Elphinstone Secondary School PAC Meeting
Monday, April 24th, 2017
- Welcome and Introductions / Call to Order: 6:00pm
In Attendance: Dirk Larsen(President), Pauline Attle-Billey(Vice President),
Marilyn Baines(DPAC Rep), Miyuki Shinkai(Secretary), Drew Murphy(Vice-Principal), Greg Russell(Trustee Liaison), Ian Thomson, Dianne Paulus.
- Approval of Minutes from last PAC meeting: Approved by Dirk, and seconded by Pauline.
- Agenda for tonight’s meeting: Approved by Ian, and accepted by all.
- Reports
- Principal’s Report by Drew Murphy
- DSLT (District Student Leadership Team) School Trustee Forum –April 11
- DSLT Talent Showcase was a huge success – April 13
- Sexual Health Workshop for Grade 10’s – April 12
- ICBC Presentation – April 19
- Dance Performance – April 29
- Canoe Paddle – April 28
- District Bursary Reception – May 5
- District Scholarship Presentations – May 11
- Pro D day – May 15
- Elphi Hosting Japanese Exchange Students – May 16
- MVP (Mentor Violence Prevention) for Grade 10’s – Early May
- Sexual Health for Grade 11-12’s – end of May
- Bathrooms and Office Reno is next
- Scholarships and Bursaries coming up
- Planning for Grade 7 Transitions – April -June
- Treasurer’s Report
Gaming Account Balance $3,995.88
Saving Account Balance $1,214.36
- Heike deposited $13,338 from the grad raffle and wrote a cheque in the same amount back to the grad committee.
- Correspondence:
- Received a copy of pamphlet from BCTF, ‘It’s time for change. The numbers tell the story’.
- Greg brought a poster of ‘BC Public Education All Candidates Forum’ The Board of Education of SD46 in partnership with the SCTA and CUPE Local 801, will be hosting an all candidates forum on Monday, May 1, 2017 from 5:30-7:30pm at Elphinstone Secondary Library on the topic of public education in BC.
- DPAC Report by Marilyn Baines
- Next DPAC meeting: April 27th at 7pm in the Chatelech Secondary. All parents are welcome to join in. The keynote speaker will be David Barnum presenting ‘Core Competencies’. Also, Davis Bay PAC and Roberts Creek Elementary PAC presentations are scheduled.(info: reported on the “Healthy Schools Committee” for which she is the DPAC rep. Vanessa White described School District upcoming events. A “Family Expo type Health Fair” isbeing scheduled by the School District for a Sat in May 2018, and input is welcome. First planning meeting is May 15/17 at 9:00am at KES. Other planning includes a “Self Harm” webinar, Mental Health Week May 1-7/17. School Counselors are grouping HASE education sessions (often supported by Parent evening events) ie. Sept: Values based / social skills, conflictJan: Sex Ed., Personal Safety, Mar: Anxiety, Mindfulness, Substance Use, Grief/loss. Naloxone training (the antidote to Fentanyl in case of overdose) will also be offered to staff and others who wish it. (Any intervention is covered by the Good Samaritan Act.). Important to note is there have not been anyincidents in schools or on school property. The role of PHNs and VCH services in the schools as well as update on the work of the CYMHSU Collaborative was discussed.
- Marilyn shared Jill Shatford’sposter of “Bring a Deeper Understanding to Childhood Anxiety”, a facilitated round-table discussion presented by the Institute of Families for Child and Youth Mental Health. Webinar seminar will take a place in April 29th, 10:15am at Roberts Creek Elementary School. (
5. Old Business
- Dirk received more detailed information from the coach Bob Hoy, regards to the requesting funds for Junior Boys Basketball team tournament that was held in Abbotsford in January. As this was the team’s third tournament away and it was very difficult for many families to afford the bill, Bob requested PAC to support paying back the 12 families $100 each to cover the cost of the travel and accommodations.
- Spending Approval – PAC made a decision of 50% retroactive funding assistance, $600 towards Bob’s request. – The motion moved by Dirk and seconded by Miyuki. All voted in favour.
- Pauline suggested setting a date of Teacher’s Appreciation Lunch – The date is Tuesday, June 13th. Pauline is coordinating this event.
- Spending Approval – PAC decided to spend $350 towards Teacher’s Appreciation Lunch expense, ordering food plates and cake. – The motion moved by Dirk and seconded by Pauline. All voted in favour.
- Miyuki reported that two of the PAC fund requested trip groups (Aquarium and Victoria trip) are appreciating the PAC funding support to realize their projects.
- On be half of Concert Band and Jazz Band committee, Dianne reported that the trip to Canadian Rocky Mountain Festival in Banff with Mr. Tom Kellough was a huge success. It was a fantastic opportunity to all 45 students form Elphi and Chat. She expressed gratitude of PAC funding support.
- Miyuki asked PAC if $200 budgeted expense for tea and snacks by Chef Barry in Cougars Café could be used for Grade 7 Transitions Parents Night occasion in June to socially engage the new parents. All in favour.
- The last year’s PAC funding request by Chef Barry was put aside for a while. PAC had a discussion of how we may be able to partially assist a cost of purchasing an industrial mixing machine for Chef Barry’s operation and teaching. Drew volunteered to talk to Chef Barry about his current needs. Drew will report back to PAC in next meeting.
- PAC encourages thefunding request candidates to come to the monthly meetings to present their proposals.
6. Any Items for Next Month’s Agenda
- Funding towards Chef Barry’s request.
PAC Meeting Adjourned: 6:50pm
Next meeting- May 29th, Monday 6pm at ESS New Library
Everyone welcome. Door prizes!
Please LIKEElphinstone Senior Secondary PAC on Facebook!
PAC Fundraiser continues – IGA Gifts Cards are available at school office for ESS families.
Contact PAC Executive via email: and/or come to a PAC meeting. We would like to see you all there!