CPC Ministry Team Meetings

Board of Directors – Tuesday, February 22nd, 8:00 – 9:00 AM, Conference Call

Wider Church Ministry Team – Saturday, February 26th, 1:00 – 4:00 PM, InterchurchCenter

Justice & Witness Ministry Team – Saturday, March 5th, 9:00 AM - Noon, InterchurchCenter

Personnel Committee – Saturday, March 12th, 9:00 AM - Noon, InterchurchCenter

Administration Ministry Team – Saturday, March 12th, 2:00 – 5:00 PM, InterchurchCenter

Board of Directors – Saturday, March 19th, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, InterchurchCenter

Local Church Ministry Team – Saturday, April 2nd, 9:00 AM - Noon, InterchurchCenter

Covenants Ministry Team - Fri.-Sat. April 8th-9th, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, InterchurchCenter

Debbie Jacober Honored for 30 Years of Service to the CPC-UCC

Friends from the Central Pacific Conference and ecumenical colleagues from the InterChurchCenter gathered for a reception on Thursday afternoon, January 27th to honor Debbie Jacober and celebrate her 30 years of service with the CPC-UCC.

Don Sevetson was the Conference Minister who hired Debbie as a secretary. Over the years, Debbie assumed more responsibilities and now serves as the Administrative Assistant in the office, which includes bookkeeping and oversight of office functions.

In the picture, above, Debbie is receiving a “Debbie” award from Gary Logdson, InterChurchCenter building manager.

Portland Area Clergy Cluster

You are invited to attend the February ClergyCluster meeting this Thursday, February 17th, at 12:00noon. Gary Davis and Paul Davis will be hosting this gathering at St. Stephen's Episcopal Parish, 1432 S.W. 13th Ave., Portland, OR(only street parking available)

** I regret that I won’t be able to gather with the clergy for this event. I’ll be attending the Annual UCC Consultation with national staff and my Conference Minister Colleagues. walter john

1st Congregational UCC – Salem, OR says “good-bye” to Gail McDougle

Sunday, February 6th, the members of 1st Cong. UCC, Salem gathered for the final Sunday of Gail McDougle, their senior pastor for the last 13 years.

In her sermon, Gail reviewed the witness and mission they have shared together. She reminded them of a truth she had often spoken, “If the Jesus you are following ever becomes too comfortable or easy to follow, you aren’t following the right Jesus!”

Gail is seated on the right in the picture above. She is joined by Pastor Shelley Wagener. After Gail and the congregation shared in the UCC liturgy for the end of a ministry, Rev. Lynda Clark called Gail forward for a New Covenant. To everyone’s surprise, Gail was joined by her fiancee, Rob, and they exchanged marriage vows. It was a day filled with tear of sorrow and tears of joy. Gail and Rob, we wish you well in your new life together!

Corliss Marsh is Honored ~ Donnamae Grannemann

Corliss Marsh from UCC Congregational in The Dalles, Oregon, was selectedby the Central Pacific Conference Women's Boardas a nominee to "Celebrate the Gifts of Laywomen" at the Honorees Luncheon during the UCC General Synod in Tampa, Florida,on July 3, 2011.

Corliss was surprised with a presentation of the letter of acknowledgement, a vase of a dozen red roses, and an angel pin at the close of the Annual Women's Week Worship on Sunday, February 6, in The Dalles. Conference nominees will be celebrated at the CPC Women's Annual Meeting in Portland on May 19. Corliss will also be serving as a member of the UCC’s Wider Church Mission Board during Synod. (Corliss is on left. Joined by Joy Krein & Yvonne Scheradella, co-chairs of the church’s Women’s Fellowship)

UCC Young Adult Opportunity ~ Kelly Burd, UCC Justice & Witness Ministries

Ecumenical Advocacy Days will be held this year from March 25 - 28 and offers scholarships for young adults to participate. It is an ecumenical event grounded in our common faith and shared traditions of justice and peace. The gathering includes issue briefings and advocacy trainings, and culminates on Monday with all participants going to Capital Hill for pre-scheduled meetings with their Members of Congress.Early registration ratedeadline is February 19.

Check out thebrochure andEADhomepage linksbelow for details:


The Rev. Kelly J. Burd * Minister for Leadership Development

Justice and Witness Ministries * United Church of Christ

CPC Justice and Witness Ministry Team Accepting Grant Applications

Our 2011grantcycle is now open and accepting applications. The 2011 application period runs January - July. We will accept all applications up through July 31st. At that time ourJustice&WitnessMinistry Team meets to consider all applicantsanddecides on awards. Grantees usually receive their award checks by the end of August.

Please see the attached application form. We provide modest funding to local churches, groups or individuals in support ofactivitiesthat advance the local church or Conference involvement in justice and witness issues. Please contact Karen Kulm via email or phone if further information is needed.

Karen Kulm, Chair * CPC UCC Justice & Witness Ministry Team


Portland CROP Hunger Walk * Church World Service ~ Ron MacKenzie

March 4 Movie and Pizza Night: "The End of Poverty."6:30 to 9 p.m. at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 1126 S.W. Park Avenue, Portland. An opportunity to relax with fellow participants of the Portland Church World Service CROP Hunger Walk and to ask Ron MacKenzie, Coordinator, questions. (The walk is on Saturday, April 9, 2011.) Donations to offset expense of event and assistance gladly accepted. Remaining fund will go to Church World Service. Please contact Ron at Please R.S.V.P. by February 25.
April 9 PortlandChurch World Service CROP Hunger Walk.10 a.m., start and finish in front of the Union Gospel Mission, 3 NW Third Ave., Portland. The course is 2.64 miles and will pass several homeless agencies in downtown Portland, as well as City Hall. Please contact Ron MacKenzie, the Coordinator, at for more information.

Seventy-five percent of the funds raised will go to Church World Service’s international relief and development programs. Fifteen percent will go to Northeast Emergency Food Program at Luther Memorial and ten percent to Oregon Food Bank.

First Congregational UCC, Portland Seeks Bookkeeper

Job Title: Full-Charge Bookkeeper to provide financial services to church and professional church staff. Job is part-time approximately 10 hours perweek. Job Skills and Requirements:

* Minimum of two years proven experience as a Full-Charge Bookkeeper

(church or nonprofit experience preferred).

* Strong practical experience with QuickBooks or a similar softwarepackage.

* Demonstrated knowledge of debits and credits in terms of the general ledger, income statement, payroll matters, reports and the balance sheet.

* Demonstrated knowledge and experience with Accrual Based Accounting.

* Familiarity with generally accepted accounting practices (nonprofitrules preferable), applicable financial reporting and related tax laws.

* Strong communication skills and a commitment to good interpersonal relationships and teamwork.

* A commitment to confidentially regarding all account records of thechurch, staff and members.

* Ability to work efficiently and independently.

* Dependable attendance.

Resume required including previous work experiences and references. Submit

electronic resume to:

Turn-Around Strategies for your Congregation

Led by Paul Nickerson of Griffith Coaching

Paul Nickerson, of Nickerson Coaching, offers a variety of consulting services for your Middle Judicatory or local congregation. Paul has more than 30 years of experience as a local pastor, judicatory leader and church consultant.

  • Ordained 30 years, including 20 years of parish experience.
  • A transformational leader of a judicatory with more than 400 congregations.
  • A Senior Associate with Griffith Coaching of Denver, Colorado, the leading new church Start Company in the country.
  • Extensively trained by Easum Bandy and Associates in a variety of vitality strategies.
  • A fully-trained Natural Church Development Coach.
  • A Coach for the Unbinding the Gospel Project led by Martha Grace Reese.
  • A team member of the Center for Progressive Church Development, United Church of Christ.

Consulting Services offered:

  • Basic church vitality training offered through workshops and coaching.
  • Setting up an indigenous vitality system for judicatories
  • Assessment, training and coaching of new church start pastors.
  • Setting up a new church planting system for judicatories.
  • Coaching strategies and tactics for Turnaround congregations.
  • Vision discernment process.
  • How to reach out to the mission field.
  • Developing spiritual leadership.
  • Stewardship workshop: “How to Turn Tippers in Tithers”
  • Strategies for small congregations

For Further information contact, Rev. Paul B. Nickerson at 508-930-9327 or visit

Central Pacific Conference – United Church of Christ

Justice and Witness Grant Application





Proposed Project/Action: (Briefly describe the project/action.)

Timeline: (When will the project/action take place.)

Goals: (How will the project/action help the local church and Conference to become more engaged in Justice & Witness issues?)

Funding Request: (What amount are you requesting and what are your other sources of funding? Also complete attached Budget Sheet.)

Sharing the Results: (How will you share outcomes from this project/action, e.g. speak to J&W Team, newsletter articles, speaking at other churches, workshop at Conference Assemblies, etc.)

Forward completed application to:

Central Pacific Conference

United Church of Christ

0245 SW Bancroft St., Suite E

Portland, OR97239

ATTN: Justice & Witness Grants


Central Pacific Conference – United Church of Christ

Justice and Witness Grant Application

Budget Guide Sheet

Please include a 1-page budget that addresses the following: (May attach spreadsheet.)

What are the anticipated outcomes of this project proposal?

Personnel: include project staff time, training time, secretarial support, etc., as appropriate. Also include payroll expense deductions as needed. Please be specific.

Contracted services: outside speakers, consultants, etc. (Be specific.)

Supplies, printing, materials, advertising. (Please itemize. Okay to use estimates.)

Equipment. (Please itemize. Okay to use estimates.)

Travel, lodging as appropriate. (Be specific.)


Total Amount requested: ______.

How will the project be sustained after grant funds are expended?

If full funding is not available, how would seed money or partial funding be of benefit?


Central Pacific Conference – United Church of Christ

Justice and Witness Grant Application

Report Form

Please complete this brief grant report within 60 days of the completion of your grant project.

Project Name: ______

Project Date(s): ______

Project Coordinator(s): ______

Affiliated Church /Organizations involved: ______

Amount of funds granted: ______

Amount Expended: ______

1. What were your anticipated outcomes? If your goals were not achieved, please explain.

2. Is this project replicable in other congregations? Are there some “best practices” others could learn from? Are there budget implications or lessons that you could share?

3. If this project will be sustained, indicate how. What new or additional outcomes do you anticipate?

4. How will you share your outcomes from this project with others in your community and with the Conference?

5. How has the project impacted your local congregation, organization or you personally?

6. What additional funding, training, support or information would have been helpful to you in planning and/or implementing this project?

Other comments or suggestions:

Widening the Welcome, a movement within the United Church of Christ, will be at the United Church of Christ's General Synod this July 1-5 in TampaFlorida.
The sponsoring ministries behind Widening the Welcome, UCC Disabilities Ministries and the UCC Mental Illness Network, are seeking nominations for awards that recognize individuals, churches, and ministries that help to widen the welcome.
The Bob and Joyce Dell Award is given at each General Synod for outstanding service by a United Church of Christ individual or congregation in regard to ministry with and on behalf of those who live with mental illness/brain disorders.
UCC Disabilities Ministries Awards can be given at each General Synod. Please recommend: (1) A person with a disability who has made outstanding contributions to church and/or society; (2) A person without a disability who has made notable contributions to the lives of persons who have disabilities; and (3) A church that has made an outstanding achievement in providing accessibility for all.
You can find nomination forms in the resources section of the Widening the Welcome website. If you'd like, you may also link directly to the forms here:
  • The Bob and Joyce Dell Award Nomination Form
  • UCC Disabilities Ministries Awards Nomination Form
Award Nominations are due by March 15, 2011.
If you have any questions about the award nominations, please contact"
Alan Johnson, UCC Mental Illness Network Chair:

Peggy Dunn, UCC Disabilities Ministries Chair:

Thank you and grace and peace,
Widening the Welcome
P.S. Watch for an announcement about our next Widening the Welcome conference soon!

Personal Note . . .

I mentioned in an earlier issue, I spent the first part of December at the bi-annual UCC Search & Call meeting in Tampa, FL. The weather was cool, in the low 50s during the day. In February, 2010, I attended the annual UCC Consultation with Conference Ministers and national staff. Unfortunately, that meeting was also held in Tampa with temperatures colder than Portland, OR was experiencing. It has not been a good plan to go toFlorida for warmth! I was looking forward to another chance for sun and heat, this time in southern California. I’ll be leaving Tuesday morning for this year’s version of the UCC Consultation. It’s scheduled in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the UCC’s Retirement Housing Foundation. I’ll take part in both events. I’ll be back in the office on Thursday, February 24th. I was dismayed when I checked the forecast, anticipating rain all week, with temperatures hovering around 60. A bit warmer than Portland, but not much!

Last Thursday, I flew to Boise, ID, then drove to Mountain Home to meet with our Idaho clergy. Temps were in the mid 40’s, but the day was sunny, and there was no snow on the ground.

In addition to meeting with our CPC Personnel Committee, Nominations Committee, and Women’s Board, I joined our Covenant’s Ministry Team for their all day meeting. On Sunday, February 6th, I was delighted to participate in Gail McDougle’s farewell worship service.

March 17th – 19th, I’ll be in Cleveland, OH, serving on the Executive Council of the UCC as a representative of the Western Region Conference Ministers. On Sunday, March 27th, I’ll be preaching at Nampa United Church of Christ.

Yours in Christ, walter john

The Rev. Dr. Walter John Boris – Conference Minister

Central Pacific Conference * United Church of Christ


0245 SW Bancroft Street, Suite E

Portland, OR97239-4258

(O) 503-228-3178 (M) 206-235-3801 (H) 360-210-5945