Mark Twain Elementary

PTO Meeting

December 10, 2014


II.Principle's Report (Possibly)

  1. hour of code this week - kids enjoyed it and it will be a big initiative.
  2. Funding - appeal for loss of magnet funding was denied. Still trying to get details.
  3. Mr. Deering is retiring Dec. 19th and the position will be closed but we will work on getting part time help and volunteers. Brandy McDaniel is organizing library volunteers for us.
  4. Traffic management - Police officer we hired has not been here consistently because of traffic. Conversations continue. Carpool lasts 13 minutes. We are looking at making traffic, specifically at Stella Link and Aberdeen, better.

III.Approval of Minutes - approved with 30 votes

IV.Reception for Mr. Deering next Wed. -

  1. Need baked goods.
  2. Collecting for a gift and meals
  3. Amy Allen - community director is responsible for coordinating faculty items like this. Collection, card, gift…

V.President’s report

a.Pony Up Update -

  1. switching focus to “Pony Up for Programs” and put the playground on hold because we want to focus on securing LDC and ancillary programs. Use this for paddles up.
  2. Ms. Patin would like the PTO to increase annual gift from $100k to $165.

b.Moving Forward – Tightening the Belt

i.Hospitality - reduce snacks, teacher lunches - move to parents brining food or treats. PTO provide snack only 1x/month.

ii.Facilities - just completed many one time items so this line item can shrink

iii.Bingo Prizes- Looking for donation. Holiday gifts that are duplicates or not right for you might be great prizes at Bingo Night.

c. Coverage for Teachers Breakfast - 12/18 Need to get 1 or 2 parents to volunteer in each class while teachers enjoy breakfast - Sarah Callahan Baker to Coordinate

V.Bash Update

  1. contracts signed, food set to be done by Bebe’s cafe, Audi supplying open bar. DJ price has gone up, still have Auction Star, Tables,
  2. Lots of good trips, gift cards… looking for things like Galveston beach home, or services like meals, organization…
  3. will send a ‘what is bash’ coming out next week and translation after break

VI.Fundraising/Triathlon Report

  1. chairs not present so full report next month
  2. Mixed bag $3700 profit
  3. Camp out made $1500
  4. New gift cards in the School Store - will discontinue program

Ancillary Appreciation - how are we handling it this year?

Kinder assigned the 7 ancillaries to classes

4th assigned 11 specialists to classes

Need to notify other grade level reps / room parents

Idea - add an item to Friends and Family to give $10 toward specialists and staff gifts for next year


11thHoliday Music Program

19thField Day

22nd – Jan. 2nd Winter Break


14thPTO Meeting 8:15 am

16thBingo Night

29thFine Arts Night