The Parent Solution:
Expanding Their Future…and Yours
Statewide System for Vision Services
Spring Conference
For parents, and professionals who work with their children
April 16-18, 2010
Adventureland Inn
3200 Adventureland Drive, Altoona, Iowa
Special room rates and stipends for parents
Iowa Braille School/Statewide System for Vision Services
The Parent Solution:
Expanding Their Future…and Yours
Keynote Speaker: Kevin O’Connor, CSP
Kevin O’Connor, CSP is a professional speaker, teacher, consultant and author. Kevin teaches at Chicago’s LoyolaUniversity, is a corporate consultant, and the father of a 21 year-old student who is blind and attends GeorgeWashingtonUniversity in DC. Kevin is one of 570 persons in the world to hold the Certified Speaking Professional designation (CSP), the highest earned designation in professional speaking. Kevin is a past president of NAPVI, The National Association for Parents of Children Who Are Visually Impaired. Kevin has presented at COSB (superintendents of schools for the blind), and has worked with teachers at many of the schools for children who are blind or visually impaired. He is a contributor to three books on blindness and is the author of five more. He has taught every grade level from third through graduate and professional school.
Friday, April 16:Expanded Core Family Olympics
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Let the games begin! Enter your child’s world as you try your skills at everyday activities. Family members will use low vision simulators or sleep shades to participate in a variety of fun activities. Everyone will have the opportunity to explore the environment, overcome an obstacle, play a game and discover new ways of looking at the world. Come and join the fun whenever you arrive. The Olympic events will run continuously throughout the evening.
8:15 – 9:00 pm
Snacks and prizes will follow the activities. You will also have an opportunity to meet friends and share the Olympic experience.
Saturday, April 17:
8:45 – 10:30 Expanding Their Future…and Yours – Kevin OConnor
The primary educator of the child is the parent. The primary educator of the parent is openness and awareness. What we allow ourselves to learn as parents, how we expand ourselves, is a direct benefit to our child now and for their lifetime well beyond ours. Join us for a reflection by a parent and an educator as to how to expand our awareness and open ourselves to all life holds for our children.
10:45 – Noon Breakout Sessions
Dad’s Panel Live: A Perspective from Fathers – Facilitator: Kevin O’Connor
Dads: Brook Nolin, Gary Juranek, Dustin Haggard and Lynn Schroeder
Sit back and enjoy hearing from a group of fathers who have years of experience being a parent of a blind or visually impaired child. Feel free to join us in this interactive panel session. You will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions, discuss issues and gain support. This will be a great chance to talk to dads who understand!
Waiver Programs – Paula Connolly
Waiver Programs are services that can offer families support in a variety of ways. This session will cover the different types of waivers and what each of them might offer a family. The session will also cover eligibility and the application process.
The Priceless Link of Literacy, Learning and Loving – Margie Ortgiesen
Literacy and learning start long before a child is born. Once here, nurturing the child impacts his or her learning forever. This session will attempt to show how the two components of literacy and learning are forever linked. An interactive workshop, each participant will engage in discussions about how they can enrich their child’s environment. Topics to be addressed will be communicating and building a strong vocabulary, along with helpful early approaches to reading success.
1:15 – 2:30 pm Breakout Sessions
Transitionsmark a significant change in life of a child and occur throughout his/her lifetime. Planning for the move from one environment to another is an important part of preparing for a child’s success. Collaboration with team members involved in programming contributes to smooth transitions. Understanding the importance of preparation for the next environment can improve outcomes. Practical information and helpful strategies will be shared to assist in planning for transition at different stages during school years and beyond. Learn from parents and professionals who have coordinated transitions for their children. Join the discussion to learn and share ideas for transitions your child is approaching.
Transition – Early Childhood – presenters: Brook and Kahsia Nolin, parents of a 3 year old; Kristy Brunsvold, parent of a 3 ½ year old; and Mary Berkenpas, TVI
Transition – Elementary to Middle School – presenters: Amanda Haggard, parent of an 8 year old; Julie Bratton, COMS; Kim Juranek, parent of a 13 ½ year old; and Beth Peiters, TVI/COMS
Transition – Middle School/High School to Adult Life – presenters: Keri Osterhaus and Tai Blas, Transition Specialists, Iowa Department for the Blind; Rosie Thierer, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Iowa Department for the Blind; Roger Hoffman, Rehabilitation Supervisor, Center for Disabilities and Development; Mary Schroeder, parent of a 17 year old
Saturday, April 17: continued
2:30 – 3:00 Visit the many exhibits / APH / ASK ResourceCenterCampSunnyside / Department for the Blind / Discovery Toys
Family to Family / Independent Living Skills / IowaBrailleSchool
Low Vision / Math/Science / PEC
SaturdaySchool / Technology
3:00 – 3:30 pm Panel of short presentations for information and resources
Parents as Presenters – Brook Nolin
SaturdaySchool – Carrie Thompson
Family to Family Governance Council – Vicki Hunting
Low Vision – Jim Judd
3:30 – 4:30 pmClosing - Kevin O’Connor
What did you learn today and how will you take what you learned and apply it to your everyday life?
Saturday dinner on your own.
Sunday, April 18
8:45 – 9:30 amIowa Parent Group – Jason Yessak
Did you know that Iowa has a parent group IAPVI (Iowa Association of Parents of Children with Visual Impairments? Come participate in a workshop on the past, present and future of IAPVI. All are welcome to participate in a discussion on how to expand the future of IAPVI!
9:45 – 11:45 am
What Lies Within Your Child…and Within Yourself– Kevin O’Connor
During this session we will take a look at what we have learned and experienced and how to apply them to what may lie within in each of us. Join us as we reflect on our experiences and learning as we look to the future.
Iowa Braille School/Statewide System for Vision Services
The Parent Solution: Expanding Their Future…and Yours
Adventureland Inn, 3200 Adventureland Drive, Altoona, Iowa
Parent Registration Form
Parent Name:
Parent Name:
Street Address
Home Phone: (____)______Email Address:
Child’s Name:
Visual Diagnosis: ______Additional Disabilities:
Date of Birth: ______Current Grade: ______Gender:
AEA: ______TVI: ______COMS:
School District:
Number attending:Friday evening Adult(s) Child(ren)
Saturday breakfast Adult(s) Child(ren)
Saturday lunch Adult(s) Child(ren)
Saturday evening meal on your own
Sunday breakfast Adult(s) Child(ren)
Sunday lunch Adult(s) Child(ren)
Special diet
Material Format needed: ____ print____ electronic
Childcare will be available, but limited to the first 20 families who register. If you would like to take advantage of free childcare, please complete the following and return ASAP.
Child’s Name / Child’s Age / Special NeedsReturn Registration by March 20 to:
Kathy Hintz
1002 G Ave., Vinton, IA 52349
Fax 319-472-4371 or
Iowa Braille School/Statewide System for Vision Services
The Parent Solution: Expanding Their Future…and Yours
Adventureland Inn
3200 Adventureland Drive, Altoona, Iowa
Professional Registration Form
Street Address
Home Phone: (____)______Email Address:
Place of Employment:
Street Address
Work Phone: (____)Cell Phone: (____)
Number attending: Friday evening
Saturday breakfast
Saturday lunch
Saturday evening meal on your own
Sunday breakfast
Sunday lunch
Special diet
Material Format needed: ____ print____ electronic
Return Registration by March 20 to:
Kathy Hintz
1002 G Ave
Vinton, IA 52349
Fax 319-472-4371
Iowa Braille School/Statewide System for Vision Services
The Parent Solution: Expanding Their Future…and Yours
Friday, April 16, 2010
Please stop at the registration table when you arrive.
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.Expanded Core Family Olympics
8:00 – 8:15 p.m.Break
8:15 – 9:00 p.m.Socialize and Share Olympic Experience
Saturday, April 17, 2010
8:00 – 8:30 a.m.Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 – 9:00 a.m.Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.Keynote
Expanding Their Future…and Yours - Kevin O’Connor, CSP
10:45 – NoonBreakout Sessions
Dad’s Panel Live: A Perspective from Fathers– Facilitator Kevin O’Connor
Waiver Programs– Paula Connolly
The Priceless Link of Literacy, Learning and Loving - Margie Ortgiesen
Noon – 1:00 p.m.LUNCH
1:15 – 2:30 p.m.Breakout Sessions
Transition – Early Childhood
Transition – Elementary to Middle School
Transition – Middle School/High School to Adult Life
2:30 – 3:00 p.m.Visit the many exhibits
3:00 – 3:30 p.m.Panel of Short Presentations for Information and Resources
Parents as Presenters – Brook Nolin
SaturdaySchool - Carrie Thompson
Family to Family Governance Council– Vicki Hunting
Low Vision – Jim Judd
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.Closing – Kevin O’Connor
Dinner on your own
Sunday, April 18, 2010
8:00 – 8:30 a.m.Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 – 9:30 a.m.Iowa Parent Group – Jason Yessak
9:30 – 9:45 a.m.Break
9:45 – 11:45 a.m.What Lies With Your Child…and Within Yourself - Kevin O’Connor
11:45 - Noon Closing and Evaluations
NoonBox Lunches – you can eat in the dining room or take them with you
Location/Meals/Parking/Hotel Rooms
Adventureland Inn, 3200 Adventureland Dr., Altoona, Iowa
Rooms have been set aside at a group rate of $89 – make your own reservation–
Call 515-265-7321 or 800-910-5382 and ask for a room for the Iowa Braille School Spring Conference or Group #1735.
Room reservations need to be made by April 1, 2010
Saturday breakfast & lunch provided, Saturday evening meal on your own
Sunday breakfast and lunch provided
Free parking
Stipendswill be available for parents as they leave the conference
Within 50 miles of the hotel - $50 per day (maximum $150)
Further than 50 miles of hotel - $100 per day (maximum $300)
Parents please bring a picture of your child for a sharing activity.
Relax and soak up the rays at Adventureland Inn’s sunlit tropical courtyards surrounded by lush plants and sparkling blue water. Enjoy the fun of all the playful water activities, sit at the swim-up bar or relax in one of their two hot tubs.
For more information:
The Parent Solution: Expanding Their Future…and Yours
April 16-18, 2010
Iowa Braille School/Statewide System for Vision Services
Spring Conference