In the “Have taught “column, use 1 for “once”, 3 for “several times”, 5 for “many times.” You don’t need to put anything in the cell if you have never taught a particular course.
In “Can teach” column, use 1 for “easily”, 3 for “with some work”, 5 for “with significant effort.” I’m assuming here that you will mark anything that your background has prepared you to teach.
For the next two columns, you don’t need to mark anything in a particular row if you did not mark that you could teach that course in column 2.
In “Would like to teach”, use 1, 2, and 3 to rank your top three choices in lower-level courses and your top three in upper-level courses, and use an X for anything else you would like to teach.
In “Would not like to teach”, write a word or phrase that explains why you would not want to teach the course. I’ll ask you about anything I don’t understand.
Name: Chris Staat
Have taught at Xavier / Can teach / Would like to teach / Would notlike to teach1 / Too basic / MATH 105 - Fundamentals of Math
5 / 1 / X / MATH 113 - Mathematics of Finance
5 / 1 / X / MATH 115 - Topics in Applied Mathematics
5 / 1 / 1 / MATH 116 - Elementary Statistics
3 / 1 / Student disinterest / MATH 120 - Elementary Functions
MATH 125 - Mathematical Perspectives
MATH 147 - Calculus From Historical Perspective
3 / 3 / X / MATH 150 - Elements of Calculus I
3 / MATH 151 - Elements of Calculus II
MATH 154 - Milestones in Mathematics
3 / 3 / 2 / MATH 156 - General Statistics
MATH 158 - General Statistics II
5 / 1 / X / MATH 169 - Precalculus
STAT 210 – Statistics for Business
Upper-level courses
5 / 1 / 2 / MATH 170 - Calculus I
3 / 3 / 1 / MATH 171 - Calculus II
MATH 201 - Foundations of Arith. -ECED
MATH 202 - Geometry and Measurement -ECED
MATH 211 - Foundations of Arith. - MCED
MATH 212 - Geom and Measurement MCED
MATH 213 - Algebra Concepts -MCED
MATH 214 - Math Problem Solving -MCED
MATH 220 - Calculus III
5 / X / MATH 225 - Foundations Of Higher Math
MATH 230 - Intro to Ordinary Diff Equations
MATH 240 - Linear Algebra
MATH 256 - Intro to Probability and Stats
MATH 257 – Data Modeling and Visualization
MATH 280 – Combinatorics
MATH 300 - History of Mathematics
Have taught at Xavier / Can teach / Would like to teach / Would notlike to teach
MATH 301 - Geometry
MATH 302 - Number Theory
MATH 303 - Mathematical Logic
MATH 311 - Probability Theory
MATH 312 - Statistical Inference
MATH 316 - Cryptology
MATH 321 - Numerical Analysis
MATH 325 - Mathematical Modeling
MATH 330 - Graph Theory
MATH 340 - Abstract Algebra I
MATH 341 - Abstract Algebra II
MATH 360 - Elementary Topology
MATH 370 - Real Analysis
MATH 371 – Introduction to Real Analysis II
MATH 372 - Applied Analysis
MATH 380 - Intro to Complex Analysis
MATH 385 – Secondary Math from AdvPersp.
Time constraints:
Can teach 8:30’s fine. If we start having 8:00 courses (I have heard rumors), I would have trouble making it to campus in time (dropping kids off at school).
It is difficult to be on campus regularly after 3:00pm (childcare issues). If needed, I can handle the 2:30 – 3:45 slot on TR, but prefer not to.
Above I have listed some courses as “Do not want to teach”. That is not the same as unwilling to teach. I will teach Math 105 or Math 120 whenever needed, they are just my least favorite (by far) classes to teach.
The Math 116 Intro Stats is (by far) my favorite class to teach.