Press release

IMA Klessmannat LIGNA 2017

Smart Factory For Work Surfaces

IMA shows a highly flexible, intelligent processing system in Industry 4.0 design

is of the utmost importancein modern production environmentsin the woodworking industryto pursue a continuousand integrated process chain byusing intelligent state of the artcommunication technology andby automatically connecting theindividual value added processesintelligently. IMA demonstratesthat impressively with this integratedproduction line: One of theworld’s leading office furnituremanufacturers Haworth fromHolland, Michigan (USA) investedin this specifically designed,fully automated batch size 1 systemfor cut, band and boring ofoffice desk tops. The system isdesigned with a automated parttracking and part identificationin real time throughout the automatedprocessing line.

Production control with a pushof a button

The complete process of fromthe initial cut to size process allthe way to the automated sortingand stacking of the panelsis controlled via the IMA supervisorycontrol system specificallydeveloped for automatedprocessing systems of this scale.This supervisory control systemincludes a software tool with visualizationand production controlcapabilities. With this uniformsupervisory control system allmachines in the processing systemare connected for transparentdata exchange. Decentralizedcontrol levels offer the userflexibility for future additionsand changes to the system. Singlesoftware modules can easilybe added or changed for futureimprovements. The customerbenefits from this by having aholistic view of his complete processchain.

Compact system lay out withmaximum output

The cut to size operation of theparticleboard and medium densityfiberboard panels is performedon the IMA Performance.cut CNC-controlled nested basecutting center with 2 main routingspindles and for an output ofup to 1,000 parts/shift. Followingthe cut to size process a smarttag is automatically applied toeach individual part which allowsthe automatic tracking of eachpanel through the complete process.The next step in the processis to automatically discharge partialsheets and cut offs as well asremoving non-rectangular partsafter the cut to size process tobe completed on BIMA Cx40CNC-machining centers withlaser edgebanding capabilities.All rectangular work tops areautomatically transferred to thesizing and edgebanding cell via aJalousie buffer. The buffer allowsa decoupling of the cut to size tothe edgebanding process and alleviatecapacity spikes that canreduce the overall output of thesystem. The edgebanding withPUR glue or laser edgebandingis performed by a single sidedCombima Performance Edgemachine with automatic circularflow system.

An additional Jalousiebuffer decouples the edgebandingfrom the drilling operation.The two identical PriessHorstmann machines BAT-SAXperform the necessary drillingand routing operations. Afterthat all panels are automaticallytransferred into two verticalCNC-sorting buffers made byIMA. These sorting buffers arrangethe individual panels in thecorrect sequence for commissioningand packaging of the finishedwork tops.

Visitors of the Ligna 2017 canexperience the automated sizingand edgebanding, the drillingand routing machines, the sortingbuffers, an BIMA machiningcenter, as well as the supervisorycontrol system in hall 12, boothA50.

IMA Schelling Group – Lösungskompetenz für die holzbearbeitende Industrie

Die IMA Schelling Group ist ein verlässlicher Partner für die Realisierung anspruchsvoller und innovativer Anlagenlösungen für die Holzbearbeitung und führend bei Losgröße-1-Anlagen für die digitalisierte, vollautomatisierte vernetzte Produktion. Gemeinsam entwickeln und fertigen die beiden Schwesterunternehmen IMA Klessmann und Schelling Anlagenbau die intelligenten High-end-Lösungen und vertreiben sie weltweit über gemeinsame Service- und Vertriebsgesellschaften in West- und Osteuropa, den USA, Kanada, Russland, Singapur und China.

Die IMA Klessmann GmbH mit Sitz in Lübbecke, Ostwestfalen/Deutschland, ist Hersteller und Lösungsanbieter vernetzter Produktionsanlagen und hochwertiger Einzelmaschinen für die holzbearbeitende Industrie. Schwerpunkt sind Bekantungsanlagen sowie Transport- und Handlingeinrichtungen für die Kantenbearbeitung und CNC-Bearbeitungszentren. IMA zeichnet sich insbesondere durch umfassendes Know-how bei der Entwicklung vernetzter, vollautomatisierter Losgröße-1-Anlagen aus. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt weltweit 950 Mitarbeiter und ist in mehr als 60 Ländern präsent.

Die Schelling Anlagenbau GmbH mit Sitz in Schwarzach, Vorarlberg/Österreich, entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt Aufteilsägen und -anlagen für plattenförmige Werkstoffe, automatische Flächenlager und Stapelanlagen für Holzwerkstoffe sowie Präzisionssägen und -anlagen für Kunststoffe, NE-Metalle, Eisenmetalle und Leiterplattenwerkstoffe. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt insgesamt rund 500 Mitarbeiter an zehn Standorten in neun Ländern.

IMA Schelling Group – solution competence for the woodworking industry

The IMA Schelling Group is a dependable partner for the implementation of sophisticated and innovative plant solutions for wood processing, as well as the market leader in batch size 1 solutions for the digitized, fully automated networked production. The two sister companies IMA Klessmann and Schelling Anlagenbau jointly develop and manufacture the smart high-end solutions and distribute them worldwide through joint service and sales companies in Western and Eastern Europe, the USA, Canada, Russia, Singapore and China.

IMA Klessmann GmbH, based in Lübbecke, Ostwestfalen/Germany, is the manufacturer and supplier of integrated production systems and high-quality individual machines for the woodworking industry. The main focus is placed on edging systems as well as transport and handling equipment for edge processing and CNC machining centres. IMA boasts comprehensive know-how in the development of the integrated, fully automated batch size 1 systems. The company employs 950 people worldwide in more than 60 countries.

Schelling Anlagenbau GmbH, based in Schwarzach, Vorarlberg/Austria, develops, produces and distributes dividing saws and systems for plate-shaped materials, automatic surface bearings and stacking systems for wood materials, as well as precision saws and systems for plastics, non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals and printed circuit boards. The company employs around 500 people at ten locations in nine countries.


Fully automatedlot-size 1 production line, Smart Factory, IMA, Industrie 4.0


office: Köhler + Partner GmbH

Brauerstr. 42 · 21244 Buchholz i.d.N.

Telefon +49 4181 92892-0 · Fax +49 4181 92892-55

E-Mail: • Klessmann GmbH

Industriestraße 332312 Lübbecke

Telefon: +49 5741 331-0 Telefax: +49 5741 4201 
