"In keeping with the overarching emphasis on player safety and sportsmanship at the youth level, US Lacrosse expects stricter enforcement of the Cross Check, Illegal Body Check, Checks involving the Head/Neck, Slashing, Unnecessary Roughness, and Unsportsmanlike Conduct rules than is common at the High School level."

NHYLA Boys Youth Lacrosse Rules Guide - 2016

Rule / U9 / U11 / U13 / U15
Length of Game
1. / Four 12 minute running or 8 minute stop quarters / Four 8 minute stop or 12 minute running / Four 10 minute stop quarters / Four 10 minute stop quarters
(“Braveheart” is discouraged by US Lacrosse)
2. / No OT – unless tournament requires a winner / No OT – unless tournament requires a winner / Two - 4 minute overtimes if needed. Otherwise the game ends in a tie, unless tournament requires a winner. / 4 minute overtimes until a winner is determined
3. / Two 2-minute timeouts per half / Two 2-minute timeouts per half / Two 2-minute timeouts per half / Two 2-minute timeouts per half
Cross Specifications
4. / 37”– 42” for all players
(no long poles)
Hanging strings are limited to 2”. / 37”– 42” for all players
(no long poles)
Hanging strings are limited to 2”. / NFHS rules
Hanging strings are limited to 2”. / NFHS rules
Hanging strings are limited to 2”.
5. / Goalies must wear arm pads.
Protective Cup required for all players at all levels.
Rib Pads recommended.
NO hockey helmets. / Goalies must wear arm pads.
Protective Cup required for all players at all levels.
Rib Pads recommended.
NO hockey helmets. / Goalies must wear arm pads.
Protective Cup required for all players at all levels.
Rib Pads recommended.
NO hockey helmets. / Goalies must wear arm pads.
Protective Cup required for all players at all levels.
Rib Pads recommended.
NO hockey helmets.
6. / Game Jerseys and Colors should not be strictly enforced. Home team is responsible for providing contrasting colors. / Game Jerseys and Colors should not be strictly enforced. Home team is responsible for providing contrasting colors. / Game Jerseys and Colors should not be strictly enforced. Home team is responsible for providing contrasting colors. / Game Jerseys and Colors should not be strictly enforced. Home team is responsible for providing contrasting colors.
Advancing the Ball - Counts
7. / No Counts / No Counts / Defensive:
20-second count
10-second count / Defensive:
20-second count
10-second count
Final 2 Minutes
8. / Stalling Rule will be waved.
Can give a verbal command & visual 5 second count to advance ball over midfield or into offensive zone / Stalling Rule will be waved.
Can give a verbal command & visual 5 second count to advance ball over midfield or into offensive zone / Stalling Rule Enforced
(“keep it in”) / Stalling Rule Enforced
(“keep it in”)
Facing Off
9. / 6 goal mercy rule
(The losing team coach can waive it. / 6 goal mercy rule
(The losing team coach can waive it.) / All NFHS rules will be followed
2nd half – 12 goal differential will result in running time. / All NFHS rules will be followed
2nd half – 12 goal differential will result in running time.
U9 / U11 / U13 / U15
Coach on Field
10. / 1 Coach per team on field as long as both teams agree. / No coaches on field. / No coaches on field. / No coaches on field.
3-Yard Rule
(change from 5-yard rule)
11. / All stick checks, legal holds, and legal pushes must be on a player in possession of the ball or within 3 yards of a loose ball or ball in flight. / All stick checks, legal holds, and legal pushes must be on a player in possession of the ball or within 3 yards of a loose ball or ball in flight. / All stick checks, body checks, legal holds, and legal pushes must be on a player in possession of the ball or within 3 yards of a loose ball or ball in flight. / All stick checks, body checks, legal holds, and legal pushes must be on a player in possession of the ball or within 3 yards of a loose ball or ball in flight.
12. / Remove player for designated time and replace with a teammate. / Enforced per NFHS rules
(The player serves the penalty.) / Enforced per NFHS rules
(The player serves the penalty.) / Enforced per NFHS rules
(The player serves the penalty.)
13. / Any one-handed check will be considered a slash, whether or not it makes contact with the opposing player. / Any one-handed check will be considered a slash, whether or not it makes contact with the opposing player. / Any one-handed check will be considered a slash, whether or not it makes contact with the opposing player. / Any one-handed check will be considered a slash, whether or not it makes contact with the opposing player.
Fouling Out
14. / 4 personal fouls or 5 minutes in personal foul penalty time / 4 personal fouls or 5 minutes in personal foul penalty time / 4 personal fouls or 5 minutes in personal foul penalty time / 4 personal fouls or 5 minutes in personal foul penalty time
Body Checking
15. / No body checking of any kind is permitted.
Legal pushes and holds are allowed. / No body checking of any kind is permitted.
Legal pushes and holds are allowed. / Body Checking is permitted. To be legal, a body check should be delivered in a generally upright position with both hands on the stick and the player initiating the check may not use his lowered head or shoulder to make the initial contact. (No take-out checks.) / Body Checking is permitted. To be legal, a body check should be delivered in a generally upright position with both hands on the stick and the player initiating the check may not use his lowered head or shoulder to make the initial contact. (No take-out checks.)
Field Size
16. / (50 or 60 yards X 40 yards) / (Regulation size but - may be adjusted - if coaches agree.) / (Regulation size but - may be adjusted - if coaches agree.) / (Regulation size but - may be adjusted - if coaches agree.)
Referee Procedure
(tape measure, 20 second timer, flags, score card, pencil, coin, whistles) /
  • Certify the Coaches
  • Coin Toss
  • Line-up
  • Stick Checks after the 1st and 3rd quarters
  • Score the game
  • Certify the Coaches
  • Coin Toss
  • Line-up
  • Stick Checks after the 1st and 3rd quarters
  • Score the game
  • Certify the Coaches
  • Coin Toss
  • Line-up
  • Stick Checks after the 1st and 3rd quarters
  • Score the game
  • Certify the Coaches
  • Coin Toss
  • Line-up
  • Stick Checks after the 1st and 3rd quarters
  • Score the game

  • If a player loses ANY piece of required equipment, stop playIMMEDIATLELY, regardless of proximity of opposing players.
  • Unnecessary Roughness – 1, 2 or 3 minute non-releasable penalty
  • Targeting the head – minimum 2 minute non-releasable penalty
  • If the Referee deems that the game is out of control, he/she is to stop and end the game.
  • U11, U13 and U15 require two certified officials (NHLOA or US Lacrosse). U9 only requires one certified official.
  • If there is an issue at a game that needs further attention, please contact Wayne Demers603-778-8411