Particles 5 – 7 mark scheme

1. (a) (i) 100 accept answers from 98 to 100 1

(ii) to condense the water vapour accept ‘to change the gas into liquid' 1

or 'condensation' or ‘condenser'
accept ‘to cool the vapour into water'
do not accept ‘to cool the vapour or water'

(iii) distillation or distilling 1

(b) (i) evaporating or boiling 1

melting 1

freezing 1

condensing 1

(ii) A accept ‘boiling' 1

D accept 'condensing' 1

accept the letters written in the correct places on the diagram


2. (a) (i) 1

all three lines must be correct for the mark

(ii) evaporation: P 1

melting: R 1

(b) (i) liquid 1

(ii) carbon 1

hydrogen 1

(iii) carbon dioxide 1

accept ‘CO2’

accept ‘carbon monoxide’ or ‘CO’

accept ‘carbon’ or ‘soot’

answers must be in the correct order


3. (a) (i) helium is less dense than air accept ‘helium is lighter than air’ 1

accept ‘the upthrust on the helium balloon is greater than the weight of the balloon’

(ii) any one from 1

·  the air in the balloon is denser than the air in the room

accept ‘the air in the balloon is compressed’

·  the rubber has weight accept ‘rubber is heavier than air’

accept ‘the rubber is denser than air’

accept ‘the upthrust on the air balloon is less than the weight of the balloon’

(b) any one from 1

·  air is a mixture accept ‘air contains different gases’

air is not a single element or compound

‘air is not a single substance’ is not sufficient

(c) (i) B 1

(ii) C 1

(iii) G 1

(d) (i) any one from 1

·  helium particles are smaller

accept ‘molecules’ or ‘atoms’ for particles

·  helium particles move faster

(ii) any one from 1

·  aluminium particles or atoms are closer together

rubber particles or molecules are further apart

accept ‘rubber particles or molecules have bigger gaps between them’


4. (a) conduction 1

(b) (i) it rises accept ‘it forms a convection current’ 1
or ‘it floats to the top’

any one from 1

·  it expands accept ‘the molecules move further apart’

it becomes less dense accept ‘the particles move more quickly’

(ii) any one from 1

·  the atoms or particles in a solid cannot move

accept ‘the atoms cannot move around or are fixed’

·  the atoms or particles are bonded tightly

accept ‘particles are bonded’

·  iron is not fluid accept ‘iron has a fixed shape’

do not accept ‘iron is a solid’

(c) (i) evaporation accept ‘evaporating’ 1

(ii) any one from 1

·  it gets colder

it decreases accept ‘it loses heat’


Thomas Estley Community College 2