November 17, 2009

1:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Wyndham Indianapolis West

2544 Executive Drive

Indianapolis, IN 46241


Present CPG Members:

Brinegar, Emily / Greene, Latorya / Morton, Ramon, Community Co-Chair / Perez, Andrea, State Co-Chair / Urias Hail, Anna
Gillespie, Tony / Hughes, Mark / Nash, Rico / Rush, Nathan / Woods, Wendy
Goode, Angela / Lozano, Dolly / Pasco, Larry / Stanley, Debra

Absent CPG Members:

Grudi, April
Prado-Reyna, Laura (Dolly Lozano as Proxy)
Vesga, Jesus

Present ISDH Staff:

Arnold, Vivian
Bain, Cena
Hillman, Dan

Present Technical Advisors:

Exom, Michael / Quintero, Liliana
Feldheiser, Rochelle / Wilder-Hamilton, Elonda
Ohmit, Anita / Yoder, Beth


Jimison, Larry, Brother’s United
Meyerson, Beth, Policy Resource Group, LLC
Miller, Marissa, Brother’s United


  • Meeting Began at 10:10 a.m. (Quorum not established)
  • All Present Attendees introduced themselves, region, and populations they represent.
  • Ground Rules read by Rochelle Feldheiser

-September 15 2009 Self-Assessment reviewed.

  • Questions arose regarding #13 comment; placed under new/old business for further clarification.

Division Update – Given by Andrea Perez

-To date, no new division director selected.

-Susan Newton is new Communities of Color Program Director.

- Susan’s old position to be posted soon..

-Awards for 2010 cycle have been made; further discussion will occur at 11:00 a.m.

-During 1st week of December, ISDH will be hosting a Statewide meeting in Bloomington for CTR and CRCS sites. Updates surrounding policies and procedures will be included.

Further Update Given by Cena Bain

-World AIDS Day events listed and provided.

- ISDH has applied for funding for National Women’s and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, update will be provided once funding decision is made

Executive Committee Minutes were reviewed.

-Questions regarding letter to TA-

  • Further clarification placed under new/old business as it relates to other concerns.

10:30 – Quorum Established – Meeting Officially Called to Order by Andrea Perez

-September 15, 2009 CPG minutes reviewed and accepted with the following additions/corrections.

  • Latorya Greene was present.


Needs Assessment

-No report

Membership Committee – Debra Stanley

-Some new policies were approved yesterday and some were sent back to committee for additional work.

-Membership committee erred in electing TA’s in 2009.

  • Membership committee should have referred TA’s to ISDH to make further contact and invite those individuals as TA’s.
  • For present TA’s; role has not changed; however, ISDH will ensure that TA’s are comfortable within their present committees.

-All applications go to Cena; then forwarded to membership committee (excluding applicant’s name) for decision/recommendation to full body.

-TA only applications will be forwarded to ISDH only.

  • CPG Members are free to recruit TA.
  • CPG should notify ISDH of TA needs.
  • Membership is to ensure that ISDH follows thru with TA request

Epi/Populations Committee

-No report

Interventions Committee

-No report

Hispanic Ad Hoc – Dolly Lozano on behalf of Laura Prado-Reyna

-Committee has gathered some info and surveyed some agencies

-Would like to provide a more detailed report in January.

-Discussion ensued surrounding role of Hispanic Ad Hoc committee; Executive to get with Laura, Committee Chair to discuss purpose/charge of Hispanic Ad Hoc Committee.


- Presently in data analysis stage.

-Coding focus groups transcripts – 7 total focus groups conducted.

-Level of Participation

  • Survey (different from focus group)
  • Demographics survey (completed at focus groups)
  • Focus Groups

-Class and Stigma barriers; which will be elaborated during focus group discussions.

  • Over 400 surveys completed; 393 qualified 372 paper surveys and 21 online surveys, 91 surveys completed by individuals in the surrounding areas.

-Data collection completed by 3 individuals.

-76 MSM participated in the 7 focus groups

-Sexual Practices examined

-Final project to be completed by December 30, 2009.

-Question raised surrounding left over funds for the MSM project (implementation); Andrea to get with Larry for clarification.


-Data is from 2008; data is always one year behind.

* Recommendation made to accept 2009 Epi Profile as presented by Dan Hillman.

- Consensus Made.


*Recommendation made to accept new policy surrounding Meeting Minute Documentation.

- Consensus Made.

-Further discussion regarding the removal of a CPG member during the September 15, 2009 meeting.

  • Brief explanation provided to full body
  • Some members felt that perception of the events should be further explained.
  • Infractions will be documented as per the Standard Code of Conduct Policy.




-Nate Rush, The Bethlehem House is hiring a Case Manager/Outreach worker to assist in the care for Women recently released from incarceration. Requirements: Bachelor or related work experience. Resumes should be sent to or forwarded to Nate Rush (he will ensure that it gets to the appropriate individuals).

-Rico Nash, Aliveness Project was awarded funding for two (2) DIS workers for both HIV and STD’s.

-Anna Urias Hail, on 12/15 the Indianapolis Urban league will be hosting an event for those who are effected by HIV. Event time is 9 to 3.

-Liliana Quintero, 1900 individuals attended the Hispanic Health Fair in September, all negative tests provided.

-Larry Pasco, Urges individuals to contact their Senators regarding the restrictions of the Syringe Exchange. The ban will be lifted; however, no needle exchanges within 1,000 feet of a school or other childcare facility.

-Larry Pasco, needs a free donated laptop.

-Larry Pasco, has enabled a Twitter page for his Outreach program.

-Ramon Morton, celebrated a birthday on November 1.

-Emily Brinegar, Positive Link will be hiring for 3 new positions: 1. 17 hrs/wk on Latino Outreach, 2 Full-time housing Case Manager, and 3. 27 hr/wk to assist in the MPowerment Outreach program. Send resumes to

-Elonda Wilder-Hamilton, celebrated a birthday on 11/15.

-Mark Hughes, will be celebrating his birthday this Sunday

-Tony Gillespie, Brother’s Uplifting Brother’s and Aliveness Project will be hosting 4 World AIDS Day events that were developed by Social Interns, information will be forwarded to Cena Bain.

Adjourn at 3:40 p.m.

NEXT MEETING ON December 14, 2009 AT 10:00 A.M.

S:\HIV\PREVENTION\Community Planning Group\MINUTES\CPG Mtg Minutes\2009\November 17, 2009