Mailing Address: Clerks of the Court, Attention: Tom Widlar / Verdell Duhart, P O Box 465, Lame Deer, Montana, Indian country [59043]
Tel: 402-403-1788
Movants / Complainants: The Peoples’ Restoration and Reparations Trust (more than 150,000 participating Plaintiffshave signed this Complaint);
1.The Government of the United States of America;
2. The Government of the United Kingdom via Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister David Cameron;
3. The Pope/Holy Father (Poe Francis) and the Holy See/The Vatican;
4. The Federal Reserve Board and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Ms. Janet Yellen;
5. The President of the United States of America, Mr. Barack H. Obama;
6. The Estates and Trusts of all the former Forty-Three . Presidents of the United States of America;
7. The Congress of the United States of America through its Speaker, Mr. Paul Ryan; and the President of the Senate, Mr. Joseph Biden;
8. The Supreme Court of the United States of America through its Chief Justcie, Mr. John Roberts, Jr.;
9. The Governors and Attorneys-General of all the Fifty States of the Union;
10. John Does 1-100 who have in their various capacities influenced, affected, conspired, or otherwise coerced administrative action to the detriment of “Native American” Indigenous Peoples;
Case Number: PRRT/GOTUS/SCM/April/A/2016
The Respondents have never made reparations nor restored the personal and realty rights of Indigenous Peoples in this continent despite various international laws, treaties, federal laws, agreements, contracts, and covenants that promised and guaranteed their unalienable rights that springfrom eternal law, divine law and natural law – the veritable source of man-made law.
The Movants/Complainants have suffered unimaginabletangible and intangible loss coupled with untold mental agony since 1492 when the cornerstone of the cause of justice was placed squarely in the quicksand of self-interests.
Past and present governments that were instituted under the Lockean ideal failed to rectify this wanton victimization of Indigenous People in this continent.
Respondents used the clarion call of “manifest destiny” to literally grab territories belonging to Indigenous People sanctified and made wholesome through treaties, sales purchases, legislative legerdemain, and convolutedly decided cases in the United States Supreme Court that were destined to be adhesion contracts that favored only the Respondents to the utter detriment and disadvantage of the Movants/Complainants.
Whenever a revolt resulted caused by these illegal and fraudulent land grabs, the “savage” landowners were murdered by a compliant frontier United States Army led by the likes of “General” Andrew Jackson, a sworn “Indian fighter,” no different in his tactics and strategies than that of Lt. William Calley, Jr., of the infamous My Lai Massacre of 1968, where almost 500 unarmed civilians were brutally murdered in the name of a “just war.”In international law, “just war” is an accepted tenet to right the wrongs of mankind by any set of rules and doctrines belonging to the party with a better and bigger gun.
Killing in the course of territorial expansion seems to be part of the manifest destiny of the Respondents. The Movants/Complainants have a manifest destiny too – to reclaim, redeem, and restore their stolen property, their stolen rights and dignity as a means and an end to the cause of justice. The American government, since its inception in 1776, has done everything within its power and authority to disenfranchise the Movants/Complainants. There, seemingly, appears to be no hope.
- The Sublimus Deus of June 2,1537, issued by Pope Paul III, a papal edict, that forbid the enslavement of Indigenous people in “new found” colonies in particular the New World, the American colonies.
In 1982, United States Congress promulgated Public Law 97-280 (96 Stat. 1211) that declared the Holy Bible as the Word of God. This is a clear mandate that the prevarication of “church and state separation,” as advocated by the Respondents, is still in vogue.
This federal law, that validates the Word of God, suggests that disobedience to it is a disobedience to God. The Word of God is specific about the preservation of ancestral property in Leviticus 25:23; Proverbs 22:28; Proverbs 23:10, and this could be the very reason why “church and state must remain separate.” Freedom of religion is actually freedom from religion.
Separating church from state in the fashion of the1634 Peace of Westphalia may be politically correct and socially acceptable, but when the cause of justice is affected using religion as a vanguard, a standard, a cause celebre, or yardstick to prove a point to educate these “savages’ with the big stick of education, acculturation, assimilation and civilization, it takes on a whole different meaning.
The Holy See / The Vatican has done nothing to impose its ecclesiastical edicts upon the United States and Great Britain when the Native Americans, unknowingly, unwittingly, upheld God’s edicts in Leviticus 25:23; Deuteronomy 19:14; Proverbs 22:28 and Proverbs 23:10 to not practice the concept of private property ownership.
The Holy See / The Vatican has to be held accountable, responsible and liable for this gross oversight.
- The Mayflower Compact of 11 November, 1620 where the signatories declared that:
“Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine our selves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.” (emphasis added)
None of these promises were complied with or adhered to for the “general good of the Colony” which meant no irrigable lands and soil for Indigenous People who will then suffer irreparably, and await handouts from the Respondents as a symbol of control, submission, obedience, and appeasement
- The Royal Proclamation of October 7, 1763 which promised and guaranteed that the rights of Indigenous People shall be protected and preserved. The revolutionary fervor and fever suppressed and subsumed this Proclamation because it stood in the way of free or cheap land ripe for the taking.
- The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 which also promised and guaranteed that the rights of Indigenous People shall be protected and preserved. Two years later, with the “ratification” of the U.S. Constitution, Indians were relegated to the demands, constraints, restraints, and strictures of the Indian Commerce Clause (Art. 1, sec. 8, cl. 3) where the Respondents gave themselves hall pass to do as they wish in “regulating commerce” which included interfering in Indian matters whether personal, private, or public.
- The Constitution of the United States of America, 1789, wherein the Indian Commerce Clause was specifically designed “to regulate commerce with Indian nations” which was interpreted by the Respondents to mean aggrandizement and wanton larceny using legislative imperatives as the yardstick of the crimes perpetrated in the name of progress and civilization while espousing Christian values.
- Articles 46 and 47 of the Hague Convention of 1907 which criminalized pillage and the deprivation of human rights and property rights. The Hague Convention was invoked to try Nazis for war crimes during the “Nuremberg Trials.” Respondents have to be tried for similar war crimes.
What the Respondents did since the dawn of “revolutionary civilization” in the thirteen American colonies is no different from what the Nazis did in carrying out orders from a superior for which they were severely punished following the Nuremberg Trials.
Side bar: Adolf Hitler was a quick study – he learned from the United States of America. He says so unabashedly in his “Mein Kempf.”The Bank of International Settlements (BIS), run by Thomas McKittrick, an American, between 1940 and 1946, helped Hitler loot Jewish gold while financing his war effort as did the Bank of England with the friendly and accommodating nod from its Chief, Norman Montagu.
- The United Nations Charter of 1945 where the Respondents agreed to foster “friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.” Equity and a sense of justice was replaced with untold and unimaginable iniquity in the name of progress and the advancement of Christian civilization.
- The United Nations Declaration on Human Rights that underscored the need for the protection of fundamental human rights for all people. These protections emerged in the form of oppression and discrimination
- “Federal Indian laws” designed to guarantee Indian self-government were tailored to grant “plenary power” to the Respondents where the written laws could be set aside if self-interests were not served. The United States Supreme Court, although its decrees have no enforcement powers, conspired to confuse, confound, contain, and restrain the rights of Indigenous People when issues like land, and human rights were raised in a “court of law.”
- The Congress of the United States made laws that were, and are, repugnant to the Indigenous People and to the United States Constitutions so that a compliant United States Supreme Court could set it aside only to be overruled by newer legislation.
- The United States and Great Britain entered into the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 to end the War of 1812 and to make reparations especially to the Native Americans. Nothing materialized for the benefit of the Native Americans who helped England fight the United States. England could have pushed and pressured the United States for a clearer mandate to benefit the Native Americans, but decided, in the name of peace and future economic gain, to look the other way.
This thrust and parry, in the name of the rule of law, is legion, and the Respondents have gotten away without reverence to the cause or the course of justice. To each his own seems to have been the battle cry as all parties retreated to the treaty table much to the detriment of Native Americans.
Ten trillion dollars as compensatory, aggravated, general, exemplary and special damages. With the advent and inception of Quantitative Easing, this should pose no problem to the Federal Reserve Board.
Tribal judgments are entitled to full faith and credit under 28 United States Code § 1738, and in the event the Respondents fail to file an Answer to this Summons and Complaint within 21 days, a default judgment and a writ of execution/possession will be awarded in favor of the Complainants/Movants.
The Complainants/Movants have secured international collections’ imperatives to collect on this Complaint should their Motion prevail in the court of human conscience.
SO ORDERED, this ______day of ______, 2016
Judge Silver Cloud Musafir
Chief Judge,
Member, National American Indian Court Judges Association