Mrs. Clark’s September News

Important Dates:

·  September 5th – NO SCHOOL

·  September 8th- PTO meeting at 6:00

·  September 12-16th: Book Fair

·  September 13th – “Lunch With a Loved One” @ 10:55 *This is also a great day to check out the book fair with your child once lunch is over.

·  September 15th - Family Reading Night at W.E.S. – time TBA

·  September 16th – 11:10 dismissal

In our Classroom:

We are still working on numbers 1-5 and focusing on one letter/sound each day. We have learned the letters: s, a, t, i, p, n, c, k, and e. We have already started reading and constructing simple words that can be made with those letters (ex: cat). We will continue to do this as we learn more letters. The next few letters we will learn are: h, r, m, and d. Please note that the majority of the work we do during math time is done in our math workbooks that stay here at school. If you don’t see much math work coming home, that is why. Also, the students have “math special” once a week with Mr. Midgett and are often given math worksheets to do in his classroom. Sometimes, they do not get finished with their worksheets during this time with him and we often do not have time to complete it in our classroom. If you see unfinished math work, no need to worry unless I let you know otherwise. J

Rest towels are coming home to be washed this weekend. Please return with your child next Tuesday, September 6th.

Websites we Love at School:







If you have a specific skill that you want to work on with your child at home and would like an educational website, (if none of the above works) write a note in your child’s planner and I will find some resources for you.