We are announcing a new program targeting junior faculty researchers. This program was piloted by the OFA in conjunction with Olin Business School this past spring and was well received by participants.

Effective Research Execution (ERE) introduces the fundamental business concepts of strategy, execution and leadership to physicians and scientists at the WUSM. The course comprises three sections that develop frameworks for understanding and applying competitive advantage, operational excellence and managing organizational dynamics directly to the pursuit of grants, the managing of research programs, as well as the building and influencing of key stakeholders. The course is designed to accelerate and enhance faculty careers at the medical school. The program consists of six half-day sessions held in the Mid-Campus Center on the Washington University Medical Campus.

If interested in this program, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs at

Program Fee: $1900.00

Application Deadline: December 1, 2017

Attendance at all six sessions is mandatory.

All sessions will be held in Room 1404, first floor of the Mid Campus Center on the WUSM campus (4590 Children’s Place).

r  Bill my department fund (please provide dept. fund number) ______

r  I will pay by personal check (please enclose check made payable to Washington University


Please see page 2 for session descriptions.

The program consists of six half-day sessions:

Session 1: Strategy and Career Development January 25-26, 2018 1:30-5:00 pm

This session reviews the fundamentals of what a strategy is, how to create one, and the importance of developing and maintaining competitive advantage. Ties strategy to the allocation of resources. Connects various frameworks and concepts to the research and grants environment that physicians and scientist work in.

Session 2: Operations and Project Management February 15-16, 2018 1:00-4:30 pm

The first half of this session covers fundamental principles in operations management to build effective and efficient processes in organizations. The second component uses a simulation to convey key elements in project management. Builds understanding of how to manage stakeholders in the context of project execution.

Session 3: Understanding and Managing Organizational Dynamics March 8-9, 2018 1:00-4:30 pm

This session helps participants dissect an (or their) organization to improve understanding of how it functions – both formally and informally (e.g., organizational charts vs. key relational links). Builds understanding of political dynamics within organizations, and how to function effectively within that dynamic. Covers aspects of how to lead through influence, particularly when no direct line of accountability exists.

All sessions will be held in Room 1404, first floor of the Mid Campus Center on the WUSM campus (4590 Children’s Place). Attendance at all six sessions is mandatory.