Images Found By a Convex Lens Rubric

Name: ______Date: ______

Element / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Performing and Recording
Follows the procedure outlined in the experimental design. / Proceeds without a clear idea of order or methods required. / Proceeds with some idea of order and methods required. / Follows the procedure outlined in the experimental design. / Systematically and efficiently follows the correct procedure.
Controls the manipulated and responding variables. / Controls only the manipulated variable and is not aware of others. / Controls the manipulated variable and is aware of 1 responding variable. / Controls the manipulated variable and most responding variables. / Controls all variables.
Accurately measures the responding variable(s). / Inaccurately measures responding variable(s). / With some inaccuracies, measures the responding variable(s). / Accurately measures the responding variable(s). / Accurately measures and clearly records data for the responding variable(s).
Makes and records detailed observations in data chart or table. / Makes or records limited number of observations. / Makes and records some observations, but includes few details or does not use a data chart or table. / Makes and records observations with some details, using a data chart or table. / Makes and records detailed observations in a data chart or table.
Analyzing and Interpreting
Compiles and displays data in an appropriate format (e.g., line graph, bar graph, table, flowchart, diagram). / Compiles data, but incorrectly, and displays data, but inappropriately. / Either compiles data incorrectly or displays it inappropriately. / Compiles and displays data correctly and appropriately. / Compiles and displays data appropriately and clearly.
Interprets patterns and trends in data. / Incorrectly or incompletely interprets patterns and trends in data. / Incorrectly interprets patterns or trends in data; the other is complete. / Completely and correctly interprets patterns and trends in data. / Correctly, clearly, and thoroughly interprets patterns and trends in data.
Identifies potential sources of error. / Incorrectly identifies potential sources of error. / Correctly identifies 1 potential source of error. / Clearly identifies 2–3 potential sources of error. / Clearly and thoroughly identifies 4 or more potential sources of error.
Uses experimental evidence in stating major findings and a conclusion. / States findings and conclusion, but without using evidence. / Uses evidence in stating only 1 of findings or conclusion. / Uses evidence in stating findings and conclusion. / Clearly states well-supported findings and conclusion.
Identifies new questions and problems that arise from what was learned. / Identifies 1 new question or problem, but not both. / Identifies 1 or more new questions and problems that are inappropriate or identifies only 1 new question and problem. / Identifies 2–3 appropriate new questions and problems. / Clearly identifies 3 or more appropriate new questions and problems.