SF Hepatitis C Task ForceMinutes of 3/9/15
In Attendance:Absent Members:Guests:
Shirley BargerKat CallawayRyan Barrett
Jim BantaMisha CohenMelanie Born
Ray GoldsteinPeter DaleHannah Cohen
Pauli GrayClairemonica Figueroa
Madeline GriffisJay Fournier
Theresa HughesJose Luis Guzman
Robin RothArcadi Kolchak
Welcome and Announcements
Robin passed around a sheet for attendees to indicate their district SF supervisors.
Minutes of 2/9/15 were approved.
Arcadi Kolchak, Executive Director of SF Hep B Free
Arcadi was previously at Hepatitis B Free Santa Clara County, where he served as Campaign Director. He spoke of several initiatives and events he proposes for 2015-2016.
- Ad campaign. Hep B Free’s 2010 campaign “Which One Deserves to Die” gained national attention. Arcadi would like to revive marketing efforts.
- Asian Heritage Street Fair. It will be handled this year by the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. We will have a presence there. Robin asked about hep C testing—Arcadi will check.
- Capitol Hill. SF Hep B Free and Hep Free Hawaii will send advocates to lobby.
- SF Business Initiative. Hep B Free will work with Human Resources and CEO’s of companies to do hep B screening and provide information to employees.
- Market the cause in coordination with Stanford Liver Center. Hit city, county and state levels, blanket the state during May with info.
- Hepatitis B & C Health Care Summit. An all-day event on 10/2 at the InterContinental Hotel. Arcadi would like to bring in an expert from DC or Atlanta to speak.
Ted Fang and Janet Zola serve on Hep B Free’s Advisory Committee, and Fiona Ma is the Honorary Chair.
Robin asked if we might resume the Hep B/C Alliance; Arcadi said that would be timely.
Project Open Hand
Melanie Born and Ryan Barrett presented on the history, mission, and work of Project Open Hand. POH started in 1985 during the AIDS crisis. People with breast cancer were added as clients ten years ago. Now ten other diagnoses (ESRD, diabetes, neurological issues, all cancers) are supported for those who are symptomatic, along with lunches for seniors. Meals are medically tailored to support health. Meals may be frozen or hot, and POH also maintains a grocery center. POH wants to demonstrate how nutritious food helps over time—that food is medicine—and UCSF researchers are looking at how the structure of regular meals may improve health.
Robin talked with POH some time ago, and they now address hepatitis C also. Pauli talked with Melanie recently about the POH application; he feels it might be difficult for some people with hep C to fill out. Melanie and Ryan brought copies of the two-page application, the March menu, and a grocery menu. Any licensed provider—doctor, nurse, clinical social worker, acupuncturist—can fill out the application, which is on the website Acceptance into the program is not means-based.
Vote on New Member
TF members voted to confer membership on Jay Fournier. Welcome, Jay!
Events and Reports
Rachel McLean, Viral Hepatitis Coordinator for CA DPH, will be at the next meeting to discuss updating the State Strategic Plan for viral hepatitis. Feedback is welcomed. This is a meeting not to miss.
The Caring Ambassadors Hepatitis C Program is holding a viral hepatitis advocacy conference in Washington, D.C. May 10-13. Caring Ambassadors will pay for two advocates from each state to participate. Both hep B and C are covered. Apply at
Robin watched the Hepatitis on the Hill webinar about advocacy. Dan Berrnerisattending in Washington March 9-10. Robin will be near DC in May and plans to follow up with politicians that Dan talked with.
The Black Health and Healing Summit takes place on March 21, and the TF will be there for the third year. Shirley sent a letter asking for contact with the Summit’s screening provider. We will persist in trying to get hep C testing at the event. Clairemonica, Theresa, Hannah, Jim, and Shirley will be tabling at the Summit.
Theresa and Shirley are working on a grant with Gilead to address stigma and shame. The plan is to have transit advertising (MUNI, BART) followed by Town Hall meetings for groups who are particularly hard hit by hep C (and often underserved). Jay offered to work on the grant also.
Robin reported on the recent CalHEP Steering Committee meeting. Project Inform brought advocates (including Pauli) to Sacramento to speak before the CA Senate Budget Sub-Committee for Health Human Services and then visit individual legislators. Pauli said it had gone well; senators engaged the speakers with questions.
July 28 is World Hepatitis Day.
The Viral Hepatitis Testing Act of 2015 (HR1101) was introduced on March 3. The bill would increase education and screening efforts for hep B and C. The bill went to committee.
Robin and Shirley will meet with Emalie Huriaux on 3/16 to discuss local advocacy and developing what to ask of SF Supervisors regarding more resources for hep C. (“Demand budgetary support for hepatitis C activities by the San Francisco Dept. of Public Health” is the main Public Policy priority for the TF this year.) Now is a good opportunity for lobbying. Farrell, Yee, Tang and Mar are on the Supes’ Budget Committee.
Robin reported on the idea of a demonstration or event at AASLD in November (11/14 perhaps). Robin contacted Orlando Chavez of the East Bay, who likes the idea, along with Emalie and Andrew of Project Inform, who recommended that the message be well crafted, as the doctors are our allies. #LetMeCureMyPatients was proposed. We will continue with organizing and getting people out.
Adjourned at 7:30.