In Attendance – Dawn Blaus, Diana Durling, Glenda Elliott, Corey Terry, Sandi Urban-Hall, Paula Runge, Karen Ruecker, Dawn Leippi, Mavis Boehmer, Angie Gottselig, Phil Reid, Megan Reichel, Megan Gardiner Hoehn, April Hall and Charmaine Luscombe

Call to Order – 5:25 p.m.

1. Approval of Agenda as submitted - motion to adopt Dawn Leippi; 2nd Charmaine Luscombe

*Suggestion to send agenda out prior to the meeting so people can be prepared; Dawn agreed.

2. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting - **Document attached**

- Motion to approve minutes as presented by Paula Runge; 2nd by Dawn Leippi.

3. Greenall SCC Constitution: ** Document attached**

Dawn read over the constitution document to the group for discussion and suggestions:

3.3 Representative Students - Phil suggested one student from each grade participate in order to facilitate communication i.e.: would a grade 9 be comfortable speaking to a grade 12? It was discussed and decided that two student reps were enough.

3.2 Representation from First Nations: Glenda will approach a member from Muskowpetung to attend the meetings.

Sandi suggested that the SCC send Frank Thauberger an invite to participate in the Council, being sure to mention the value of his attendance.

ITEM TABLED: It was agreed that items related to our Constitution and our membership, would be discussed at the next meeting. This gives all members a chance to read and reflect on the document, thus being ready to make suggestions.

4. SCC Work plan 2013/14**Document attached**

Dawn reviewed the document.

Noted: SCC needs to formulate our year plan and communicate this to the educational stakeholders.

Some discussion on concerns raised in Edenwold SCC meeting related to the dangers of driving and lack of defensive driving. Edenwold as a K to 6 school has no mechanism to address this, but would fully support any actions that could be taken to educate or raise awareness.

ITEM TABLED: It was agreed to discuss next meeting as a potential goal for our Committee.

5. Financial Report– presented by Diana Durling

Current bank balance is $1007.88. Paula Runge will be added as a signer at the bank due to both current signers having their terms end the following year. This will provide for some continuity and ease in transition following the next elections.

6. Learning Improvement Plan **Document attached**

Glenda Elliott reviewed the document.

Learning goal flow from the Province - Division - School - SCC. Therefore ideal if SCC set goals to support the school in reaching their goals.

7. Exam Schedule -changes in the exam days were the result of increases in the number of instructional hours required which is now 950 hours. Teachers are paid to work 985 instructional hours per school year.

Other school news:

*Greenall has requested extra support for Child & Family Support Services. A new teacher has been hired who can handle basic issues and provide support strategies.

*A group of students is interested in how we can all educate and influence the student body to be more accepting and tolerant. More thought and discussion will be had.

8. SLC Report -Report presented by April Hall

Activities organized by the SLC 2013/2014

-Welcome Week-Spirit Week-Keynote Speaker on entrepreneurship

-Cafe Unplugged-Library Appreciation Week

-Movember with proceeds to prostate cancer -Flowtember

-December Winter Formal -Student/teacher hockey game-Various other events

Halloween for Hunger was cancelled due to so many others already collecting.

SLC is having a fundraising bottle drive the weekend of Grey Cup.

SLC has grown to 30-40 members....excellent!!

School musical is Beauty and the Beast. Rented costumes, will be spectacular!

9. News from Neighboring SCCs - nothing to report

10. Other Business:

*Requests for WE Day - Charmaine motioned to pay $10 per student. April seconded. Passed.

Adjourned 7:05 by Karen Ruecker.

Next meeting Nov 27th 5:15

Meeting schedule

  • January 15, 2014
  • March 5, 2014
  • April 9, 2014
  • May 28, 2014