CUSCAR message

Implementation Guidebased on UN/EDIFACT CUSCAR D95B version.

Notes:Text typed by cursive should be replaced by appropriate values. Other text should be transmitted as is. For date and time values any valid EDI-representation may be chosen.


R – Required: segment (or segment group) is required for message processing and must be specified.

O – Optional: segment (or segment group) contains additional information. Ex: temperature conditions, if container is a refrigerator.

Segment / Req / Comments
UNB+UNOE:1+senderID+recieverID+interchangeDate:interchangeTime+interchangeID' / R / Interchange Header segment
receiverID values see below
UNOB:1 – for English text/Russian text (Windows-1251 encoding)
UNOE:1 – for Russian text (ISO-8859-5 encoding)
UNH+messageID +CUSCAR:D:95B:UN' / R / Message Header segment
BGM+85+manifest_number+message_function' / R / Message Body start
Supported message function:
1 – Cancellation
5 – Replace
9 – Original
DTM+137:documentDateTime:203' / O
NAD+CA+carrierID' / R / Carrier
Details of transport group / R

│ / TDT+20+voyageNo+1++carrierID:172:20+++vesselCallsign:103::vesselName' / R / Vessel call information.
Mapping between vessel callsigns and vessel names should be given to terminal
└ / DTM+132:estimatedArrivalDate:102' / R / Estimated arrival date and time
Container Description Repeated Group EQD-MEA-SEL-TMP / R / Group specified for each container in manifest

│ / EQD+CN+containerNumber::ZZZ+containerTypeISOcode+++full/empty indicator' / R / full/empty indicator:
4 – empty
5 - full


│ / MEA+WT+containerWeightType+KGM:containerWeight'
MEA+AAE+containerWeightType+KGM:containerWeight' / R / Weight types:
T – tare weight of container
N – net weight of container
G – gross weight of container
Tare weight is mandatoryalso one of gross or net weight should be indicated
├ / SEL+shipperSealNumber1+SH' / O / Shipper seal number if any
├ / SEL+carrierSealNumber+CA' / O / Carrier seal number if any
└ / Temperature group / O
└ / TMP+2+averageTemperature:CEL' / R / Temperature conditions
Bill Of Lading Information Repeated Group CNI-LOC-NAD-GID / R / Group specified for each Bill Of Lading in manifest
├ / CNI+sequenceNumber+billOfLadingNumber' / R
└ / Referece detail group / R

│ / RFF+BM:billOfLadingNumber' / R / Required only by standard as start segment of group. Not processed by system.
├ / LOC+9+loadingPort::6' / R / Loading port
├ / LOC+11+dischargePort::6' / R / Discharge port. See values below
├ / Name and address group (for sender) / R
│ / NAD+CZ++senderName:senderAddress' / R / Sender
├ / Name and address group (for recipient) / R
│ / NAD+CN++recipientName:recipientAddress' / R / Recipient
├ / Name and address group (for notify party) / R
│ / NAD+N1++notifyPartyName' / R / Notify
└ / Goods Item Details Repeated Group GID-FTX-MEA-SGP-DGS / R / Group specified for each cargo group in Bill Of Lading
├ / GID+sequenceNumber+PackageCount:PackageTypeCode' / R
├ / FTX+AAA+++goodsDescription' / R / Cargo description
│├│ / MEA+WT+cargoWeightType+KGM:cargorWeight'
MEA+AAE+ cargoWeightType +KGM: cargoWeight' / O / Cargo weight type: G – gross weight of cargo group
Required if more than one cargo group in container or Net weight for container is not specified.
├ / SGP+containerNumber::5' / R / reference to container number in which good item is placed
└ / DGS+IMD+imoDangerousnessClass' / O / Repeated segment for IMO dangerous classes of cargo
UNT+numberOfMessageSegment+messageID' / R / Message Footer
UNZ+1+interchangeID' / R / Interchange Footer

Система терминала поддерживает EDIFACT SyntaxVersion3.

В данной версии синтаксиса определены следующие кодировки:

UNOA / UN/ECE level A
As defined in the basic code table of ISO 646 with the exceptions of lower case letters, alternative graphic character allocations and national or application-oriented graphic character allocations.
UNOB / UN/ECE level B
As defined in the basic code table of ISO 646 with the exceptions of alternative graphic character allocations and national or application-oriented graphic character allocations.
UNOC / UN/ECE level C
As defined in ISO/IEC 8859-1 : Information technology -Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1.
UNOD / UN/ECE level D
As defined in ISO/IEC 8859-2 : Information technology -Part 2: Latin alphabet No. 2.
UNOE / UN/ECE level E
As defined in ISO/IEC 8859-5 : Information technology -Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabet.
UNOF / UN/ECE level F
As defined in ISO 8859-7 : Information processing - Part 7: Latin/Greek alphabet.

Т.к. не у всех клиентов терминала есть возможность модернизации своих сообщений в соответствии со стандартом, компанией РОЛИС была сделана доработка, нарушающая стандарт EDIFACT, но упрощающая использование кириллицы.

1) Поддержка русского (иного национального алфавита) в кодировке UTF-8

Алгоритм следующий:

1. В заголовке сообщения необходимо указать синтаксический уровень A т.е. (UNB+UNOA:...)

2. Сами кириллические (национальные) символы должны быть в кодировке UTF-8

2) Поддержка русского алфавита в кодировка Windows-1251

Алгоритм следующий:

1. В заголовке сообщения необходимо указать синтаксический уровень B т.е. (UNB+UNOB:...)

2. Сами кириллические символы должны быть в кодировке Windows-1251

Обращаем внимание на то, что использование неправильной кодировки (iso 8859-5 в синтаксическом уровне A/B или windows в синтаксическом уровне E) не приводит к ошибке в обработке сообщения, но документ, созданный по такому сообщению (кириллический текст), имеет нечитаемый вид.