
It’s Christmas Time…one of my favorite times of the year! I love so many things about this time of the year; family traditions, the decorations, Christmas music, my husband, Jim Crosby, baking his amazing variety of cookies, festive get-togethers with friends, shopping for that perfect gift for the ones on my list, spending extra time with family. Most of all, I love that at this time of year it is all about others. It is about giving!

If giving back to others is not a part of your family Christmas traditions already; maybe this is the year that you find a way to be involved in giving to others in need. There are so many ways to give this time of year. Churches, civic organizations and schools are busy doing thoughtful events to give to those in need this holiday season. Just look around and you will be able to find opportunities to give back in a meaningful way for the Christmas season.

The Locker is in the giving business every day of the year but like everyone else our heart strings are tugged harder this time of the year. The students host the Reindeer Run to “run for shoes for kids in need”. The students feel good knowing they are helping to give back to their community in a big way during the holidays. The Locker provides a way for students to be directly involved in planning their own service projects and making a difference in other’s lives in a personal and positive way….”Kids Helping Kids”!

My hope for each of you is that you feel the joy of this blessed season and that you reach out in some small way this year to touch the life of another person that you have never met. You will find such fulfillment in the giving.

Merry Christmas!

Karen Crosby

Executive Director


As the weather turns colder, and the holidays get closer, our needs begin to change. Students will be out of school for a few weeks, and for many students this means that food is scarce. We help students year round with gift cards, but need more this time of year. If you would like to help please let us know.

$5 gift cards for fast food


Athletic Pants

Sleeping Bags


Fleece Blankets