Pastor Charles Holmes



202 Now we notice that through the types. We could take even David, as I spoke of a while ago, going off his throne, rejected by his own people; going up the same mountain, Mount of Olives, as he's going over to his prison. He was going to his prison house because he was rejected of his brethren and of his own people. He went up, weeping. That was the Spirit of Christ in him, to be rejected as he looked up over Jerusalem and wept, and said, "Jerusalem, how oft would I..." A rejected king. Eight hundred years later, the Son of David stood on Jerusalem, up there above Jerusalem, and rejected, and wept over Jerusalem, and said, "Now your hour has come." That's right. See?

203 All those things typed Him, just in type, but yet the mystery was hid. Them men didn't know what they were doing. They only knew that they were led by the Spirit to do some. Now, holding it back in the last days, for the great revelation. But, expressing it, express Himself in Moses, and David, and Joseph, and Elijah, and on down through. You... we could take each one of those prophets, and bring their lives out and show it expressed Jesus Christ perfectly, exactly, yet never giving His secret in full; waiting for to make it known in the last days as He promised, waiting for it to be fully comprehended, see, before He could express it, if He told the whole thing.

204 Because, the Bible is written in mysteries. Jesus thanked the Father for it, see, that It was wrote in mysteries.

205 Now, the Coming of the Lord is in mystery. We don't know when He's coming, how He's coming, but we know He is coming. See? And so was all the mysteries of God waiting for this last day. After He's already been completed, then He reveals and shows what He's done. Oh, my! Never gave His mystery in full.

206 It's just like this, comparing the Seven Seals. Now, when God used Martin Luther for the coming out for that first church or that church age, and when He used John Wesley, and He gradually brought them out, and was revealing in them that church age, when we... when it goes back through the Bible now and find out. But in the last days, the reason that was such a tremendous thing, that He spoke of it here and showed those Seven Thunders. And Look and Life ma-...

207 Life magazine then packed that Circle of a Cloud and Light there that they could not understand, and don't know it yet. But here telling, "Go there and wait for these mysteries to be revealed," and here months before it happened, and then it happened at exactly the way He said it would do. Did you notice in that picture? Even that Angel on the right, when He was being materialized, coming down, with His wings back and His head setting sideways, there it is right there in the picture, just exactly. Months before it happened, told here, that, "He's going to bring the Body of believers together; to reveal, take up them lost ends."


77 Now, the--the 8th chapter only reveals the scene of--the scene of the Seventh Seal where nothing else is revealed. Now, nothing is not revealed in the Seventh Seal. Now, has nothing to do with the 7th chapter of--of Revelation. It's the revealing of the Seventh Seal is perfectly mute. And if I only had time (I'll try a few places.) to show you all the way back from Genesis this 7th chapter--this Seventh Seal is--is spoke of. From the very beginning in Genesis, this seventh--these Seals moved right up.

Couldn't you remember this morning bringing these things up? And watch tonight bringing them up, and you find out when it gets to that Seventh Seal, she cuts off. Just... Jesus Christ, is speaking Himself, told of the end time and when He got--told all six Seals; when He got to Seventh, He stopped. There it is. See? It's a great thing.


457 "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. And as the days of Lot," when a modern Billy Graham, Oral Roberts went down into Sodom and preached to them Sodomites, and blinded their eyes, see, with the Gospel. One Angel stayed back, a Messenger with Abraham and the Elected group, and what kind of a sign did He do? See? And what did Abraham call Him? Elohim, God manifested in flesh. Jesus showing that He Himself, God in Him, will be manifested in His Bride in the last days! Oh, my, my! Just no end to it; just a revelation of God! It's Eternal, just keeps moving on and on and on.


137 It needs no interpreter, for the Bible said that God does His Own interpreting of the Bible. "It's of no private interpretation," said Peter. All right.

138 And all the Scripture is Divinely given, Divinely set in order, and the whole thing is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The New and Old Testament, where they foretold of Him coming, what He would do when He got here, and what He would do in this age to come. So that makes Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. See?

Like in Hebrews there, when Paul wrote it. He is God, "Jesus Christ yesterday," of the Old Testament. He is "Jesus Christ today," manifested in the flesh. "And He's Jesus Christ forever," in the Spirit, "to come." See? See? "Same yesterday, today, and forever."

And He ever lives to make His Word live what It said It would do for that age. He is alive.

139 He was alive in the Old Testament, manifested. I just want to let you see a little something here, if you can stand it. Watch, when Jesus was manifested in the Old Testament, as we believe it.

Now, you preachers out there, you can argue with it, do whatever you want to, but I'm talking for my... what I think. See?

140 When Jesus was manifested in the Old Testament, in a theophany, in the person of Melchisedec; not a priesthood, but the Person, the Man. See? For, this Man had yet not been born, but He was in a theophany, so He had no father, no mother. He was God Himself. He was manifested in the form of a Man, called, "King of Salem, which is King of Peace, and King of Righteousness." See? He was Melchisedec. "He had neither father nor mother, beginning of days or ending of life." See? It was Jesus in a theophany, in the form of a Man. Could you go that? All right.

141 Then He was made actually human flesh, and dwelled among us, in the Person of Jesus Christ Himself, born of the virgin Mary. He come in that form so He could die, and went back into Heaven.

Now in this last days, He has promised to manifest Himself in the fullness again, of His flesh, in Spirit. See? "For as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." Now look at the Sodom, how it set, and what taken place. And Jesus Christ being manifested in bodily form, of His Church today, see, doing the same thing, same work, same things that He did all the time, never changes, the Eternal One. See? And upon earth today, He has manifested Himself in the human bodies, our human bodies that He has called, and done exactly the same thing He done in sundry times, and in the times of His flesh upon the earth. And doing the same thing today, because, "God in sundry times spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last days through His Son, Jesus Christ." See, the Son being revealed in the last days, God manifested in human flesh, setting just before Sodom's destruction, the end of the Gentile world. You see it?

There is three manifestations.

142 Now, the next thing happens, is when it's all gathered up into that one Person, Jesus Christ, Bride and Body, at the physical return of the Lord Jesus. Making His three times... When He was brought on earth; killed, crucified, raised up. Manifesting Hisself in the form of His Body, which is His Bride, the Woman. You get it? She is part of His Body.

And the woman and man is just so close together, till they're just almost... They are the same. They ought to be, anyhow. There they are, see, they just exactly manifested the same. She is a part of him, because she was taken out from him.

And the Bride today is taken out from the body of Christ, which is acting and doing just exactly like He said It would do for this day, the Bride, the Queen; King and the Queen.


221 Now, after nineteen hundred years, with the church ages past, and all the things that He prophesied of Luther, Wesley, we just went through and seen it drawed out, and the moon come down and drawed it out, and the Lord drawed it on the board here for us, and showed it, and come down Himself and confirmed it to be right. After nineteen hundred years, and we're at the end of the Laodicea church age, He promised, in Luke 17:30, that this same Son of man (He promised it) would be revealed in the days like it was in Sodom, upon the earth. Did He do it? Does it have to come to pass? It's impossible... Now, remember, He come in three names: the Son of man, a prophet; the Son of God, the Spirit; the Son of David, for the Millennium. But in between, this conjunction, now according to His own Words, in the day when the Son of man shall be revealed, reveal Himself as (what? not Son of God) Son of man. Will reveal Hisself in a different way. Now, what does that make? Malachi 4, exactly right. See, the Son of man will reveal Himself, not in a whole big denominations and things, as we've had through the ages, but He would manifest Himself as Son of man again, to make manifest Malachi 4.



123 Watch what He said. "A little while, and the world sees Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you. You will see Me; the believer." Same yesterday, today, and forever! Yes. "A little while, and the world sees Me no more." It can't see Him; their eyes are blind.

124 But when you see the Son of man revealed, the Word come back in human flesh! A Man that eat the flesh of a calf, drink the milk from a cow, eat cakes that was made on a hearth, and was called "Elohim," amen, a Man with dusty clothes on, God manifested in flesh. There He was on earth, manifested in the flesh, and said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, when the Son of man is being revealed in the last days, the world would be in a Sodom condition," and here it is. Brother, sister, ladies and gentlemen, whatever you might be, this is the hour, and the interpretation belongs to God. May God open our blinded eyes to a Scripture promise, know that we're living in the last days. Amen!


264 Look, I want to say one more thing. Closely now; don't miss this. How striking! From the seventh angel's (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message in Revelations 10, was the Seventh Seal, to the Seven Trumpets, between those two times...

265 O God, how can we say This, to make the people see It?

266 It's between that Sixth Trumpet, and the Sixth Trumpet and... The Sixth Trumpet and the Sixth Seal sounds at the same time. And between the Sixth Trumpet and the Seventh Trumpet, there is a prophet to appear before the Gentiles, to call the people back to the original pentecostal Doctrine; and the two witnesses of Revelations 11 appear to the Jews, to send them to Jesus, while the Church is being taken up. All of them, prophets! Amen! The Word of the Lord cannot be broken. It won't be a denomination! Do you see it?

Not when he starts out doing this, but, "When he begins to sound his Message." See? Not the years in preparation, but, "When he begins to sound the Message, these mysteries then will be revealed." And here they are; not knowing them, and you people are a witness of that.


167 And then in that great observatory, so that the world will be without, they're still wondering what happened. In Tucson, them big observatories took the picture of it up there; still wondering what happened. What is it? They still put in the paper, "Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?" There is no fog up there, there's no air, there's no moisture; thirty miles high in the air. Oh, my!

"There shall be signs in the heaven above. And when these things take place, earthquakes in divers places, then shall appear the sign in the heaven, of the Son of man." "That day," in Luke, "the Son of man will reveal Himself again; being revealed, Hisself." And the world will look like Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh, my!

Brethren, don't be ignorant of spiritual things, see. "Search the Scriptures, for in Them you think Eternal, you have Eternal Life; and They are They that testify of the Word." They are They that testify of the Truth, the things that God is doing in this hour.

168 And now what? They that have the Spirit of God, wait for these things. And when they see those things, they believe those things. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that the Father has given Me," He is the Word, "they will come to Me. They will come to Me."

169 I've been pretty rough this morning, see. They wait on the Lord, waiting; and when they do, and they see that promise of today, being vindicated, it renews their faith in His Word. Cause, He promised to do it, and here He is doing it. Then there's no doubt. God speaks. His Word, first, speaks. And then the Spirit that's a bringing It does the thing that the Word said It would do.


261 Revelations 10, said, "In the days of the sounding of the seventh angel." Now remember, seventh, Laodicea Church Age. "The sounding of that angel," when that church age is done denominated and become a church age, when it's done in its Pentecostal organization; when the messenger to that...

What was each messenger? What was Martin Luther? A rebuke to the Catholic. What was Wesley? A rebuke to them Lutherans. What was the Pentecost? A rebuke to them others. Where has the Life gone now? Away from an organization. No more shuck; it's the Grain. What is it? A rebuke to the Pentecost, see, to fulfill the Scripture of this hour. See?


262 Notice, the very day when this messenger... Not when he starts on, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more, there is no more higher order to reveal the Word, than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be vindicated is by the Word. And, remember, the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals, to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place, that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again. Just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word, to say It; they appear to impersonate It. Just exactly right. Now you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See, anointed ones!