August 5, 2010
This message is intended for inpatient behavioral health associates only.
My senior leadership team and I understand that in our diligence to make the best decision about the future of inpatient behavioral health, the uncertainty has produced various levels of stress and tension. I understand that some associates have begun to explore other employment options. I completely understand your concern regarding the uncertainty of your role for 2011. The final decision on inpatient behavioral health has not been made, but we want to express our concern for the difficult position you face. Equally important, we want to maintain the excellent quality and integrity of the care each of you offer our patients.
The attached incentive program, I hope, will make this time of uncertainty a little easier, at least from a financial perspective. At the beginning of the next pay period, Aug. 8, we will pay the non-management associates working in our inpatient behavioral health unit an hourly differential of five dollars an hour for each hour they work in inpatient behavioral health. Please note - this is for inpatient behavioral health associates only, and does not replace or otherwise interfere with any other differentials that are applicable to an associate’s hours worked.
In addition, we will institute a lump sum payment for your continued service to our patients. This payment (see the schedule below) will offer one payment at the end of the sixth pay period (paycheck of November 5th) and another potential payment at the end of the program, should the decision be made to close the inpatient behavioral health program. In order to receive either of these payments, you will need to be employed on the day of the payment (i.e. November 5, 2010 and/or on the program end date.) If the decision is made to continue to offer an inpatient behavioral health program, only the first payment will be made; and if that decision is made after six pay periods have elapsed - the special five dollar differential would cease at the end of any shift that began on that day.
The potential payments described in this communication are separate and distinct from any severance pay that might be due associates who qualify for severance; those payments will be calculated by Human Resources and shared with associates by the assigned HR Generalist.
You are the heart and hands of our mission to those within our community who face the pain and struggles of mental illness. I appreciate all that you do for our patients every day. My hope is that you choose to remain part of our team as we work through this decision process.
Thank you,
Margaret Sabin, President and CEO