In the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Sheffield

In the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Sheffield

In the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Sheffield

Log of Works for Lists A & B


Log of A and B List Works

Parish of:

Church of:



Work(s) to be carried out* / List A or B Reference
e.g. A1. (5) (b), B3.(2) / Conditions if any / Additional Plans etc., provided

*Additional lines for further works may be added as required.

A PCC resolution dated supported the above works by votes to

There are members of the Council in total.

List A works: A copy of this log detailing List A works is to be kept as part of the church records. On supplying a copy of this log to the DAC Secretary works described within List A can be undertaken without the need for a faculty.

List B works: A copy of this log is to be kept as part of the church records and copies sent to the DAC Secretary, Archdeacon and Registrar. Works described within List B can be undertaken on completion of this log and the written approval of the Archdeacon. Designs, specifications, quotes, plans etc., must be sent to the DAC for approval. List B items do not require a faculty.

The Archdeacon may require parishes to apply for a faculty for List B works. Any works or proposals not itemized in Lists A or B will require a DAC Notification of Advice and a faculty before work can commence.


Applicants for approval for works not requiring a faculty should note that such works remain at all times within the jurisdiction of the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Sheffield. A faculty may be required for any works which cannot be carried out strictly in compliance with the Conditions attached to this Notice.

Names of petitioners / Position / Address and email/phone no
Appointed Person:

If the Lists attach conditions to the work(s) you propose to carry out please indicate herehow they will be addressed:

Please providespecification(s) of the methods and materials to be used.Please note this is not an extract from your list QI report but a specification provided by your QI architect or contractor. These can be detailed here or provided in a separate document.

Have you sought advice from your QI and/or relevant DAC Adviser?


Name of DAC Adviser

Name of QI

Name(s)of the contractor(s)

Have you agreement from your insurers for the work(s) to proceed?

Name of Insurer:

Date of acknowledgement:

Please state how you will address any conditions stipulated by your insurers:

Please use this space to supply any additional information


  1. The Conditions set out in Lists A and B of Schedule 1 to the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 3.2 and 3.3 2015 shall apply to the Works. If it is not possible to carry out and complete the Works without breaching those conditions, a faculty for the completion of the Works must be sought.
  2. The Works shall not be commenced until the applicants have confirmed to the Archdeacon that funding for at least 80% of the cost of the Works has been secured.
  3. The works shall be completed within 12 months of the date of this Notice
  4. If any trace of wall paintings is discovered in the course of the Works, the Works shall be suspended immediately and the advice of the Archdeacon sought before any further Works are undertaken.
  5. If bats or other protected species of wildlife are present in the building the Works shall be carried out in accordance with any conditions imposed by Natural England
  6. The PCC's insurers shall be notified of the Works proposed before the Works are commenced, and their requirements are to be observed.
  7. No Works are to be carried out by any person who has not received relevant health and safety training and been provided with the relevant personal protective equipment to enable the Works to be carried out safely.
  8. If any human remains are disturbed in the course of the Works the remains are to be laid aside carefully and re-interred in the churchyard in the presence of clergy as soon as reasonably practicable.
  9. Any soil removed in the course of the Works shall be spread within the churchyard or on other consecrated ground.
  10. No artefacts belonging to the church may be sold or otherwise disposed of under the authority of this notice.
  11. A copy of this Approval and a copy of the designs, plans, photographs or other documents describing the Works to which this Approval relates shall be retained in the Church terrier
  12. The Archdeacon and the DAC shall be notified in writing when the Works have been completed