Security Search Waiver and Consent Form

Document Number:BRI-SY-FM-00005

Revision: 1

I understand and acknowledge that Brion Energy Corporation (hereafter “Brion Energy”) takes steps to ensure the safety of all Brion Energy employees, contractors, other workers, visitors, the public and the environment. As part of its commitment to safety I understand and acknowledge that Brion Energy prohibits the possession of certain items at all Brion Energy properties.

Prohibited items (contraband) include, but are not limited to: alcohol, ammunition, firearms, illegal knives (applicable Canadian law will determine illegality), stolen property, property being transported without proper authorization, unauthorized proprietary information, an explosive, an incendiary device, fireworks, accelerants, gunpowder or hoax bombs, a weapon of any kind, drug paraphernalia (including syringes without an accompanying prescribed medication), prescription medications without proper prescriptions, over-the-counter medications with the potential for profound central nervous system effects, that will affect the worker’s ability to carry out his/her duties, unless those medications are preapproved by management, illicit drugs, controlled dangerous substances, any product or device that could be used to tamper with any sample for an alcohol or drug test, any object or substance which is, or may reasonably be suspected to be, in violation of any Brion Energy policy, procedure, standard, practice, guideline or rule or any object or substance the use or possession of which is unlawful in Canada.


  1. Acknowledge and agree to comply with Brion Energy’s prohibition against possession of prohibited items (contraband);
  2. Acknowledge and agree that, for the purpose of enforcing this prohibition, as it relates to this Security Waiver and Consent Form, Brion Energy may at any time search without notice any portion of the worksite, including my vehicle, personal belongings, camp room or office, including the use of K9 (sniffer dog) searches, and I hereby consent to such search or searches;
  3. Acknowledge that, if found to be in violation of this prohibition, I may be excluded from Brion Energy properties and be asked to surrender any and all prohibited items (contraband), which in turn may be surrendered to law enforcement;
  4. Acknowledge that I have been provided with the opportunity to read the Brion Energy Prohibited Items Search Procedure and understand that it is applicable to me; and
  5. Release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Brion Energy or its officers, servants, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, whether due to negligence, fault or strict liability caused by me, while in, on or upon Brion Energy properties as it relates to the execution of this procedure.

In signing this Security Search Waiver and Consent Form I acknowledge and represent that I have read all of the foregoing, understand it and sign it voluntarily as my own free act and I fully intend to be bound by same.

Print Name / Signature / Date / Employer
Witness Name / Signature Date