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Prenatal 3D sonographic diagnosis of lateral facial cleft (Tessier number 7): description of two cases and a review of the literature
Running title:Prenatal diagnosis of lateral facial cleft
Yani Yan1, Yukun Deng2, Qiuyan Pei*1, Yan Wang1, Zhenjuan Yang1, Yuntao Li1, Sha Dou1, Lin Zhang1,Guoli Liu1.
1Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Peking University People’s Hospital, Peking, P.R.China
2Department of Ultrasound,Beijing Jishuitan Hospital,Beijing,P.R.China
Address correspondence to Qiuyan Pei,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University People's Hospital, No.11 Xizhimen South Street Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.China.Postcode:100044; Tel:86-10-88325325; Fax:86-10-8832-4775; E-mail: .
Disclosure of conflict of interest
Abstract: Lateral facial cleft is a rare congenital malformation that may occur either as an isolated phenomenon or in combination with other congenital anomalies. We present two cases of lateral facial cleft associated with ear deformity diagnosed by antenatal ultrasound.
Two-dimensional sonography detected fetuses with appropriate gestational age with a widening of the left oral commissure, while three-dimensional sonography with surface mode rendering showed a left lateral facial cleft (number 7 according to the Tessier classification) with ear deformity.One case was a left lateral facial cleft with bilateral cup ears and the left ear low-set, and the other case was a left lateral facial cleft with right microtia, bilateral accessory ears and bilateral skin tags on both cheeks of the fetus.Our cases confirm the usefulness of three-dimensional sonography in the prenatal diagnosis of lateral facial clefts.
Keywords: lateral facial cleft; prenatal diagnosis; three-dimensional sonography, ear deformity, no. 7 cleft.
Lateral facial clefts rarely occur.According to the well-established Tessier classification, lateral or transverse facial clefts are categorized as cleft number 7[1]. This congenital deformity results from the failure of fusion of the maxillary and mandibular process, and its estimated frequency is 1 in 60,000 to 300,000 live births and accounts for every 1 of 100-300 cases of all facial clefts[2, 3].A unilateral cleft involves one side, and the left side is more commonly affected [4]. Males are also more commonly affected than females [5]. A unilateral facial cleft is characterized by a variabledegree of widening of the oral commissure (macrostomia) and is frequently associated with variable hypoplasia of the lateral skeleton of the face (maxilla, zygomatic bone, ascending branch of the mandible) and external ear. Herein, we report two cases of fetuses with left lateral facial cleft associated with ear deformities diagnosed prenatally by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography.
Case reports
Patient 1
A 33-year-old Chinese patient, gravida 1, para 0, was referred to our hospital for a routine scan at 27 weeks of gestation. This was her first pregnancy conceived via in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer(IVF-ET). There were no specific risk factors for fetal malformations.First-trimester screening using nuchal translucency and biochemistry suggested a very low risk of chromosomal aberrations, and the location of the placenta was low.
Initially,based on the two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound (US) examination at our hospital,we did not detect any obvious facial abnormalities.However, the left oral commissure seemed to beslightly deep and widened, and the left and right commissures of the mouth seemed asymmetric. Uponfurther examination, we found that the position of the left ear was low,but we could not clearly see the shape of the left ear (Figure1A,B).The mother had placenta previa, but the remaining fetal anatomy and biometry were normal, including the amniotic fluid volume and placental insertion.
At the end of the examination, a 3D US with surface mode using a GE E8 expert scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) revealed an asymmetrical macrostomia as a result of aleft lateral facial cleft.The cheek was sunken and was associated with the small malformed and low-set left ear (Figure1C,D). A meticulous search for amniotic fluid band syndrome was negative.Genetic amniocentesis was performed at our hospital for fetal chromosome analysis.Cytogenetic analysis revealed a normal karyotype of 46, XY, and an array comparative genomic hybridization analysis revealed no genomic imbalance. The patient received a consultation with a plastic surgeon and finally decided to terminate the pregnancy.The autopsy examination revealed a left facial cleft of approximately 1.5 cm, and the left low-set and cup ear was as suspected on the antenatal 3D US. However, the right cup ear was not previously noted sonographically (Figure1E,F).
Patient 2
A 34-year-old Chinese patient, gravida 3, para 1, was referred to our hospital for targeted US examination at 24 weeks of gestation. She had a male baby who was delivered vaginally 7 years ago,and the boy was healthy. In her second pregnancy, she had an early miscarriage 5 years ago.There were no specific risk factors for fetal malformations, and the pregnancy had been unremarkable. Her family history was negative for craniofacial or other congenital malformations. First-trimester screening using nuchal translucency and biochemistry suggested a very low risk of chromosomal aberrations.
The 2D US examination at 24 weeks at our hospital showed mild polyhydramnios and that the fetus was appropriate for gestational age.However, the left lateral commissures of the mouth were widened, and a skin tag on the right cheek of the fetus was found, but the shape of the right ear was not seen clearly (Figure2A,B). No cleft lip was identified, and the alveolar ridges appeared intact. A 3D US with surface mode using a GE E8 expert scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) revealed the left lateral facial cleft and that the size of the right ear was small and associated with a skin tag on the right cheek of the fetus (Figure 2C,D). No intrauterine synechia was observed. No other abnormalities of the internal organs were discovered. A diagnosis of left lateral facial cleft was made. A genetic examination was not performed because the parents refused.The patient had a consultation with a plastic surgeon and eventually decided to terminate the pregnancy.The autopsy examination revealed a left facial cleft of approximately 2 cm, the size of the right ear was small, and a skin tag on the right cheek of the fetuswas as suspected on antenatal 3D US.The size of the right skin tag was approximately 1.2cm, but a skin tag on the left cheek of the fetus and the bilateral pre-auricular small skin tags were not previously noted sonographically.The small bilateral pre-auricular skin tags were regarded as accessory ears. No bony defect was found. The US findings of anomalies were confirmed(Figure2E,F).
Review of literature
The lateral facial cleft is a rare malformation. Thus far, only three cases of isolated lateral facial cleft have been reported antenatally in the literature: one was a bilateral lateral facial cleft [6], one was accompanied with bilateral skin tags and anterior displacement of the left external ear[7], and the remaining case demonstrated an asymmetrical macrostomia as a result of left lateral facial cleft associated with a coexistent skin tag over the left oral commissure area[8]. Other cases have been reported as part of a malformation syndrome, such as oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum[9] or Barber-Say syndrome[10].The present two cases increase the total reported cases to 5. Details of all 5 cases of lateral facial cleft [6–8] are summarized in Table 1.
Lateral facial cleft is a rare anomaly. Tessier's classification of facial clefts lists the lateral facial cleft as number 7. The cleft is thought to result from an interruption of mesoderm migration, which enables the union of the maxillary and mandibular processes in the fourth and fifth weeks of embryonic development or is due to disruption in the processes after fusion[11].The etiology of this condition is unknown.This type of cleft can present as a slight widening of the mouth to a cleft extending up to the ear. The condition can be bilateral, but most of the reported cases are unilateral and do not extend beyond the anterior border of the masseter. Our two cases were both left lateral facial cleft with ear deformity.Additional anomalies reported with lateral clefts include preauricular skin tags; microtia; absence of the Eustachian tube, temporomandibular joint, and zygomatic arch; polydactyly and cardiac and renal anomalies[12-14]. As reported in the literature[15], amniotic bands can create incomplete forms of facial structures in humans. However, in our two cases, no clear evidence of amniotic bands was found. Various surgical techniques have been described in the literature to correct these lateral facial clefts. The aim of surgery is to create a symmetrical commissure with minimal scarring. Our case was associated with microtia, and the position of the ear was low, so the patient and family members consulted with a plastic surgeon, and they decided to terminate the pregnancy.
We suggest that 3D US is particularly valuable for atypical clefts and for lateral
clefts in particular. The central portion of the face, nose, lips and alveolar ridge is well visualized with a standard 2D scan. However, the lateral part of the fetal face is not equally accessible on both sides, and therefore, it is particularly difficult with a 2D approach to compare the two sides and identify asymmetry. In our case, the standard 2D sonographic views of the face, profile and upper lips appeared normal. Although a lateral cleft was suspected, it was not until a 3D view of the face was obtained that the anomaly was fully appreciated.
Three case reports of isolated lateral facial clefts detected before birth have been previously reported. One was found at 26 weeks of gestation using 2D US displaying widening of the oral commissure with delivery at 34 weeks due to preterm labor[5]. One case had a left lateral facial cleft accompanied by bilateral skin tags and anterior displacement of the left external ear at a gestational age of 22 weeks based on 3D US, whicheventually resulted in elective termination of the pregnancy[6].The other case presented with left lateral facial cleft associated with a coexistent skin tag over the left oral commissure area diagnosed by sonography at a gestational age of 24 weeks using 3D US. At 40 weeks of gestation, a male baby weighing 2,730 g was delivered vaginally[7] and showed an isolated left facial cleft of approximately 1.2 cm, one small skin tag over the left mouth angle as suspected on antenatal 3D US, and a left pre-auricular skin tag that was not previously noted sonographically.
In our country,we perform 2D US examination routinely in the second- and third-trimester screening stages. In 2D US, widening of or an unusually deep oral commissure or the impression of asymmetry between the left and the right side of the face have been recognized as signs of lateral facial cleft, although the lateral part of the fetal face is not equally accessible on both sides using 2D US.Therefore, it is difficult to identify the asymmetrical widening of the oral commissures and to diagnose ear deformity using 2D US. In comparison, 3D US of the face fully showed the anomaly. In our two cases, the antenatal 3D sonogram images were confirmed by the postmortem appearance of the fetus. If the presence of facial cleft is suspected using 2D US, we suggest that 3D US should be used. Independent of the etiology, we suggest that 3D US has substantial value in the prenatal detection of lateral facial clefts.
This study was supported by the Peking University People’s Hospital Research and Development Funds (RDC 2015-11) , the Scientific Achievements and Technology Popularization Projects of Beijing Health and Family Planning Commission,No.TG-2015-04. and National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.81641060.
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Figure 1.Two-dimensional and three-dimensional surface-rendering sonograms compared with the appearance of the fetus after the termination of pregnancy. A,Coronal sonogram showed that the upper lips appeared intact; however, the left oral commissure seemed slightly deep and widened, and there was the impression of asymmetry in the commissures of the mouth, suggesting a left facial lateral cleft. B,Sagittal sonogram showed thatthe position of the left ear was low.C,3D US showed thatthe left oral commissure was widened, and there was the impression of asymmetry between the left and right side of the mouth and the sunken appearance of the left cheek. D,3D US revealed thatthe left ear was small and its position was low. E,The left facial lateral cleft was confirmed. F,The cup and low-set left ear confirmed the antenatal ultrasound imaging.
Figure 2. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional surface-rendering sonograms compared with the appearance of the fetus after the termination of pregnancy. A, Coronal view of the lips suggestedthat the superior lip wasintact; however, there was the impression of asymmetry in the commissures of the mouth, suggesting a left lateral facial cleft. B,The impression of left lateral facial cleft wasstrengthened by a lateral view of the cheek (Finger).C,3D US revealedthe asymmetrical macrostomia due to the left lateral facial cleft.D,3D US revealedthat the size of the right ear was small, and there was a skin tag on the right cheek of the fetus.E,The left lateral facial cleft was confirmed. The left ear was normal;there was a skin tag on the left cheek of the fetus; and a pre-auricular small skin tag was regarded as an accessory ear. F, the right ear was small;there was a skin tag on the right cheek of the fetus; and small pre-auricular skin tags were regarded as accessory ears.
Table 1 Summary of lateral facial cleft (Tessier number 7) case reports
Reference / Gestationalweek / Sex / Symptoms / Chromosome karyotype / Prognosis / Operation time
6, Presti F / 26 / F / The lips appeared prominent and the lateral commissures of
the mouth widened / 46,XX
normal / A female infant weighing 2,280 g was
delivered by Cesarean section / Operated at 6 months of age
7, Pilu G / 22 / Unknown / Lateral facial cleft accompanied by bilateral skin tags and anterior displacement of the left external ear / Unknown / Elective termination
of pregnancy
8,Chang YL / 24 / M / An asymmetrical
macrostomia as a result of left lateral facial cleft, a coexisting skin tag over the left oral commissure area / 46,XY
normal / A male baby weighing 2,730 g was delivered
vaginally / Operated at the age of 3 months
Our case No 1 / 27 / M / An asymmetrical macrostomia as a result of left lateral facial cleft, and the appearance of the cheek was sunken. Associated with a small malformed and low-set left ear / 46,XY
normal / Elective termination
of pregnancy
Our case No 2 / 34 / M / A left lateral facial cleft was present, and the size of the right ear was small and associated with a skin tag on the right cheek of the fetus / Unknown / Elective termination
of pregnancy