Wharf House
Medway Wharf Road
12th June 2014
Improving eye health and reducing sight loss – a call to action
Wednesday 16th July 2014 from 1:30-7:30pm
(Registration and lunch from 12:45pm)
The Ashford International Hotel, Simone Well Avenue, Ashford, TN24 8UX
Dear Colleague
We are writing to invite you to an important strategic event on Wednesday 16th July 2014 regarding the eye health and reducing sight loss Call to Action. This conference will be the centre piece of an engagement exercise that NHS England (Kent and Medway) will be undertaking on the Call to Action for improving eye health and reducing sight loss.
NHS England is seeking your views to help shape the future of eye health services in England. Through our engagement with ophthalmic professionals, partner agencies and patient groups we believe that eye care services could and should play a much fuller role in the NHS transformation agenda.
We therefore ask you to put the date of this conference in your diary and complete and return the attached RSVP by 26th June.
If you have colleagues who would like to attend please could they complete the relevant section of the attached pro forma and we will contact them directly to advise if a place can be confirmed.
Further details can be found at: http://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/qual-clin-lead/calltoaction/eye-cta/
We will send the Call to Action programme and agenda to confirmed attendees in advance of the event.
We look forward to receiving your confirmation of attendance, and to welcoming you on the day.
Yours sincerely
Stephen Ingram Dr Deacon Harle
Head of Primary Care Chair, Kent and Medway Local Eye Health Network
Improving eye health and reducing sight loss - Call to Action
Wednesday 16th July from 1:30-7:30pm
The Ashford International Hotel, Simone Well Avenue, Ashford, TN24 8UX
Name: ______
Organisation and Position: ______
Email: ______
Please delete as appropriate:
I will / will not be able to attend the above event.
I will / will not be sending a deputy to represent me /or my organisation
If applicable:
Name of representative: ______
Organisation and position: ______
Email: ______
I did not receive an invitation directly but would like to attend the Call to Action
Name: ______
Organisation and position: ______
Email: ______
Please return you completed form via email to:
Or by post to: NHS England Optometric Primary Care Team, Wharf House, Medway Wharf Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1RE
High quality care for all, now and for future generations