In-Building Service (IBS) Solution

Huawei is dedicated to resolve the in-building network coverage problems for operators. With years of effort, Huawei has developed a series of IBS Solutions. Huawei IBS Solution adopts the designing concept of indoor-outdoor coordinated planning and provides customized IBS solutions for customers according to the delivery scenarios. As a world-leading wireless solution supplier, Huawei is able to provide customers with E2E service assurance with its industrial-leading system checking and optimization measures.


The in-building service domain has become the main battleground for the mobile telecommunications service. Figures show that 70% of the voice services and 90% of the data service are generated indoor. With the development of MBB network, there will be more changes on user behaviors and proportion of in-building services will further increase.

With these changes, network coverage provided by macro NodeB can no longer meet the requirement. The problem exists in two aspects. Firstly, outdoor signals may not penetrate through building shelters, which leads to weak coverage or no coverage inside buildings and lowers customer perception. Secondly, because many BTSs are located around buildings, subscribers inside buildings may face problems such as frequent network handover and frequency overlap, which reduce user perception. As indoor traffic increases, operators need to increase the number of BTSs and narrow down their coverage to meet the indoor traffic requirement.

In future, telecommunications system will have to bearer data services in higher frequencies. Higher frequency will bring higher signal loss and deteriorate the indoor signal. The IBS quality is becoming more and more important to operators as they strive to gain market share and increase revenue.

Our Solution

Huawei has a series of mature products, powerful R&D platform, and abundant network roll-out experience in the IBS domain, which enables Huawei to provide highly customized solutions and implement E2E delivery in high quality.

With the consideration of the whole-network KPI, Huawei IBS Solution makes proper plans and designs on the basis of indoor-outdoor coordinated planning, and ensures the quality of indoor signals by considering the network capacity, interference, and handover comprehensively.

Huawei is able to provide multiple IBS solutions to provide customized solution to customers in different scenarios. Considering all the factors from the customer's perspective comprehensively, Huawei recommends the passive distribution system + RRU solution.

Passive distribution system is an integrated solution using splitters, couplers, and antennas, and other passive broadband devices as application units, power distribution designs, and RF cables.

RRU devices are used to separate baseband signals from RF signals and use fiber cable to reduce the path loss caused by long-distance transmission. As a source signaling device, RRU can be installed in different ways (wall, hold pole, and ground) according to the installation scenario to save the space of the equipment room. With the passive distribution system + RRU solution, Huawei is able to give full play to the advantages of the fiber network and passive broadband network system.

With the passive distribution system + RRU solution, Huawei is able to resolve customers' problems at any place any time. By adopting the coverage principle of "multiple antennas and low power", Huawei is able to send the RRU signal to all required areas to achieve the balance between coverage and capacity. By implementing frequency planning and adjusting the priority-level parameter, operators can avoid frequency interferences generated by outdoor networks and frequent network handover. These services together increases subscriber perception significantly.

When developing the IBS solution, Huawei also takes the difficulty level of building access into consideration and is able to take advantages of the spaces to extend the coverage range, reduce engineering construction difficulties, and lay a foundation for future technology evolutions (such as LTE).

Years of practice have proven that with the adoption of passive distribution system, the system faulty rate and power consumption are significantly reduced and the system lifecycle is extended to as long as ten years. With the solution, existing distribution system can be reused for system expansion and technology evolution to reduce the cost.

Applications & Benefits

Huawei has successfully implemented IBS service in 25 countries across the globe. By the end of 2010, Huawei has implement IBS service for over 7,000 sites. With the professional IBS Solution, Huawei helps customers save cost, resolve network problems, promote the brand image, and increase their revenues.

The IBS Solution for landmark buildings, transportation junctions, and government facilities focuses on the evolution capability of the system, return on investment, and other factors. Huawei uses flexible solutions to help customers resolve coverage problem, save cost, promote brand image, and attract more subscribers.

The IBS solution for large stadiums, shopping malls, and office buildings and other crowded places focuses on network capacity, interference, and coverage factors comprehensively. With Huawei's professional network planning and design service, operators can increase their network capacity, ensure the coverage quality, absorb traffic, and increase their revenues.

For Node B receiving customer complaints, Huawei uses professional analysis tools and various IBS solutions to avoid network interferences and achieve higher KPIs.