Endurance - 2017
C o n f i d e n t i a l (For the use of the FEI secretariat)
EventEvent title
Event category
Event organiser
Technical Delegate
Mobile phone no.
The purpose of this report is to give the FEI an overall view of the organisation and running of the Event. Individual reports must be completed by the Technical Delegate with the help of the Foreign Judge immediately following the Event within 15 days of the Event, at the latest.
The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Technical Delegate and the Foreign Judge are mentioned in the General Regulations, 23rd edition, updates effective 1st January 2017 under articles 148, 152 and article 824.2 of the Rules for Endurance Riding, 9th Edition, and updates effective 1st January 2017.
Each Technical Delegates appointed must fulfil the report.
As all other FEI officials, the Technical Delegate must comply with the Codex for FEI Endurance Officials.
Thank you for taking the trouble to fill in this report as accurately and completely as possible.
The report consists of the following sections to be completed as follows:
1. Team: Data regarding the Event
2. Meteorologic and Technical aspect: regarding the Event
3. An evaluation of the Event
4. Detailed Competition Report
5. Decisions taken regarding warnings, penalties, disqualifications, dangerous riding and abuse of Horses
6. A report on falls and accidents regarding horses, riders and other
7. Prize Money: regarding each Events
8. Pictures: regarding the environment, the stable, the vet gate
The following annexes must also be returned to the FEI together with the TD report:
1. FEI fall report forms, one form per fall that occurred at any time and place during the entire competition.
2. Warning Cards
3. Pictures
1. TeamGround Jury
Foreign Judge
Appeal Committee
Technical Delegate
Course Designer
Chief Steward
Veterinary Commission
Foreign Vet
Treatment Vet
Medical Services
Yes / No
Was a qualified doctor on call during the Event?
Name to be specified:
Was an ambulance and/or sufficient medical facilities available?
2. Meteorologic and Technical Aspects
The Technical Delegate must, in coordination with the FEI approved Course Designer (if appointed) check and approve, in advance, the layout of the course and ride conditions to protect the welfare of the horse and safety of the athlete based on the classification of tracks; the degree of difficulty and the complicating weather conditions. For 1*, 2* and 3* Events the Technical Delegate may also act as the Course Designer.
2.1 Classification of ride conditions
Loop 1 / Loop 2 / Loop 3 / Loop 4 / Loop 5 / Loop6Type 1: Flat with minimal elevation - up to 50 metres elevation
Type 2: Undulating – up to 250metres elevation
Type 3: Steep Terrain – up to 500meters elevation
2.2 Degree of difficulty
This is a combination of extreme weather conditions and track conditions that could lead to the injury or death of a horse or athlete.
Example: temperatures over 40degrees and under 5 degrees Celsius; Unstable footing; dangerous obstacle crossings; Rescue Failure.
Loop 1 / Loop 2 / Loop 3 / Loop 4 / Loop 5 / Loop 6Type 1: FAST TRACK - Low difficulty with average speed greater than 20 km per hour
Type 2: COMMON GROUND -Moderate difficulty with average speed between 12 to 20km ground
Type 3: SLOW TRACK - Significant difficulty with average speeds below 12 km per hour
2.3 Complicating weather conditions
Type 1: Hot- greater than 30 degrees Celsius / Please indicate the temperature, the humidity Level and the weather / Type 2: Comfortable - between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius / Please indicate the temperature, the humidity Level and the weather / Type 3: Cold below 20 degrees Celsius / Please indicate the temperature, the humidity Level and the weatherAt the beginning of the ride
Loop 1
Loop 2
Loop 3
Loop 4
Loop 5
Loop 6
At the end of the ride
2.4 Technical Aspects
Yes / No2.4.1 / Did the trail highlight the features of the landscape?
2.4.2 / Did the phasing of the Event fit into the difficulties of the trail?
2.4.3 / Were road crossings guarded?
2.4.4 / Were the trail markings adequate:
In daylight?
At night?
2.4.5 / Was the distance of the course the same as that shown on the Schedule?
If not what was the distance:
2.4.6 / Were the course contains less than 10% of hard surface public access roads (art.801.4)
2.4.7 / Was a trail map available for competitors and crews in a scale of at least 1:50’000?
2.4.8 / Were the start and finish wide enough?
2.4.9 / Were the start and finish near the centre of the event?
2.4.10 / Quality of the stewarding
2.4.11 / Were the maximum number of grooms (5) allowed within the Vet Gates respected
/ Fair / Poor.
2.12 / Quality of the timing
2.13 / Quality of the halts and gates
Facilities? (Water, farrier, etc.)
2.14 / Were the weigh-ins properly executed?
3. Evaluation of the Event
Please rate the following areas of organisation and provide as much details as possible, particularly concerning areas in need of improvement. Attach additional page(s) if more space and further comments are required. Please include confidential remarks on separate page(s).
(1=Unsatisfactory / 2=Must Improve / 3=Needs Some Improvement / 4=Successful / 5=Excellent)
3.1 General evaluation
Area / Directives / Scale 1 to 5 / CommentsGeneral / Event Layout and Event Preparations
Communication / Communications with the Organising Committee
Communication among Officials
Event Office / Personnel, facility, competitor/public info, Timetabling
Press / Press & media centre, press officer, Wifi access
Cooperation / Cooperation with the OC and the Officials
Public / Traffic, Parking
Facilities, attractions
Announcing, programme, information
Timing Services / Personnel, production of results,
Accuracy of the results
Stabling / Stable boxes, wash areas, services, office, security
Horse Inspection(s) / Ground, separation from public, collecting & holding areas, direction signs, documents
Heart Monitor System / Which system has been used? Manual, Electronic
Cooling area / Space available, water, security
Vet Gate / Lines, space available, ground,
Veterinary Services / Daily services, emergency response
Medical Services / Daily services, emergency response
For each area evaluated for 1 to 3, please complete bellow:
Yes / NoWould you suggest any improvements to the programme
or schedule?
If yes: Please briefly describe the issue(s) to be followed up
(refer to the relevant section in the report for details)
Do you have any additional recommendations for future improvements to the event?
If yes: Please give a short description of areas for improvements and how they could be achieved.
4. Detailed Competition Report
4.1 Horses and Riders Statistics
Current EventHorses Entered
Horses accepted after 1st Vet. Inspection
Horses not accepted after 1st Vet. Inspection
Horses having completed the ride
Number of Spectators during entire event
4.2 Media
Yes / NoTV Coverage
Broadcasters / Duration
Radio Coverage
Broadcasters / Duration
Magazine/newspaper/other number
5. Sanctions, Warnings, Yellow Cards, Penalities and Fines
5.1 Dangerous Riding (Yellow Card, Warning, Penalties, Disqualifications, other)
NF / Horse / Name of Athlete / Incident / Action TakenWere the Athletes made aware of the above irregularities before leaving the show ground?
5.2 Abuse of Horse (Yellow card, disqualification, fine – other sanction)
NF / Horse / Name of Athlete / Type of abuse / Action TakenWere the Athletes made aware of the above irregularities before leaving the show ground?
5.3 Other Complaints, Appeals, Objections, Incorrect behaviour
NF / Horse / Name of Athlete / Incident / SanctionWere the Athletes made aware of the above irregularities before leaving the show ground?
6. Accident report6.1 Accidents involving others
Report the name, involvement (groom, volunteer, Official spectator, other), location of accident, type of injury, action taken.
Name / Involvement / IncidentLocation of accident, type of injury / Action Taken
6.2 Horse
Yes / No6.2.1 / Injury of horse?
6.2.2 / Death of horse?
6.2.3 / Where the veterinary services satisfactorily performed?
6.2.4 / What was the likely cause of the accident?
6.2.5 / Was the horse involved in the accident sampled for prohibited substances?
6.2.6 / In the case of death of a horse, was a post mortem examination made? If so, what was the result?
6.2.7 / Was a competent and responsible person present to handle the media?
6.2.8 / Was a Press conference organised?
6.3 Rider
6.3.1 / What was the likely cause of the accident?6.3.2 / Injury of rider (please take into account all injury that necessitated medical intervention)
6.3.3 / Please specify nature of injury (concussion, broken bones, etc.)
6.3.4 / Did any rider need to be taken to the hospital?
6.3.5 / Was the medical service on site satisfactory?
7. Prizes (Art. 126–128/ -826)
7.1 / Cash Prizes
What was the total prize money for each competitions?
Yes / No
Were these distributed?
If yes
According to the rules (1 prize per 4 competitors)
Yes / No
According to the Schedule
7.2 / Best condition award
What was the amount of the Best condition award
If yes
According to the Schedule
7.3 / Prizes in kind
Were these distributed?
If yes, describe briefly and state the value in local currency or CHF:
8. Pictures
Note that this point is not compulsory
Pictures of the StablesPictures of the Vet Gate
Pictures of the Cooling area
Pictures of the environment
Signature: ______
Please return to FEI
Endurance Department
HM King Hussein I Building
Chemin de la Joliette 8
CH-1006 Lausanne
fax: +41 21 310 47 60
PLEASE SUBMIT THE REPORT VIA EMAIL to facilitate the administration and to protect the environment.
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