Dining Forum
In attendance: Paula Amols, Brittny Tyler, Cody Duncan, Abbi Briggs, Becca Weyerbacher, Alex Stone, Rachel Jackson
Request for mozzarella sticks at late night: This is a very expensive item, so doesn’t work for a venue like Winslow, but Chef Tim will be on the lookout for any possible “opportunity” buys that would allow us to offer it at times—but it wouldn’t be a regular item.
The lemonade Gatorade is always empty: This item is the one most frequently suffering supply shortages from Pepsi, but recently it has been back in stock so hopefully this won’t be a problem now.
Can garlic crust be an option for the personal pizzas at dinner?: Yes, we can do that.
More pasta salad at Winslow: Will do.
Ice machines are empty a lot: We will try and keep a closer eye on that, we do have a new foodservice attendant who seems to be better at keeping them filled.
More of the sugar cookies with sprinkles: The bakers will be asked to make them more often.
More bbq sauces at Winslow: Is this meant as a request for more at the condiment stand, or in self-serve bottles?
Pears and grapes at Winslow: We have offered these, but will try and do it more often.
Irish coffee creamer at Winslow: Our prime vendor does not carry this variety, but Chef Tim will see if he can special order it.
Some M & M and chocolate ice cream at Fast Track: The person who does the ordering has been told of this request, so hopefully will get these in.
At Hart Café, fruit seems to be low on Mondays: the manager for that location wasn’t sure why that would be, she said they stay stocked with it, but she will talk with the student manager to make sure this is no longer a problem.
A request for more variety of tea at Starbooks: Was this bottled tea or hot tea? We already have 9 varieties of hot tea, and all the available varieties of bottled tea.
The pizzas at T-Room are not always baked all the way through: The lead staff person at that station has been made aware of this and it should be corrected.
T-Room is really hectic between 11am and 1pm. Paula said there’s not too much that can be done about this—each station is as fully staffed as possible for the space there is to work, and Dining doesn’t have any control over the rushes that come, and last about 15 minutes, when classes let out.
More sushi veggie rolls: Paula spoke again with the sushi chef, and asked him to make more of these so we can see what the demand really is.
Students like the cappuccino machine at Winslow;
Students loved the brisket, and want it again: It is part of the regular menu cycle, so will be offered again;
Students loved the cheese stuffed breadsticks: Chef would like to know when those were served, they’re very expensive so would not be something normally offered. Unfortunately, they’re unlikely to be available at Winslow again because of the cost.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 15th, at Hart Café.