description
About the project / Gianluca Braga from IVAL presents the results of the qualitative evaluation on work processes in Jump@School: difficulties and how the consortium faced them, communication and cooperation among partners
At School Inquiry / IVAL realized interviews with teachers and World Cafe with students of the schools involved in the proect: Gianluca Braga and Silvia Magistrali present the results of this inquiry about strengths and weaknesses of the project
Behind the scenes / Roberto Doneddu from Region Sardinia, Tiziana Piacentini and Elena Grilli from CIOFS-FP gives a brief presentation about the birth of the project, the management, the use of the results in the future guidelines of Region Sardinia
Cosa è stato / In Sardinia, teachers, school principals, JumpOs and workshop experts present their point of view about the intervention with students and the relationship between the project and the schools
Evaluation / Juliet Tschank from ZSI describes the counterfactual method of evaluation used in Jump@School, also with some information about tools and numbers
Evaluation – The results / Juliet Tschank from ZSI gives us an overview of the results of the evaluation, both on so-called "soft facts" and on "hard facts"
Exchange Seminars / Anita Hebbinghaus from MetropolisNet summarizes the information on the Exchange Seminars: what they are, where they took place, who the participants, what the results
Intervention in Valencia / In Valencia, teachers, school principals, JumpOs and students present their point of view about the intervention, its results and the relationship between the project and the schools
Intervention with students / A short video with images of students and JumpOs from the different phases of the intervention in Sardinian schools: an “easy to share” trailer
Interviews / Another “easy to share” trailer from Sardinia, focused on a specific tool of the intervention: individual interviews with students
Juan de Garay / A video with images taken during the experimentation in Juan de Garay Institute in Valencia. You can see students engaged in some group activities
JumpOs Iglesias / A long, clear and detailed description of all the intervention with students made by JumpOs Giulia Zucca and Stefano Simola in Iglesias, from the initial to the final party
JumpOs Tortolì / The JumpO Manuela Cucca describes the intervention with students in Tortolì, analyzing all phases one by one and presenting the reasons for the choices and the processes activated
JumpOs Valencia / The JumpOs Camila Bozzo and Pepa Domingo share their viewpoints about the intervention in Valencia, the strengths and the weaknesses they found
La scuola attraverso gli occhi / The result of one of the workshops: a lot of students speaks about their experience in school, their fears, desires, etc... Also with some comments about the project
Logic Model / Massimo Peron form CIOFS-FP Emilia Romagna describes the Logic Model used for the intervention: how it was built, what are its main features
Operational Model / After the experimentation, Massimo Peron revised the model collecting feedback from the JumpOs. In this video he presents the main features of the Operational Model and how it can be used for further interventions
Self Esteem and Motivation / Another “easy to share” trailer from Sardinia, focused on a specific tool of the intervention: workshop on self esteem and motivation
Themes: Collaboration / This is a “easy to share” trailer about one of the most important elements of Jump@School: the collaboration between partners and with schools
Themes: JumpOs / This is a “easy to share” trailer about the specific professional role of the Jump@School Operators, described through the words of teachers, students and partners
Themes: Model / This is a “easy to share” trailer about the various models produced in Jump@School: Logic Model, Operational Model, Evaluation Model
Workshops / The last “easy to share” trailer from Sardinia, focused on a specific tool of the intervention: workshops with students. Here you can have a look at the photo/video workshop in Iglesias