Hospitals Asylums
Title 24 US Code
Spring Equinox Edition © 20 March, 2004; 29 Muharram, 1425; 28 Adar, 5764
Secretary Sanders, pg.
I. Congressional and Senatorial Budget Summary Justification………………..…….2
II. International Development (ID) Acts of Spring 2004
A. The Electoral Situation in Haiti……………………………………………………4
B. Palestinian Israeli Treaty: Governor Haddad Palestinian Monetary Authority v. Governor Klein Bank of Israel, ICJ…………………………………………………...6
C. De Afghanistan Central Bank v. Bank One Trust Co.…………………………….38
D. The Constitution of Afghanistan…………………………………………………..58
E. AMENDED H.R.3289 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Security and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004……………………………….101
F. AMENDED S.1161 Foreign Assistance Authorization Act, fiscal year 2004…………………………..………………………………………………………134
III. Military Budget Adjustment (MBA) Acts of Spring 2004
A. AMENDED H.R.2658 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2004………192
B. H.R.2559 Military Construction Appropriations Act, 2004 Un adjusted.………...221
IV. Justice Get Well Soon Recommendation for Homeopathic Institution Dissolution
A. Correction Constitution: Amending Repealed Freedmen’s Hospital 24 US Code Chapter 6 Sections 261-270………………………………………………………….233
B. Hamilton County Courthouse v. Queensgate Correctional Facility Application for a Writ of Certiorari Campbell v. Moyer Ohio Supreme Court Case # 91-2137.……...269
C. Smith v. Johnson No. C-030643 appeal for release after 1 year on 4/1/04……….276
D. Cambell v. Moyer Ohio Supreme Court #91-2137……………………………….305
E. Tip Top Dismissed………………………………………………………………..323
F. Michael Luebbe v. Judge Cooper for immediate release………………………….326
G. Bill Erpenbeck Co. & Peoples Bank of Northern Kentucky dissolved circa 2002 v. FBI and S. Ohio District Judge Spiegel for immediate release……………………….329
H. Elect the World Court in the World………………………………………………..332
I. Congressional and Senatorial Budget Summary Justification
A. This Budget Supplemental to the Hearing AID Act of 2004 is submitted to the President for ratification and publication in the Federal Register before July 16th in accordance with 31USC(11))§1106. It is drafted for 2 legitimate purposes of the US;
(1) to levy 1% of $11,466 billion US GDP under Article 23 of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development 2542 (XXIV) A/7630 (1969) by appropriating $68 billion funds from within international development acts that were contaminated with defense spending. These funds will make $96.8 billion direct payments on our nations (CIA est.) $862 billion external debt this 2004 and create a perpetual US AID fund >$109 billion for administration of welfare relief to the poorest people in the world.
(2) to adjust the military budget total to be below $300 billion this Spring in order to make $70 billion progress, reducing the budget deficit from $520 billion to $450 billion, while eliminating material support provided to terrorists (acts of war) 18USC(113B)§2339A
B. H.R.3289 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Security and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004 AMENDED to Transfer $66,179,615,000 from the Department of Defense to USAID for new international development investment of $72,864,600,000 with a reserve of $18,649,000,000 for Iraq reconstruction.
C. S.1161 Foreign Assistance Authorization Act, fiscal year 2004 (Reported in Senate) AMENDED 3/20&21/04 for $17,777,374,000 international development investment
D. H.R.2658 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2004 AMENDED 3/20&21 2004 alternately Titled, Military Budget Adjustment of Spring 2004 calling for total military budget reduction as follows $371,780,000,000 x 0.777 = $289,162,190,000
E. H.R.2559 Military Construction Appropriations Act, 2004 $9,757,243,000
F. Furthermore this Act shall introduce to both Congress and the Department of Defense the option to vote to
1. to change the name of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to United States Military Department (MD)
2. to revert the name of the Secretary of Defense (SoD) to Military Secretary (MS)
G. Ensure that USAID has fund to immediately begin administering grants as follows,
1. Afghanistan $16.3 billion ($5 billion Spring);
2. Haiti $1.5 billion;
3. Palestine $2 billion Spring (another $1 billion Fall if the coin and note are cataloged and 1,000 USD – 1,000 ID yearly dividends are paid)
H. Honoring US Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense under Bush Sr., as the most murderous official in the world, since the impeachment of Saddam Hussein. He should consider resigning from the Republican vice-presidential ticket and a peaceful and secure candidate found to replace him.
I. The Afghanistan Freedom Act (9&10/ 2001) HR3049, HR 3088 and SJ 23 PL-107-40 Authorizing the United States Armed Forces for Use in Afghanistan, expired under Art I Sec. 8 Par. 12 US Constitution on 10/03. Immediate retirement is required for education benefits under 38USC§7653.and HJRes.114 §3 to Authorize the Use of Force Against Iraq 2002 that expires 6/2004. The President or legislature must take responsibility to retire troops under 22USC(24A)§1965 and the US Constitution.
J. Compensating and releasing innocent Luebbe $10,000 & Erpenbeck $50,000 and convicted Johnson $6,900
K. Dissolving the (elected) worst criminal court in the world and associated county jails.
L. Publishing the Correction Constitution in Title 24 US Code Chapter 6 Freedmen’s Hospital;
M. Appointing Hospitals & Asylums Secretary Sanders, by signature of the US President and confirmation of 2/3 of the Senate Hospitals & Asylums Committee Knocking (SHACK) for a $1 million a year federal contract affording Internet publication and co-operation with a quorum of 10 Senators and/or Congress(wo)men interested in legislating and litigating Hospitals & Asylums (HA) 24 US Code yearly equinox & solstice (yes).
N. In final analysis of the following budget appropriations and forfeitures it can be determined that;
1. The US International Development Fund has increased from,
a. $17 billion in 2002,
b. to $37 billion in 2003;
c. to $31 billion budget ($6 billion 2004 Iraq Fund Spending estimate) legislated for 2004;
d. to $109 billion under this Act of 2004 including the $18,649,000,000 allocated to the Iraqi Reconstruction Fund (reserve) until 2006
e. with an international development budget of $96.6 billion for 2004.
i. Congress should feel honored to serve the poorest people in the world with
welfare and empowered lead the United Nations to pay 1% of their GDP to this
international co-operative social welfare fund that might be able to raise as much
as $400 billion a year under the Declaration of Social Progress and Development.
ii. Another appropriation of $6 billion will be considered should the USAID reserve
fall below $22.8 billion.
iii. The internatinal development budget of 1% of the GDP shall be incorporated into
the Mandatory Budget Appropriations of the Office of Management and Budget.
2. As a discretionary budget appropriation with a recognized budget surplus greater than 30% the US Department of Defense budget shall bear the burden of reducing the Federal Government budget deficit. These spring appropriations shall reduce the total defense budget from $436 to $300 for a $70 billion deficit reduction from $520 billion to $450. Further investigation should discover that larger cuts in defense spending can be made without cutting wages or terminating any legitimate operations.
Draft Resolution
Hospitals & Asylums © Monday February 23, 2004
The Electoral Situation in Haiti
Recalling Resolutions 975 (1995), 1046 (1996), 1063 (1996), 1086 (1996), 1123 (1997), 1141 (1997), 1212 (1998), and 1277 (1999)
Recalling also S/1998/144, S/1998/434, and S/1998/1048
Recalling the 32 coup d’etat that Haiti has suffered including the most recent coup of 1991 that overthrew the current President Aristide in his first elected administration.
Conscious that the armed protest in Haiti that has swept through the country since February 5, 2004 threatens the stability of the country and has killed over 70 people.
Regretting that there is no legal justification for armed protest under Article 31 or any other section of the Haitian Constitution that states,
Freedom of unarmed assembly and association for political, economic, social, cultural or any other peaceful purposes is guaranteed. Political parties and groups shall compete with each other in the exercise of suffrage. They may be established and may carry out their activities freely. They must respect the principles of national and democratic sovereignty. Armed forces must not be part of any political party or group and must remain apolitical.
Failing to be satisfied with the 2000 elections that elected Aristide for a second term foreign assistance has been reduced and the economy is reported to have declined.
Finally the revolutionaries agree to stop fighting with the impeachment of Aristide and the President has consented to step down.
1. the President of the Supreme Court shall serve as acting President under Article 149 of the Constitution and live at the Palacio Nacional.
2. The judge will not be eligible to run in presidential elections.
3. The President Judge of the Supreme Court shall co-operate with the Permanent Election Council to restore peace through democracy.
Purchasing arms is often an effective method for the Civilian Police Force to confidentially suppress terrorism. The International Court of Justice is therefore called upon to solicit to international donors for contributions to the trust fund set up for this purpose in Security Council Resolution 975 (1995).
Soliciting for 8 million Haitians with a per capita of $1,700 and GDP of only $10.6 billion requires immediate cash assistance of $1 USD for emergency elections at a one time cost of 8 million USD not including the rebuilding of the police station.
Electing a new President requires that a professional Haitian who does not bear arms be selected by the Permanent Election Council from the opposition parties to run for office as soon March 20, 2004 so that the new President could start his impeachment proceeding on the first day of Spring.
Running as President in special elections Aristide shall be remembered as the father of Haitian democracy who ran for a second term.
The United Nations remains seized of Hospitals & Asylums Welfare shareholding for Haiti roughly estimated at $1.5 billion USD, 15% of the $10 billion American total, to guarantee Americans $1 USD a day and afford the new elections, injuries, death and property damage preliminarily estimated from the United States at $10-$25 million USD.
Exchange Rates 1 US Dollar = 43.09800 Haitian Gourde,
1 Haitian Gourde (HTG) = 0.02320 (USD)
United Nation Donations > 8 million USD = 344 million HTG needed for elections
Hospitals Asylums
______International Court of Justice, Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands
International Criminal Court. P.O. Box 19519, 2500 CM. The Hague, Netherlands
International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431 USA
Governor Amin M. Haddad Palestine Monetary Authority
Governor David Klein Bank of Israel ______
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
Foreign Relations 306 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C. 20510-1401 USA The Federal Reserve 20th St. and Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20551 USA
The Legal Consequences of Constructing a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
May peace reign in your defenses and prosperity in your fortress (Psalm 122:7) Please advise the cost of this Palestinian Israeli Treaty (PIT) under Article 107 of the Rules of Court upon the world this Spring 2004. All 2.7 million Palestinians and those people accredited under Article 66 of the Statute of the Court shall receive 1,000 USD yearly dividends from $5 billion USD Palestinian welfare state 2004: $0.5 billion Palestine + $1.2 billion Israel + $2 billion US + $1.3 billion USD other that can be increased to 5 billion Islamic Dinars in the Fall for dividends of 1,000 ID-1,464.72 USD- 6,593 Shekels.
Exchange Rate: Saturday March 13, 2004
1 Islamic Dinar ID (hypothetical Palestinian Unit)=1.46472 USD; 1 USD = 0.632726 ID; 1 ID=6.5932906 Israeli New Shekels (ILS); 1 ILS=0.15 ID; 1 US Dollar = 4.50140 Israeli New Shekel; 1 ILS = 0.22215 US Dollar (USD)
Area: 26,990 sq km/16,734 sq mi (20,770 sq km/12,887 sq mi in Israel; 6220 sq km/3856 sq mi in Gaza and the West Bank), Population: 8.5 million (5.8 million in Israel; 2.7 million in Palestine), Capital city: Jerusalem; pop 623,000, People: Jewish (80%), Muslim (15%), Christians (1.7%) and Druze (1.3%), Language: Hebrew, Arab & English, Religion: Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Government: Republic , Palestine President: Yasser Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister: Ariel Sharon, GDP: US$122 billion in Israel, $4 billion in Gaza and the West Bank + $4.5 billion proposed foreign investment GDP per head: US$12,7536, US$19,000 in Israel; US$1600 in Gaza and the West Bank, $3,450 proposed), Annual growth: 5%, Inflation: Israeli 4.5%, Major industries: Metal, defense, machinery, technology, diamonds, chemicals, Major trading partners: USA, UK, Belgium/Luxembourg, Germany, Number of Palestinians Misplaced by the Construction of the Wall: 160,000
Section Heading
§0 Palestinian Israeli Treaty (PIT) 1947-2004
§1 International Court of Justice 2003-2004
§2 Operation Defensive Wall 2002-2004
§3 Death Rates 1987-2002
§4 Articles of Association
§5 The Monetary Authority
§6 Minting the Islamic Dinar
§7 Welfare
§8 Education
§9 Biblical Israeli Basic Law Education
§10 Return of the Jews late 19th and early 20th Century
§11 Israeli Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel 1948
§12 Ben-Gurion 1948-1953
§13 Mosher Sharett Expulsion 1953-1955
§14 Ben Gurion 1955-1963
§15 Levi Eshkol 1963-1969
§16 Golda Meir 1969-1974
§17 Yitzhak Rabin 1974-1977
§18 Menachem Begin 1977-1983
§19 Yitzhk Shamir Transition 1983-1984
§20 Shimon Peres 1984-1986
§21 Yitzhak Shamir 1986-1992
§22 Yitzak Rabin 1992-1995
§23 Shimon Peres 1995-1996
§24 Binyamin Netayahu 1996-1999
§25 Erud Barak 1999-2001
§26 Ariel Sharon 2001-2005
§27 Yasser Arafat 1969-present
§28 Declaration of Principles 1993
§29 Oslo II 1995
§30 Draft Constitution 2002-2004
§31 Prime Minister
§32 Palestinian Legislative Council
§33 Constituting the Court
§34 Deed of Incorporation
§0 Palestinian Israeli Treaty (PIT) 1947-2004
A. UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947) recognizes the partition between the State of Israel and State of Palestine. The resolution called for the Constituent Assembly of each State to draft a democratic constitution for its State and choose a provisional government to succeed the Provisional Council of Government appointed by the Commission. Both nations have failed to fully comply with this reasonable demand. Although founding a government immediately Israel didn’t begin drafting their Basic Law that serves as a constitution until 1960 or offer suffrage until 1992. The Palestinians couldn’t afford a democratic government in the Occupied Territories until 1993, have general elections until 1996, nor did they draft a constitution until 2002 that still needs to be fully implemented. Most critically Palestine lacks a national currency. Resolution 181 Clause 10 directs constitutions of the States to include provisions for:
(a) Establishing in each State a legislative body elected by universal suffrage and by secret ballot on the basis of proportional representation, and an executive body responsible to the legislature;
(b) Settling all international disputes in which the State may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered;
(c) Accepting the obligation of the State to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity of political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations;
(d) Guaranteeing to all persons equal and non-discriminatory rights in civil, political, economic and religious matters and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of religion, language, speech and publication, education, assembly and association;
(e) Preserving freedom of transit and visit for all residents and citizens of the other State in Palestine and the City of Jerusalem, subject to considerations of national security, provided that each State shall control residence within its borders.