In Service Checklist

In Service Checklist

In-Service Checklist

DVD (The Next Best Thing …, Bridging the Gap, less than 15 min.)

Laptop (if there is not a TV with a DVD player at the office)

Juice Plus+ Garden, Orchard, Vineyard blend bottles with 2 capsules

Packets for the Staff: (Can put in folders or paper clip together)

Science of Juice Plus brochures

Juice Plus Children’s Health Study

Guide to Better Health Brochure

3rd party brochure

Colored postcard showing the ingredients

Order Form

Chewable Samples

Packet for the doctor:

Science of Juice Plus brochures

Research Summary

Juice Plus Children’s Health Study

Guide to Better Health Brochure

3rd party brochure

Colored postcard showing the ingredients

Order Form

Chewable Samples

Sample doctor letter

Financial projection sheet

PSP brochure

RX “prescription pad

PSP agreement

Juice Plus posters (on virtual office under PSP)

Research Packet (to show to doctor. They can preview all the studies on website)

4-tiered brochure stand with brochures

Science of Juice Plus brochures

Juice Plus Children’s Health Study

Guide to Better Health Brochure

3rd party brochure

After the In-Service

Sponsor’s responsibilities:

Submit Distributor Application

Healthcare Participant and WC Agreement forms. (It is ideal for the Sponsor to begin as the Wellness Coordinator until a suitable WC can be trained (i.e. spouse of healthcare participant, office manager or other assistant etc.)

Redirect the Starter Kit to you, the sponsor, so the items can be labeled with the WC name, WC phone number and the healthcare professional’s website.

Sign in to their Virtual Office and set up their virtual banking and personalized Juice Plus+® website. If they have a company website, fill out the Banner Link Agreement form to set up their Juice Plus® Banner on their already existing website. Banner will be emailed so website administrator can add the banner to the company website.

Place a Promo Plus order using the healthcare professional’s credit card (Note: Orders ship to the WC so items can be labeled with the WC name, phone number and website)

What to order: Posters to hang in the office Additional Brochures, Gummie sample bags, CD’s or DVD’s Looped DVDs to play on a small TV in waiting room (if possible!)

If not done already, provide a Lunch n’ Learn to the entire office staff, so everyone knows about Juice Plus+®, knows how to handle inquiries and referrals, i.e. how to contact the WC.

Healthcare Professional’s responsibilities:

Give a strong recommendation to get started on Juice Plus+® -

“We all need to be eating 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day to prevent disease. If you can’t or won’t, the closest thing that I know of to actually eating that much produce is taking Juice Plus+. I feel so strongly about Juice Plus+ that I take it and my whole family takes it everyday. There are now 18 published medical studies showing the effectiveness of Juice Plus+ that is why I feel very good about recommending it.”

(Healthcare Professional gives the RX prescription sheet that can be filled out and dropped off at the front desk).

“If you are interested in leaning more about Juice Plus and would like my wellness coordinator to give you a call, just fill this out and give it to (front desk person’s name) and she can make sure our WC gives you a call.”

(Or you can have them drop it in a box at the front and the WC can come by once or twice a week and get the leads.)

Give patient a personalized Letter of Recommendation or Information Card.doc which invites them to visit the website and watch the DVD. If the patient does not have internet access, give them an audio CD or DVD, and a JP+ Research Summary.

Encourage the healthcare professional to share JP with at least 2 patients per day

How to Set Up the Healthcare Professional’s Office:

Hang JP+ posters in waiting room and treatment rooms.

Hang American Cancer Society Reduce Your Risk Poster too!

Place brochures in a brochure stand by the front desk.

Put 1-2 WP booklets in waiting room (label “Property of Office”).

Play looped DVD on a small TV in the waiting room if possible.

Stack empty JP+ Product boxes and bottles in waiting room.