The Natural Way
Instructor: Jessica Lisovsky / Home Phone: 206-463-1941Level: Three / Email:
Classroom: BE 4106 / Time:
In case of inclement weather, please call (206) 587-5464.
If you can no longer attend the course, please notify instructor.
TEXT:Terrell, Andrade, Egasse, Muñoz (1998). DOS MUNDOS, (4th ed.) Mc Graw-Hill
ISBN # 0070644349.
OBJECTIVES: Students continue to acquire vocabulary through action, games, interviews and reading. Grammar structures (Present and Informal Future Tenses) are introduced and some homework will be assigned. Chapters 2 & 3 will be covered in this class.
- Look at all visuals before actually reading text.
- Read captions under pictures; find main topics to be discussed in the chapter, ie, chapter sections.
- Read titles, short passages--work up to longer readings.
- Scan Lectura, Nota Cultural for main ideas, read a second time using footnotes and cognates to glean meaning. Use dictionary as a last resort.
- To prepare an activity for homework, read the questions for comprehension and write the answers or at least be prepared to answer in class.
- Refer to Grammar section (blue pages) as indicated under each section heading. Do a few exercises from each grammar point. Check your answers in the back. (Appendix 4)
Teacher recommended online tools for foreign-language students:
(for remediation and extra practice)
(excellent online dictionary)
:Verbix is an independent non-profit organization that aims to promote and protect linguistic diversity [UNESCO Observatory: Multilingualism]. This site contains verb conjugations for hundreds of languages, ranging from national and international languages to regional and even extinct languages.
Plan de Estudio
/ HOMEWORK/Tarea1 / ¡NO HAY!
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- Create your 'ROTULO'!
- Read through syllabus. Note that assignments to be handed in are called UN PASO MAS (UPM)...¡A ESCRIBIR! There are 2 of them.
- Review Chapter 1, pp. 50-68.
- Look over blue pages (grammar) of Paso A thru Chapter 1, esp. the 5 verbs: SER, TENER, HABLAR, LEER, y VIVIR.
- Read first 2 sections of Chap. 2:MIS PLANES Y PREFERENCIAS (pp. 78-85) and corresponding grammar points 2.1 & 2.2 (blue pages pp. 97-98).
- Prepare Activities 3 & 8.
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- If necessary, email “la profe” so you are on the e-roster. Be sure to put Nivel 3 in the subject line!
- Read Lectura p.85.
- Do Comprensión p.85.
- Do UN PASO MAS...¡A ESCRIBIR! p. 85. (Skip lines in your composition. Remember to proofread!)
- Read thru next 2 sections of chapter (pp. 86-90) and grammar points 2.3 & 2.4.
- Prepare Actividades 10 & 11.
- Illustrate ‘action story’: El Globo.
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- Finish reading through Chapter 2.
- Read Nota Cultural p. 89.
- Do Comprensión p. 90.
- Read last section (pp. 90-96)
- Do Crucigrama: El tiempo (see packet).
- Memorize "IR" and its use for expressing theFuture (pp. 97-98).
- Do Lotería Cultural p. 68. (See packet)
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- Read first section of Chapter 3: LASACTIVIDADES Y LOS LUGARES (pp. 104-107).
- Read Lectura p.106 and do Comprensión
- Do Crucigrama:¿Dónde está? (See packet)
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- Re-read Lectura p.106 and do UPM ...¡A ESCRIBIR! p.107 "A."only. (Using a large index card or half sheet of paper, create a postcard like the one featured in the Lectura p. 106. Draw or attach a picture of your destination on the back. Skip lines inyour message for corrections. Start with general clues, becoming more specific until the last sentence where you may give the BIG hint! And don’t show your tarjeta postal to your compañeros de clase!)
- Read second section of Chapter 3: (pp.107-112)
- Prepare Act. 8, 9, 10 p.110.
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- Read next section of Chapter 3: (pp.113-116)
- Prepare Act. 12
- Using info from back inside cover, maps at beginning of book and p.113, try to become familiar with the countries, capitals and nationalities of the Spanish-speaking world.
- Do Crucigrama: Las actividades diarias See packet.
- Geografía Self-test: Fill out p. 79 in packet using themap p. 78
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- Read last section of Capítulo 3 (pp. 116-122) and corresponding blue pages: pp 130-131.
- Prepare Act. 14.
- Memorize the verb "ESTAR" and its use inexpressing Actions in Progress (pp.130-131)
- Do Crucigrama: Los países hispanos...
Ideas for independent study:
1. Keep going in the book, READ, do grammar exercises.
2. Use Destinos and other interactive materials available on the web. (To watch the Destinos series on line, go to: ).
3. Set up on-going chat sessions or peer teaching group with other students.
- Continental Language Groups – Continental Restaurant, 4549 University Way NE, Seattle
Spanish: Every Thursday 5:00 – 10:00 PM
- Contact: Rudy Perez at or 206.324.6680 meets twice a month at Uptown Espresso in Belltown, 2504 4th Ave.
4. Tutor an ESL student here at SCCC. (see website link Resources. Go to: “Ways to Use Spanish in the Community” for info)