Why is the in-pew solicitation process so important?

Why does the in-pew process have such a significant impact on the percentage of our households that contribute?

Because it is a personal form of solicitation.

The in-pew process, when properly implemented, has proven its’ ability to gain widespread support from those who attend Mass on both Commitment & Follow-up Weekends, regardless of the demographics of the parishioners. The people are not forced to give, they are only asked to participate as members of our local Church.

The in-pew process is not an announcement. It is not simply a request to take materials home. Rather, it specifically requests that each household complete a commitment or pledge form.

The in-pew process assures that each parishioner understands that he/she is being invited to consider giving.

This process has not only increased the participation of registered parishioners greatly,but has added unregistered parishioners as contributors as well as. Many people who are not registered in a parish will make a pledge. The direct mail phase used during the kickoff of the campaign only reaches those who have given in the past, and are registered members within a parish.

Why should the in-pew process also be conducted on Follow-up Weekend?

Many Catholics do not attend Mass at their own parish every weekend. And, if they miss Mass altogether on Commitment Weekend, they are more likely to pledge during an in-pew process.

It is important therefore to do the full in-pew process on two weekends because it will succeed in obtaining pledges from far more people than just inviting people to take pledge envelopes home, by stopping at a table.

In-Pew Presentation Script

Commitment Weekend

Good morning. I want to thank all of you who have given generously to Together in Mission in past years. I can assure you that these funds have literally helped not only to provide ministry, but also to keep the doors open at many of our parishes & schools throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angelessupported by the campaign.

In 1993, when this campaign began, the funds were restricted to assist in maintaining a Catholic presence in areas of the Archdiocese where the parishes and schools were not able to survive on their own.Twenty-three years later – this remains the same! This annual appeal is the only one of its kind in the United States, a restricted appeal where the money received is only used to assist those parishes and schools in dire financial need. It is NOT used for deferring any costs of the Archdiocese’s operations, any of its liabilities, or litigation – past or present.

When you give to Together in Mission, you are providing for ministry, education and services in 80 parishes and 63 parish schools. You are, very directly, helping to bring the Good News, the Word of God, to tens of thousands of people.You are enabling our Catholic brethren to share our faith with us

Each of us is called to share his or her gifts in support of the Church. We must first support our own parish and then our Archdiocese, then our Church throughout the world. Together in Mission is the most effective way to support ministry outside of our parish boundaries.

…In-Pew Process…

So, I ask each family or individual to take a brochure – this year it is also your pledge envelope, and to take a pencil.

(Pause to make sure that everyone has received a pledge envelope + pencil before continuing)

Please also ensure that enough time is allowed for parishioners to fill in the necessary information on each line, before moving on.Finally, please ask parishioners to print clearly.

On the top line, I ask that you print your first name,your last name, and, if you are married, your spouse’s name.

On the second line, please print your email address,and your phone number in the spaces provided.

On the third line, please fill-in your address completely.

Right in the middle of the form, please make sure to put our Parish’s name. We want to make sure we receive this credit !

At this time, we invite you to consider a gift from within the box on the right-hand side. Please know, these are ONLY suggested gift amounts. Should you wish to give at a level that is either more, or less, you are welcome to do so. This decision is entirely yours.

Please also be aware, you can determine how to pay your gift, in the manner that best suits your household. The payment breakdownsshown in the box are simply for your convenience.

Even though the form that you have used suggests five payments, the Together in Mission office will send out monthly reminders through December if that much time is needed to pay your pledge.”

Now that you have decided the level of your giving this year, we ask that you continue with the next few lines. .Again, these lines are merely for your convenience.

There is NOT a need to include payment at this time. If you are prepared to, that is great. You may do so.

“All information that you provide today will be shared only with the “Together in Mission” Office and this parish. No one else can or will have access to it.”

You are also able this year to make pledges, gifts, and payments online at: This is a new option this year.

On behalf of the more than 12,000 students, and their families attending the schools this campaign supports, as well as the approximate 200,000 families living in the 80 parish communities that will benefit from your generosity, we would like to thank you for your support. And for those of you who need more time, we encourage you to take these materials with you. Visit their website. Look at the bulletin inserts. Your consideration is all we can ask.

***The ushers and/or students will collect the Together in Mission envelopes immediately after the in-pew process. Make sure that the decision on who will do this is made and communicated well ahead of time. The kids love to do this collection but, often, the ushers are reluctant to allow them.

In-Pew Presentation Script

Follow-Up Weekend

As you know, this is the time of year that we are asked to offer our financial support to the 80 parishes and 63 schools that receive funding from the Together in Mission campaign. On behalf of our pastor, Msgr./Fr. _____ and our Annual Appeal Committee, I want to thank all of you whom have already responded, whether by mail, or during our in-pew solicitation last weekend.

It is our hope today, that we will receive a pledge form from all active households in our community. Our goal is to invite, and to include as many of our households as can participate to support this campaign this year.

Now, I ask one member of each household that has not had an opportunity to fill out a pledge form to raise your hand. A pledge envelope and pencil will be passed to you.

Repeat the steps above that are listed under Commitment Weekend.