Illustrate Globe Making Process in Preparation for Writing Narrative

Jennifer May, December 6, 2010

Using illustrations to write a narrative of the globe-making process (45 mins)

Grade: 2, Classes 1 (5 students, beg to int English proficiencies) & 2 (11 students, beg to adv-int English proficiencies)
Content Standards:
1.  Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of groupings to discuss, share, reflect on, develop and express, and to interpret opinions and evaluations about a variety of experiences, ideas and information. (NYC ESL)
2.  Select a focus, organization and point of view for oral and written presentations. (NYC ESL)
3.  Produce a narrative procedure (NYC ELA)
4.  Continents and oceans can be located on world maps and globes. (NYC SS)
5.  Students connect the visual arts to other disciplines; apply the skills and knowledge learned in visual arts to interpreting the world. (NYC Art)
Key Vocabulary:
Order words: first, second, next, then, after, last
Art words: papier mache, cover, mixture, dry
Globe words: continents, oceans / HOTS:
How can we use our pictures to help us write our papers?
Can we add details in our writing that are not in our pictures? How?
globes, modeled example of project, word cards, student illustrations
Connections: Prior Knowledge/Building Background/Prior Learning:
Teacher and students will review our steps from last week.
Students will explain their posters to their partners.
Teacher will review vocabulary.
Teacher will model writing from the illustration example.
Content Objectives: / Meaningful Activities: / Review/Assessment:
1.  SWBAT explain the steps to make a papier mache globe.
2.  SWBAT write a narrative of the globe-making procss. / 1. Turn to a partner and explain posters and/or drawings.
2. Students use their illustrations to write a paper about making a globe or complete a worksheet about the process. / 1. TW observe students as they explain their work.
SW talk about making a globe.
2. TW observe students as they write and offer advice if needed.
SW write the explanations they have given verbally.
Language Objectives: / Meaningful Activities: / Review/Assessment:
1.  SWBAT use order words to describe the process of making a globe.
2.  SWBAT use order words, art words, and globe words to write about the globe-making process. / 1. Students will tell a friend about making a globe by sequencing it with target words.
2. Students will write a paper or complete a worksheet using the target words listed on the board. / 1. TW observe students as they explain their work.
SW talk about making a globe.
2. TW observe students as they write and offer advice if needed.
SW write a paper using the target vocabulary.
Students volunteer to read from their writing.
Review our objectives. Did we meet them?

This lesson is part of a unit plan based on the 2nd grade, social studies pacing calendars. We first hooked students by creating papier mache globes. Then, students learned the seven continents and how to recognize them according to their shapes. From there, students learned to describe where the continents are on the map using the terms: north, south, east, and west. Students traced and painted the continents onto their blue globes, and we studied the four oceans. Students marked all of the continents and oceans on the globes. Last week, student drew pictures indicating the steps they took to make their globes, and now they are writing their papers or completing worksheets. This is the last lesson.