If you click on WINRATS and then open you should find a range of programs, LOAD PANEL.PRG and then run it. I want the more difficult bits explained (click on ‘hlp’ and figure out what is going on). Also after:

dec vect[series] idummies(10)

do i=1,10

set idummies(i) = %indiv(t)==i

end do i


Print(dates) / idummies

What do you get?

Having done this email me both the results and the explanation by next Thursday. I will then email further feebdback back to you by the Friday. Finally any thoughts on how you might do the Hausmann test in panel data? Next week we will be looking at Hausmann.prg, program – also attached. It is connected with 3SLS.



* Manual example 14.2


cal(panelobs=20) 1935

all 10//1954:1

open data grunfeld.dat



* Do fixed and random effect. The intercept is dropped

* from the fixed effects regression since it will be

* wiped out as a time-invariant variable


preg(method=fixed) invest

# firmvalue cstock

preg(method=random) invest

# constant firmvalue cstock


* Do fixed effects as least squares with dummy variables


dec vect[series] idummies(10)

do i=1,10

set idummies(i) = %indiv(t)==i

end do i

linreg invest

# firmvalue cstock idummies


* Do random effects by using panel data transformations.

* %vrandom and %vindiv are the estimates of the component

* variances from the preg instructions. The coefficient

* estimates are identical to those from pregress, but the

* standard errors are slightly different because of the

* linreg on the transformed variables estimates a new

* sigma**2, while pregress using the %vrandom value.


compute theta=1-sqrt(%vrandom/(%vrandom+20*%vindiv))

panel(entry=1.0,indiv=-theta) invest / ifix

panel(entry=1.0,indiv=-theta) firmvalue / ffix

panel(entry=1.0,indiv=-theta) cstock / cfix

set constfix = 1-theta

linreg ifix

# constfix ffix cfix



* Manual Example 6.6


cal 1920 1 1

allocate 1941:1

open data klein.dat

data(org=obs,format='(7x,9f8.3)') / consumption $

profit privwage invest klagged production govtwage govtexp taxes

set wagebill = privwage+govtwage

set trend = t-1931:1

set capital = klagged+invest

smpl 1921:1 1941:1

instruments constant trend govtwage govtexp taxes profit{1} $

capital{1} production{1}


equation conseq consumption

# constant profit{0 1} wagebill

equation invseq invest

# constant profit{0 1} capital{1}

equation wageeq privwage

# constant production{0 1} trend



* Compute 2SLS estimates using SUR. Save the covariance matrix

* of residuals in VCV2SLS, the coefficients and %XX matrix in



sur(inst,isigma=%identity(3),outsigma=vcv2sls) 3

# conseq

# invseq

# wageeq

compute [symmetric] cov2sls=%xx

compute [vector] beta2sls=%beta


* Compute covariance matrix of 2SLS. Apply SUR with

* ISIGMA=INV(VCV2SLS), then compute the matrix expression from

* the preceding page.


sur(inst,noprint,nosigma,isigma=inv(vcv2sls)) 3

# conseq

# invseq

# wageeq

compute cov2sls=%mqform(inv(%xx),cov2sls)


* Compute 3SLS estimates.


sur(inst) 3

# conseq

# invseq

# wageeq


compute %xx=cov2sls-%xx
