/ Gavilan College Academic Senate
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Mayock House


In Attendance: N. Andrade, A. Arid, R. Beede, M. Bumgarner, E. Cervantes, G. Cribb, D. Ellis, D. Klein,

S. Lawrence, B. Lawn, J. Lawton-Haehl, J. Nari, J. Stewart, L. Stubblefield. Guests: R. Brown, M. Garcia (ASB),

S. Kinsella, F. Lozano, J. Pruitt, M. Ratliff, K. Rose.

  1. Opening Items
  2. Call to order at 3:01 pm
  3. Welcome and Roll Call
  4. Agenda Adjustments - none
  5. Approval of Minutes from 9/7/10 - no additions or corrections.

MSC (D. Ellis/J. Lawton-Haehl). Vote: unanimous.

  1. Comments from the Public

A. Steve Kinsella - the discussion on the Golf course was raised at the last Board

meeting, concerning the long-term use. A decision needs to be made quickly

(by the end of the semester). The existing management company agreement

ends at the end of October.

B. Mellina Garcia - (ASB representative)has recommendations from ASB on the

proposed temporary Hollister site. Will hold for this discussion item.

  1. Information Items - none.
  2. Discussion Items

a.Recommendation to board on criteria for selecting site for Hollister expansion -

ASB agreed that the K&S (or Fortino) site would be best for students; it has

access to services (transportation, food, etc) that would also bring business to

local merchants. She will write up the proposal. The K&S site was also the choice

of many other faculty members. Please send any written recommendations to

Debbie so they can be compiled into one formal recommendation.

b.Recommendation on how to grow FTE’s at Hollister site - the new version of this

document is more positive in tone. The Vision Committee would appreciate any

feedback. Counseling Department generated a list of services and programs that

should be available to students. There is a concern that the growing to 500 FTES

in Hollister will necessitate cuts here on the Gilroy campus and the document

should address this issue. The morale of our P/T Faculty is being affected - cuts in

classes generally affect them first. Funding for growth by the state could solve

some problems. Distance Ed will propose some video conferencing. Schedule of

classes should include early morning, evening and weekend classes.

c. Recommendation on development of the golf course - document is still a work in

progress. It does not address many of the possible grants that could fund

academics programs, which in turn could provide income opportunities for the

college. Don DeLorenzo, of the Gilroy Golf Course, has proposed a 5-year

management agreement. We need data on the costs of some of these programs, as

grant money comes and goes, which would leave the college looking for ways to

continue funding them. Programs need incremental development; partner

relationships can be developed. A community incubation center was suggested:

low-rent work spaces for new businesses at which students could work to help get

them off the ground, learning about that industry and helping establish businesses

that would be unique to the community.

d.Learning Council & Student Success Board Policy drafts - discussion on the need

for these to be Board Policies and/or Administrative Policies; why were they

numbered as they were? Basic Skills Initiative needs a clearly stated policy of

supporting student success.The CLASS Initiative wants it. A Board Policy is the

formal process by which the Board shows their support for various initiatives; and

by strength of statement, they institutionalize student success. The Learning

Council wants to go forward and be collaborative across all stakeholder groups on

campus. Senate believes that the Learning Council should be a sub-committee of

the Senate. Would this be a barrier for some groups? Are we all invested in and

responsible for student success? Faculty feels that much of student success is

based on assessment in the classroom and they perform this function daily. The

mission statement acknowledges multiple definitions of student success.

e.SLO Progress - handout provided by Randy Brown. Data from 09-10 is due by

October 15th. Stipends (voted on by GCFA) are available to P/T faculty who are

the sole instructors of a course and who complete the SLO work, with the

recommendation of a F/T faculty. Training is available - please contact Randy.

We need to develop a framework for ongoing assessment and revisiting SLOs.

The ILOs also need to be assessed.

f.Senator topics - none

  1. Reports
  2. Distance Education Committee - Sabrina provided a handout on EduStream.

Training will be offered. There are 3600 students in iLearn this semester in

online and hybrid classes.

  1. Basic Skills Committee - no report.
  2. Budget Committee - no report.
  3. Technology Committee - Banner changes are coming. The committee wants to

set-up a blog for Banner problems. Roll sheets continue to be a costly effort for

instructors - it takes away from student contact time, which is a great contributor

to student success. Please contact Bob Beede with how you are using Excel or

any other program to do roll sheets; working on a template in Excel.

  1. PTCOC (Part-time College of Choice) Committee - no report.
  2. Vision Committee - no report.
  3. Learning Council - met last Friday - finalized the mission statement. The next

meeting is October 1st, 12 - 1:30 pm.

  1. Senate President - no report.
  1. Action Items
  2. Closing Items

a.Items for next agenda (send employee of month nominations to: )

b.Next meeting: October 5, 2010

c.Adjournment at 4:40 pm.

Submitted by Diane Stone