Exam 3 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Brandon
Course: / Biol 211
Instructor: / Dr. Boury
Date: / 10/30/2016

Chapter 31:

  1. In plant life cycles:
  2. Spores are less genetically diverse because they are produced by mitosis, meaning they are genetically identical.
  3. Gametes are less genetically diverse because they are produced by mitosis, meaning they are genetically identical.
  4. Spores are more genetically diverse because they are produced by meiosis, meaning they are genetically distinct.
  5. Gametes are more genetically diverse because they are produced by meiosis meaning they are genetically distinct.
  6. Spores are more genetically diverse because they are produced by mitosis, meaning they are genetically distinct.
  7. A and D
  8. B and C
  9. D and E
  10. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is an ecosystem service provided by plants?
  2. Plants breakdown soil when there is too much soil present
  3. Plants absorb water from the soil
  4. Plants promote erosion
  5. Produce release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
  6. A and B
  7. A and C
  8. B and D
  9. A, B, and D
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is an effect of plant photosynthesis?
  2. Increases carbon dioxide levels
  3. Directly provides herbivores with nutrients.
  4. Reduces carbon dioxide levels
  5. Reduces oxygen levels
  6. Increases oxygen levels
  7. B and D
  8. B and E
  9. C and D
  10. C and E
  11. A, B, and D
  1. Which of the following is a key trait found in plants, but not in algae?
  2. Sporopollenin
  3. Chloroplasts
  4. Gametes such as sperm
  5. Xylem
  6. Stomata (Guard cells)
  7. C and D
  8. D and E
  9. B, C, and D
  10. A, D, and E
  11. All of the above
  1. Which of the following is a plant-provided resource used by humans?
  2. Fuel
  3. Medicine (pharmaceuticals)
  4. Building Materials
  5. Fibers
  6. A and D
  7. A, B, and C
  8. A, C, and D
  9. All of the above
  10. None if the above
  1. Which of the following is an adaptation that allowed green algae to transition to land plants?
  2. The use of animals to carry pollen and seeds
  3. Reproducing with water
  4. Surviving without sunlight
  5. Growing upright under water
  6. Controlling water loss
  7. A and C
  8. A and E
  9. C and D
  10. A , B, and E
  11. All of the above
  12. None of the above
  1. What is the natural use of the plant compounds used to synthesize modern medicine?
  2. Deter herbivores
  3. Capture prey
  4. Reproduction
  5. Create nutrients for the plant
  6. All of the above
  7. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is a category of land plants?
  2. Seedless vascular plants
  3. Vascular seed plants
  4. Seedlessnonvascular plants
  5. Nonvascular seed plants
  6. Seed plants
  7. A, B, and C
  8. A, C, and E
  9. C, D, and E
  10. B, C, and E
  11. All of the above
  12. Which of the following is how plants protect themselves from UV radiation?
  13. Plants use a specialized layer within the plant cell wall that blocks UV radiation.
  14. Plants store water inside their stomata, which is released under intense UV conditions, in a mechanism similar to sweating.
  15. Plants grow under shaded areas.
  16. Plants make compounds called flavonoids.
  17. All of the above
  18. None of the above
  1. Teosinte is:
  2. A completely distinct plant to maize
  3. A brother/sister lineage of modern maize
  4. The wild ancestor of modern maize
  5. The original name of maize before it was changed to maize
  6. All of the above
  7. None of the above
  1. What is the correct order of appearance between nonvascular seedless, vascular seedless, and seed plants? (1stto appearon left)
  2. Vascular seedless plants, nonvascular seedless plants, seed plants
  3. Vascular seedless plants, seed plants, nonvascular seedless plants
  4. Nonvascular seedless plants, vascular seedless plants, seed plants
  5. Seed plants, nonvascular seedless plants, vascular seedless plants
  1. What is the role of tracheids in plants?
  2. Increase structural support
  3. Allow plants to do photosynthesis
  4. Protect the plant from UV radiation
  5. Increase water conduction efficiency
  6. A and B
  7. C and D
  8. B and D
  9. A and D
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which of the following statements is true pertaining to land plants and green algae?
  2. Land plants and green algae have similar chloroplast structures.
  3. Land plants have thylakoids, but chloroplasts do not.
  4. The cell walls, peroxisomes, and sperm of green algae and land plants are different in structure and composition.
  5. The chloroplasts of land plants synthesize starch as a storage product, while the chloroplasts of green algae synthesize glucose as a storage product.
  6. A and B
  7. C and D
  8. A and D
  9. B and C
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above

Chapter 32:

  1. Which of the following statements is true?
  2. Fungi are prokaryotic
  3. Fungi are chemotrophic
  4. Fungi are heterotrophic
  5. Fungi are autotrophic
  6. Fungi are eukaryotic
  7. A and C
  8. A and D
  9. C and E
  10. D and E
  11. All of the above
  1. Which of the following explains how fungi obtain nutrients?
  2. Engulf their prey and secrete internal digestive enzymes.
  3. Fungi obtain nutrients by filter feeding particles in the air.
  4. Release digestive enzymes to the external environment, and absorb the nutrients.
  5. Fungi act as parasites, attaching to their prey and absorbing the blood of their prey.
  6. Fungi do not need nutrients to survive like other eukaryotes do.
  7. All of the above
  8. None of the above
  1. What effect do mycorrhizal fungi have on plants?
  2. In the absence of mycorrhizal fungi, plants grow slower and smaller.
  3. In the presence of mycorrhizal fungi, plans grow slower and smaller.
  4. In the absence of mycorrhizal fungi, plants grow larger and faster.
  5. In the presence of mycorrhizal fungi, plants grow larger and faster.
  6. A and D
  7. B and C
  1. Which of the following best describes the relationship between mycorrhizal fungi and plants?
  2. Plants and mycorrhizal fungi have a commensal relationship in which the fungi receive organic food molecules, such as sugars, from plants, while the plant is neither benefited nor negatively affected.
  3. Plants and mycorrhizal fungi have a mutualistic relationship in which the fungi receive organic food molecules, such as sugars, from plants, and the plant receive increased water supply and increased mineral nutrients in return.
  4. Plants and mycorrhizal fungi have a parasitic relationship in which the fungi drains organic food molecules, such as sugars, from plants, and the plant slowly dies over a period of time.
  5. Plants and mycorrhizal fungi have a competitive relationship in which the fungi and the plant compete with each other in receiving nutrients from other plants.
  6. None of the above
  1. Which of the following statements is correct?
  2. The hyphae of AMF penetrate the cell wall and make direct contact with the plasma membrane of root cells.
  3. The hyphae of EMF penetrate the cell wall and make direct contact with the plasma membrane of root cells.
  4. The hyphae of AMF coat the root surface and grow between cells of roots.
  5. The hyphae of EMF coat the root surface and grow between cells of roots.
  6. A and B
  7. C and D
  8. A and D
  9. B and C
  1. Which of the following explains the importance of fungi’s role as decomposers to terrestrial ecosystems?
  2. They recycle key elements.
  3. They keep other organisms from developing diseases.
  4. They provide a mechanism of seed dispersal for reproducing plants.
  5. They transfer nutrients to living plants and animals.
  6. A and B
  7. C and D
  8. A and D
  9. B and C
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is a negative impact that fungi have on humans via food supply?
  2. Fungi are responsible for 2 billion annual human deaths.
  3. Fungi are responsible for meat spoilage.
  4. Fungi are the reason cacao seeds are inedible.
  5. Fungi are responsible for over 10 billion animal deaths.
  6. A and B
  7. C and D
  8. A and D
  9. B and C
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is a positive impact that fungi have on humans?
  2. Fungi are the source of mushrooms that can be used as a pizza topping.
  3. Fungi are the source of many of the most important antibiotics.
  4. Yeast is used to leaven bread and ferment grapes.
  5. Several fungal species must ferment cacao seeds before chocolate is edible
  6. Enzymes derived from fungi are used to improve the characteristics of foods ranging from fruit juice, candy, and meat.
  7. A, B, and C
  8. A, B, and E
  9. B, C, and D
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is an impact that fungal pathogens have on agriculture?
  2. Destroy 5-10% of the world’s fruit harvest.
  3. Major losses in grain crops from fungi such as wheat rust and corm smut.
  4. Fungal pathogens can be dangerous to humans.
  5. Responsible for over 25 agricultural business losses.
  6. A and D
  7. A and C
  8. B and C
  9. A, B, and C
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is a human disease caused by fungi?
  2. Tapeworm
  3. Athlete’s foot
  4. Yeast infections
  5. Lung infections
  6. A and B
  7. B and C
  8. A, B, and C
  9. B, C and D
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above

Chapter 12

  1. Which of the following shows the correct order of the bacterial cell division process?
  2. DNA copies are separated; ring of protein forms, ring of protein draws in membrane, DNA is copied and protein filaments attach, completion of fission.
  3. Ring of protein draws in membrane, DNA copies are separated; ring of protein forms, DNA is copied and protein filaments attach, completion of fission.
  4. DNA is copied and protein filaments attach, DNA copies are separated; ring of protein forms, ring of protein draws in membrane, completion of fission.
  5. DNA is copied and protein filaments attach, ring of protein draws in membrane, DNA copies are separated; ring of protein forms, completion of fission.
  1. Mitosis in multicellular eukaryotes plays a vital role in what processes?
  2. Tissue regeneration
  3. Growth
  4. Reproduction
  5. Infection prevention
  6. A and B
  7. C and D
  8. B and C
  9. A, B, and C
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is not a phase of the cell cycle?
  2. G2 phase
  3. M phase
  4. G3 phase
  5. G1 phase
  6. S phase
  7. G0 phase
  8. C and E
  9. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is a phase of mitosis?
  2. Prophase II
  3. Prometaphase
  4. Metaphase I
  5. Anaphase
  6. Telophase
  7. A, B, and C
  8. B, C, and D
  9. B, D, and E
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. A cell in interphase (G2) is injected with the cytosol of a cell in M phase. What happens to the cell in interphase (G2)?
  2. The cell remains in interphase (G2)
  3. The cell dies
  4. The cell division cycle for the cell starts over (G1)
  5. The cell immediately enters M phase
  6. The cell enters into a resting state (G0)
  1. Which of the following is needed in order for a cell to pass the G1 checkpoint?
  2. Social signals are present
  3. Activated MPF is present
  4. Chromosomes have properly segregated
  5. Chromosomes have replicated successfully
  6. MPF is absent
  7. A and B
  8. B, C, and D
  9. A, B, D, and E
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which of the following describes the role of the p53 gene in the cell cycle?
  2. If DNA is damaged, p53 will pause the cell cycle
  3. p53 acts as a tumor suppressor
  4. If DNA is damaged, p53 will trigger apoptosis
  5. P53 tells cells when to divide
  6. A and B
  7. B and C
  8. A, B, and C
  9. A, B, and D
  10. All of the above
  1. In reference to the cell cycle, what is social control?
  2. The destruction of cells that have damaged DNA.
  3. When cells divide in response to signals from other cells.
  4. When cells are distributed to other sites of the body.
  5. The ability for cells to perceive pain, temperature, etc.
  6. A and B
  7. C and D
  8. A, B, and C
  9. All of the above
  10. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is a characteristic that varies in different cancer types?
  2. Cause
  3. Growth rate
  4. Seriousness
  5. Time of onset
  6. A and B
  7. C and D
  8. B and C
  9. A and D
  10. All of the above
  11. None of the above
  1. Which three cancer types have contributed to the most deaths?
  2. Lung cancer, Ovarian cancer, Colon and Rectal cancer
  3. Colon and Rectal cancer, Breast cancer, Lung cancer
  4. Thyroid cancer, Breast Cancer, Leukemia
  5. Breast Cancer, Lung cancer, Leukemia

Chapter 13

  1. In which phase of meiosis does crossing over take place?
  2. Late Prophase I
  3. Metaphase I
  4. Metaphase II
  5. Anaphase I
  6. Early Prophase I
  1. At the end of Meiosis II, how many chromatids are present in each chromosome?
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 0
  6. 1
  1. Which of the following correctly defines autosomes?
  2. Chromosomes associated with an individual’s sex.
  3. The number and types of chromosomes present in an organism.
  4. Homologous replicated chromosomes that are joined together during prophase 1 and metaphase 1 of meiosis.
  5. Non-sex chromosomes.
  1. If a parent cell starts off with 18 chromosomes in interphase of Meiosis I, how many daughter cells will be produced at the end of Meiosis II?
  2. 9
  3. 36
  4. 4
  5. 18
  1. At the end of Meiosis I, how many chromatids are present in each chromosome?
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 0
  6. 1
  1. In which phase of mitosis does the formation of bivalents/tetrads take place?
  2. Early Prophase I
  3. Anaphase II
  4. Telophase II
  5. Telophase I
  6. Metaphase I
  7. Late Prophase I
  8. All of the above
  9. None of the above
  1. In which part of the meiosis process is the ploidy of the cell reduced from diploid to haploid?
  2. Metaphase I
  3. Anaphase II
  4. Cytokinesis of Meiosis I
  5. Prophase II
  6. Prophase I