Illinois Staff Physician Recruiters

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Rush-Copley Medical Center

July 13, 2011


/ Pat Ambriz, Amanda Bolander, Shane Brown, Janiece Durham, Debra Gaines, Tim Gilpin, Melanie Harkins, Michelle Hirschman, Beery Kelsey, Kara King, Lee Meyer, Nilu Patel, Jake Shimansky, Monique, Sheilby, Jackie Smith, Caroline Steffen, James Tannheimer, Erin Wainwright,
Welcome / Mandy Bolander, Rush-Copley Medical Center
Guest Speaker / Tem Harrier-JAMA---11:20 a.m.
Presentation on alternatives and opportunities for “Reaching the Right Candidates”
Presentation covered the subject of physician recruitment and “setting yourself apart from the crowd”. Mr. Harrier discussed the physician shortage, increasing competition and various methods of print and web based physician recruitment.
Approval of Minutes / Meeting minutes of April 7, 2011 were reviewed and approved.
NEW BUSINESS / Jason Dotson, Treasurer….
We are in the unusual situation of having both a vacancy in the President and Vice President executive committee roles of ISPR.
For the remainder of the terms Jacqueline Smith of Edward Hospital will serve as President (Jackie has been a past President) and Elfriede Thrush-Hugel will serve as Vice President (Elfriede is currently co-chair of the ISPR job fair, one of the primary responsibilities of VP). Motion approved. By-laws will be reviewed and addressed accordingly.
General nominations and election will be held in September as per by-laws, newly elected officer will assume roles January 2012.
ASPR 2011 Conference / Lee Meyer updated the group on the ASPR conference in Chicago this summer and the representation of ISPR at this event. There will be an ISPR job table and print collateral available to promote our organization at this national conference.
ISPR 2011 Conference Updates / Elfriede and Erin updated all members on the status of the job fair. Cvent invitations will be emailed shortly. We currently have 50 complimentary rooms reserved at the Westin River North for ISPR members and 70 parking validations for attendees. The Job Fair will be held from 5p to 8p and time allowed prior for set-up and registration. The retreat will be held on November 18 from 7:30 a.m. until approximately 4:00 p.m. Thank you Erin for taking care of the guest speaker arrangements!
Finance Committee / Jason Dotson, Treasurer provided the balance sheet update---explained he needs to reconcile membership and dues at this time in Quick Books and will update at the next quarterly meeting.
Membership Committee / James Tannheimer reported that there are currently 89 members of ISPR---goal is to reach 100. The membership and marketing committee (Nilu Patel and Janiece Durham) have been making calls to hospitals not currently in ISPR-mostly discovering most of these institutions do not really have a recruitment department. Notices regarding job fair were distributed to these facilities.
Proposal plan to hold a future meeting (spring 2012?) in central IL, either in Bloomington or Springfield. This will allow the central and downstate ISPR members to attend in person and still remain a reasonable distance for those in the Chicago metro area.
Marketing Update / Discussed updating the ISPR brochure including a map and names and recruiters of all organizations. This has been done in the past and is a great promotional piece not only for ISPR, but all member organizations as well. Michelle Hirschman/Janiece Durham to investigate.
Michelle Hirschman updated ISPR that she will be moving into a new role at Rush University Medical Center as Director of Meaningful Use. Congratulations to Michelle!
Other Business / Discussed the necessity to bring newer members of ISPR into some of the leadership roles (job fair, marketing, website development, etc) as the organization continues to grow. Will be addressing at the upcoming meetings the importance of succession planning and new ideas to insure that ISPR remains a strong organization and is prepared for future changes in healthcare recruitment.
Meeting Adjourned / Motion to adjourn meeting at 1:25 p.m.
Next Meeting / Next ISPR meeting to be held at Edward Hospital in Naperville on September 8, 2011.