Immunization Registry Content

Profile Abstract

The Immunization Registry Content Profile defines the data elements and content required to be sent in a complete immunization record report to an Immunization Registry or to be supplied in a query for Immunization records.

Volume I

The Immunization Registry Content Profile

The Immunization Registry Content Profile defines the data elements and content required to be sent in a complete immunization record report to an Immunization Registry, or to be supplied in a query for Immunization records.

With intercontinental travel a common occurence, vaccinations are of greater importance than ever before. By the age of 2 years, when most childhood immunizations have been completed, many children have been under the care of multiple providers, resulting in a scattered record of immunizations. As families move between health care systems, a central repository of immunization information can be used by families and providers to find out when immunizations are due, helping to make sure that children receive proper and timely treatment, and that duplicate vaccines are not administered.

Immunization registries combine immunization information from different sources into a single record and provide official immunization records for school, day dare, and camp entry requirements. Immunization registries also reduce the time needed to gather necessary immunity data about a population. In the case of a disease outbreak, or in an emergency such as a hurricane, earthquake event, immunization registries can be used to identify areas or populations of low immunization coverage that will be at greater risk of infection during the emergency. This allows valuable emergency resources to be targeted at the populations at greatest risk.

Use Case 1: Immunization Information System Participation
Parents of a 4 years old child who is about to start preschool go to their Pediatrician for a routine well child visit and have the standard IPV, Varicella and MMR vaccines administered. The EMR in the clinic queries the Immunization Registry to get the previous vaccination records for the child, to make sure that the vaccines being requested have not already been given to this patient. They receive the records, which show that the child is currently due to have the vaccines, and they are administered. The Immunization Registry is updated to indicate that the vaccines have been given, and that the child is now up to date with all recommended vaccines.
Use Case 2: Immunization Yellow Card

A patient is going overseas for a new job, and his new host country and employer need to have a record of his immunization status before a Visa can be issued. He goes to his Primary Care Physician (PCP), who can provide him with an official World Health Organization Immunization card (WHO Yellow Card). The PCP’s EMR system retrieves demographic information and records of all immunizations given from it’s own and other immunization registries. The demographic and immunization information is printed in the official Yellow Card format.

Use Case 3: Continuity of Care Document

A college student moves to a new state to attend school. She finds a PCP in her new place of residence and the PCP wants to obtain a complete medical history for his records. The PCP’s EMR system queries repositories for information about his new patient, such as allergies, past adverse events, past pregnancies, disease history, and past immunization history. It assembles the data and saves it as a new patient record for continuity of care.

Use Case 4: Vaccine Forecast

A public health official notices that there have been three cases of measles in three different day cares in a city. Fearing an outbreak, he queries the immunization history for people in the area, noting areas of low coverage, which may be a possible site for an outbreak, or an area which may soon have an increased demand for vaccine supply. He recommends additional vaccines be delivered to hospitals in two key areas, and warns hospitals and clinics in the area of a possible increase in service demand.



Basic Patient Privacy Consents (BCCP)

When patient consent is required, the Content Creator and Content Consumer of the Immunization Registry Content profile may be grouped with the Content Consumer Actor of the BPPC profile. When grouped with that actor, the Content Creator and Content Consumer shall verify that an appropriate consent has been registered for the patient to share the immunization data prior to sending the message.

Patient Demographic Query
Patient Identity Cross Referencing