Illinois 4-H Livestock Record

Name: Club:

Species: (Circle below - Use a form for each different species) / Yrs. in Project: / Project Yr: 20



This record should help you become familiar with the costs of raising animals and help provide you with details regarding profits and losses. It will also be valuable in showing others what you have done in this area, including how your herd or flock has grown, and what you have learned.

In the Beginning. . .

What animals do you own or are leasing at the beginning of the 4-H year?

(List breed, name, and/or ID number) / Date of
Birth / Value $ / Owned / Leased
(List owner’s name) / Date
Example: Crowning Glory, Holstein / 7/16/2004 / $6,000 / X / 9/1/2007

What are your plans for expanding your herd or flock this year? (By purchasing, leasing, breeding, and/or birth)

Plans for Expansion / Target Date
Example: Breed 2 cows; Purchase 3 calves at XXXX Breed Sale; Purchase 4 Lops


Production Records


List each female separately

Name or ID Number
of Female / Date Bred / Name or Number of Sire / Date Born/Laid/
Hatched / Number
Hatched / Number
Surviving / Date Weaned / Age at Weaning

Market Animals

Weigh your animals at least twice a year.

Name or ID Number
of Animal / First Weighing / Second Weighing / Days on feed / Total pounds gained / *Average daily gain
Date / Weight / Date / Weight

*Divide the total pounds gained by number of days between first and second weighing.

Financial Obligations


Use the following tables to record your feed costs and other expenses during the year (vet bills, bedding, show supplies, purchase price of animals, etc.) Recorded income and expenses should be the actual costs or the fair market value, otherwise your information will not provide a true look at your animal project. Any financial arrangements for this project should be noted and indicate how assistance was or will be obtained and how repayment will be made.

Feed Expenses

Date / Type of Feed
(grain, hay, silage, pasture, protein supplements, minerals, mixed feeds, etc.) / Purchased From / Pounds / Cost
9/2007 / Example: Grain / John Doe (Neighbor) / 1,500 / $x.xx per lb.
Total Feed Expense / $

Animals Purchased

Date / Name or ID Number
of Animal(s) Purchased / Purchased From / Cost
12-1-07 / Example: Steer calf #2991 / XXXXXX Farms / $xxx.xx
Total Cost of Animals Purchased / $

Veterinary Expenses

Date / Purpose of Vet Visit
(include name or number of animal) / Treatment Given
(including dosages) / Cost
6/11/2008 / Example: Vaccinations - #2291, 3343, 5503, and 2296 / Pseudorabies / $xxx.xx
Total Veterinary Expenses / $

Other Expenses

Date / Description of Expense / Paid To / Cost
4/1/2008 / Example: 6-month Horse Lease Payment (“How to Run”) / Jane Doe / $xxx.xx
Total Other Expenses / $

General Income

Use the table below to record your income from sales of animal products (milk, wool, etc.), show income, etc.

Date / Description of Income / Amount
5/1/2008 / Example: Goat Milk Sold at Farmer’s Market; XXX Fair Premiums / $xx.xx
Total General Income / $

Income from Animals Sold

Use the table below to record your income from sales of animals.

Date / Name or ID Number
of Animal Sold / Sold to / Amount
3/2/2008 / Beef Steer Calf #4597 / Noone Particular / $xxx.xx
Total Income from Animals Sold / $

Financial Summary

$______+ $______+ $______+ $______= $______

Feed Expenses Animals Purchased Vet Expenses Other Expenses Total Expenses

$______+ $______= $______

General Income Animals Sold Total Income

$______- $______= $______

Total Income Total Expenses Basic Profit*

* This figure does not include costs of depreciation, inventory, or self-labor.

During the Year. . .

Show Results

Post the results of the exhibit opportunities you participated in during the year.

Date / Name of Show / Animal(s) / Results
Examples: County 4-H Show; XXXX County Open Show; State Fair Jr. Beef Show / Signal Lost / Blue Award; 2nd place

Project Activity

Record any other activity you had with this project (breeding, working the animals, tattooing, tours, judging contests, presentations, community service, etc.) If reached a specific audience, include the number of people reached. Please add additional sheets if more space is needed.

Date / Activity / Hours
Spent / Subtotal
Examples: Provided rabbits for nursing home petting zoo; State Livestock Judging Contest; Presentation on Clipping My Cow (15); June is Dairy Month promotion at local store, etc.
Total Hours Spent

Leadership Demonstrated

List your leadership activities in this project area for the year. Include the number of people you helped for each occurrence.

Date / Leadership Demonstrated
(What did you do?) / Number of people assisted
Example: Taught members to make a rope halter; Led barn tours at county fair; Served on county Livestock Committee / 4; 600

Final Results

Knowledge and Skills Gained

What did you learn throughout the year related to this project?

Date / What you Learned / Who Helped You?
Examples: Make a rope halter; Keep feed records; ; How to AI a heifer; To suture a wound, etc. / Dad

I hereby certify that I have personally been responsible for the care of this/these animal(s), have personally kept records on this project, and have personally completed this record form.

Member Signature / Date

We have reviewed this report and believe it to be truthful and correct.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Urbana, Illinois RA0102 Revised August 2008

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dennis Campion, Director, University of Illinois Extension, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University of

Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. *The 4-H Clover is protected under 18 U.S.C. 707.