Blue Bell Executive Campus, 460 Norristown Road, Suite 320, Blue Bell, PA 19422
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION – Academic Years 2018-19 and 2019-20
Please provide all requested information. Click in text boxes to enter responses.
Suggestion: it may be helpful to compose longer responses offline, where you can spell check and character count them, then copy & paste answers into application form. Save your work early & often!
Full Name (First, MI, Last)Click here to enter text.
Nickname that you prefer to be called, if applicable:Click here to enter text.
Complete Home Address: Click here to enter text.
Complete Campus Address: Click here to enter text.
Note: Please be sure to include all pertinent details of your mailing address, including building/appt. numbers!
Best telephone number to reach you:Click here to enter text.
Email Address:Click here to enter text.
Date of Birth (month/day/year):Click here to enter text.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Names: Click here to enter text.
High School:Click here to enter text.
Location: Click here to enter text.
Graduation Date (mo/yr):Click here to enter text.
GPA (cumulative): Click here to enter text.
Major:Click here to enter text.
Minor:Click here to enter text.
Current Class Yr (e.g., sophomore):Click here to enter text.
Year Expected to Graduate:Click here to enter text.
Degree To Be Earned:Click here to enter text.
Cumulative GPA at the end of most recently completed semester:Click here to enter text.
Are you in 5-year Co-op program? (choose Y/N by clicking on arrow on right): Choose an item.
1.Please list all financial aid you are receiving toward your education, including scholarships and loans.
SCHOLARSHIPSName of scholarship(s) / Criteria to qualify / Duration of award / Award amt. per year / Total award amt. over all years
Type of loan(s) / Criteria to qualify / Duration of loan / Loan amt. per year / Total loan amt. over all years
2.State your financial need for the Genuardi Family Foundation Scholarship. (Response limit: 1000 characters; please enter response in box.)
3.List all scholastic awards or other special recognition that you may have received. (Response limit: 500 characters).
4.List extracurricular activities, indicating how long you’ve been involved with each and approximate time commitment of each. (Response limit: 500 characters).
5.List all work experience and employers--include dates of employment, work schedule, and a brief description of your responsibilities. (Response limit: 750 characters).
6.How have your employment experiences and extracurricular activities to date translated into networking opportunities? (Response limit: 750 characters).
7.Please write an essay expressing your views on the following:
If you have consulted others’ work or statistical information, please provide citation(s). (Please limit your response to about one page/3500 characters, not including citations).
Begin essay by typing in box below. We strongly recommend that you compose essay response offline, where you can more easily proofread and check for length, then copy & paste answers into application form. Save your work early & often!
Click here to enter text.
Completed applications are due no later than Wednesday, February 28, 2018.
- Save the application file to a location that you can easily find again later on your computer, by selecting “Save As” from the File menu and being sure to rename the file to include your name (e.g., 2014GFFApp—AnneSmith.docx). You can save your work and come back to finish the file later.
- When the application and essay are complete, email application to:
Patty Smith, Academy of Food Marketing, SJU:
- You will receive a confirmation email that your application has been received from the Academy of Food Marketing. If you don’t receive a confirmation email within a few days, please call 610-660-1603.
- If selected as a finalist, you will be contacted by Patty Smith at SJU’s Academy of Food Marketing about scheduling an on-campus interview on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 with the Genuardi Family Foundation Scholarship Committee.
- Two (2) of the interviewed finalists will be selected to receive a $20,000 scholarship over their final two academic years (second year funding is contingent upon students’ maintenance of a 3.0 GPA).
- All applicants will receive a written response from the Foundation indicating whether they have received a scholarship from the Genuardi Family Foundation.